So sick of feeling sick :(

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Hi girls, I'm Ally..almost 47, married mom of two teenage girls in Maine.  My period started going wonk about a year and a half ago..every two weeks, then back to normal..night sweats, CRANKYPANTS.  I went to my OBGYN, had an ultrasound of my bits, bloodwork, all normal with the exception of a "Heavy uterine lining".  My period is still coming every 3 to 3.5 weeks, 5 or so days, then gone.  What's killing me is these vague, unending symptoms.  Nausea, lower back pain, migraines (I'm prone anyway), aching upper legs/thighs, general lethargy.  Half the time I'm Googling and scaring myself to death thinking I'm having either a heart attack or have some rare and incurable cancer.  I feel like a flake going to my doctor when I can't really name a single problem, but I'm going to have to.  I feel like crap and all I want my old self back.  

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like you may just be starting peri. Those were about the same symptoms I had around that same age. Sbnirmal periods and the start of hot flashes and night sweats. So all normal signs of it.

    Welcome to our world. You will fibd this forum is very helpful and informative on peri and menopause symptons. We're all in this together.

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    google "66 peri menopause". It's another thread here on the Patient forum. It helped me a lot. It lists 66 symptoms which many may sound familiar to you. Also the book "A Strange Period" and "The Fifth Decade" are awesome to read if you are in peri. I read them over and over a lot. Especially when I have some new symptom creep up and it scares me...hang in there! xx

  • Posted

    Thank you, I feel like I'm going crazy half the time, so out of my element.  I hate having things up in the air and not having control and knowing that this is just the beginning of a very long ride makes me MAD.  Hell, everything makes me mad right now.  
    • Posted

      Just get mad and unfortunately we learned to drink wine thru it
    • Posted

      I like that response. Drinking wine helps me.
  • Posted

    Welcome to the forum. I can relate, i was the exact same way.  How dare my hormones try and take control of me when I've always been in control? I was saying that for the past 5 years, until last I finally said, okay, body you need to tell me what I'm doing wrong and with that anything with soy in it, synethic or natural causes my hot flushes to come on. Anything too spicy or hot, hot flushes, gourmet fast food will bring on any of the 66 symptoms to appear. Life can only feel normal once you go on HRT or low dose birth control pills, if you agree to it. It will normalize you but some side notes, possibly weight gained and having to buy new clothes. There are alternatives like don quai, st. john's wort, hot flash pill, flax seed oil, borage oil and flax seed drink. All which have helped me once I got off the birth control pills because I'm prone to some of the contraindications when taking the pills for prolong use. The flax seed drink was the best I would make a week's worth, almost every 5th day. It's all natural and the women in South American countries make it to alleviate symptoms related to this change.  Look through some of the other posts, that will have helpful tips to some of your symptoms and if they don't have tips then at least you'll know you're not alone. So hang in there hon, you're not alone.
  • Posted

    Best thing for the nausea ginger capsules before food ginger tea made with fresh ginger during the day and peppermint tea or peppermint sweets.

    I think a lot if women in peri really worry that they have some awful disease going on.

    Try b12 for the lethargy.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Yes, I tried the peppermint tea, it worked. Ginger slices which I love also helped but the best was the peppermint.
  • Posted

    I do have the peppermint tea, and it does help.  This morning I feel mostly normal, with the exception of aching legs again.  If that's the least of the day's problems I'll feel blessed.
    • Posted

      I had terrible upset tummy aches, headaches, aches at the back of my legs, panicky, tearful days..... in the end I went on HRT which helped enormously - until I found out that I shouldn't be on oestrogen only since I still have a uterus....! that's another story. You are NOT alone and this forum has helped me so much to realise that  xx


  • Posted

    Ooh, I did the googling thing too. Right in the week between Christmas and New Years. I've had a recurring backacke since mid October, and I had just gotten my first period after stopping taking birth control back in July, and thinking it wasn't going to happen again. I didn't give either thing a lot of thought until the period didn't stop after 5 days like it did most often, and they I googled "backache, menopause + bleeding." I don't think the backache is going to kill me, but the stroke I almost gave myself after reading some of the possibilities may still do me in.

    I went to my gynecologist on Friday, she said everything appears to be OK. However, she thinks an ultrasound is in order, so I've got that scheduled for tomorrow. She said she'll have the results in a few days, so I'll have the entire weekend to worry over the results. 

    And, of course, another period started on Monday. I guess it's not over until it's over.

    • Posted

      Gah...nothing like having to's horrible.  I had an ultrasound done a few months ago, only to find out that I have a "shaggy, heavy" uterus.  But the tech told me right there while she was doing it..I didn't have to wait!

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