So sick of this garbage!!

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Why is it that some of us have to suffer so greatly from perimenopause and menopause?? I havent had a period in over a year but feeling sick has just gotten worse since my periods went away instead of getting better!! At least when i had periods i knew when i would feel sick so i could plan to do things while i was well. I would feel bad during ovulation, and before and after my period....I would have one week a month where i could I dont have any good times it seems. Im so angry cause this past weekend i thought the hell was ending. For 3 full days i had an appetite, I didnt feel sick, i had energy, no anxiety or depression at all.....i did have an ovary aching feeling but i didnt mind that....then bam the ovary ache is completely gone but for 2 days im so sick i cant eat, i feel super exhausted & that is making me feel very depressed. Why does it have to be like this??? My mom looks and feels healthy as a horse after menopause, she never suffered like this. She said she has mild anxiety & depression that she takes antidepressants for but other than that shes good! ive tried the antidepressants they make me feel way worse and yes ive taken them for at least 2 months before giving up, they add more awful symptoms that dont go away. I wont take hormones as cancer runs in our family and i wont take that risk. Life is becoming so unbearable....ive been suffering for 8 years now although it feels more like 20!

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17 Replies

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    You are not alone, i know exactly what you are going thru, i have so many of the symptoms you are experiencing, since missing 4periods my symptoms have upped so much, i have lost weight, feel, sick, nausea, loss of appetite, headaches, bp all over the place, the list goes on and on. The worse is the anxiety and nausea. Did some blood tests today to check thyroid and hormones, hopefully i can have some answers tomorrow to know what is happening, Im so tired of being miserable and not able to function properly. Been in perimenopause for 8 years now. Hopefully it will end soon. Just hang in there dear. You are not alone.

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      Thank you, over the years ive had my hormones tested too. My thyroid is always fine but my estrogen, progesterone, dhea, testosterone and cortisol levels are always messed up in some way. Progesterone has been consistantly low, now my estrogen is very low. Ive lost so much weight too. It is so hard to eat when you feel so sick, its like having the stomach flu every single day! I just feel like i cant deal with it anymore 😦 ive even tried to eat healthy when i could get food down and i even did the whole food eliminating diet to see if it was s dairy issue or whatever....nothing works! I was tested for crones disease and celiac and dont have those so the drs just say its ibs-c since i never have diarrhea, its so scary being this sick for so long and you cant do anything about. i even lose my sense if taste during my sick days

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    since this cycle i just had things is worse nauseous no appetite the head weirdness is worse and eye symptoms i cant function i cry most if the time my BP is all over the place and im on meds my cycle is coming later each month this past one was lighter then usual. im going on 10 years of this crap this October makes 10 years i pray it ends soon and all us women get our lives back.

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      I totally agree! I just cant take this anymore

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      I understand how you are feeling, im suffering so much too. Doctors don't even understand, they are kind of baffled when i blurt out all my symptoms, somehow they makes you feel you have a mental illness, as they don't understand, today my anxiety is very high, my bp is abit high despite the meds, got a burning headaches, nausea. Not sure when all this will stop? Its such a misery. I pray and rejoice for the few good days i get each month. Yesterday was one of those good days, I made the most of it, however this morning I woke up with this feeling of doom and gloom, and all my misery start all over again. Thank God for this forum.

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    Hi Brandy2278

    You are not alone. In fact, your post was like me writing it. I am going on 3 years with no period. My periods were wacko for about a year prior (I assume this was peri-meno) and I breezed through that like nobody's business.

    Once I was officially POST menopausal (when I thought things get better) holy hell this crap is terrible.

    *Extremely nauseated at least one week a month (almost like when I had my periods which is weird). I can't eat ANYTHING which then of course causes me to have ZERO energy.

    *Shoulder blade pain but only on the right. I chalked this one up to being on my laptop and poor posture but who knows

    *Hot flashes and night sweats have increased quite a bit

    *The things I use to do, are not appealing to me and honestly not much get's me excited anymore. I always have this terrible feeling of DOOM. I am petrified that with every ache I am dying.

    *I used to be one of those people who would NOT leave the house without being totally put together. Now, I just don't care.

    *My mood swings are off the hook. I threw a $2000 brand new Mac Laptop off my balcony yesterday and shattered it. All because our internet was not working. I just snap at the dumbest things and I am just not myself. I WORRY about EVERYTHING!

    *Thoughts of suicide have crossed my mind but I could never do it as I love my kids too much but I don't even enjoy them like I used to.

    Does any of this sound familiar. The things I worry about and bother me the most are the nausea, lack of energy and being bitchy all the time. I own a property management company and with COVID and all the other crap going on right now, the business is extremely stressful, our world is falling apart and I am trying to hold my daughter together from being involved in a fatal car accident in January.

    I just want ME back. Does this stuff honestly ever end?

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      Oh my gosh you are ME!!!! Yes it all sounds way too familiar it is so awful. When i think about how i felt 10 years ago its totally foreign to me, I dont know that person anymore....its like a fantasy dream i only was ablt to live for awhile. Im so tired of feeling so sick and mentally wiped out! Its like having the stomach flu every day along with major dark depressing. It hurts to live now! And yes i say the same thing, I want to die so this hell will end but i love my kids so much i would never end it myself. And that thing you did with your pc same thing here, i have an Iphone and when it doesnt have signal (i live out in the country) I will hurl it across the room. i have gone outside and either screamed at the top of my lungs (which doesnt help) or i will take an ax or saw and attack trees that need taken down, but unloading my frustration never helps 😦 it just keeps going on and on. Its a merry-go-round of constant torture. I have so many physical and mental symptoms i cant write them all. I felt awful during perimenopause and when i had periods but now being a year without a period it us unbearable, the symptoms have become monsterously overbearing. Ive tried eating healthier when i could eat & it made me feel sicker, ive tried antidepressants, probiotics, herbs, vitamins.....nothing helps!! I do yoga and exercise when i can muster up the strength but it doesnt help, how are we suppose to keep living this way?? And nobody understands they just say take hormones and antidepressants you will feel better....i get so angry. These same people wouldnt last a week living in my body that i have lived with for nearly 10 years

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    I could have written your message. Ive actually managed to enjoy two days, nausea free, so ate like a horse to try to boost up my weight. Pretty exhausted though. Typing this is work! I have had months of feeling fine. And i will again! You will too. My doc recommended taking theracurcumin for stomach issues. Took that for almost a year-really, really helped!!! Had only one or two bad days a month. Ran out during pandemic, and didnt order more. Now suffering a lot again. Started it again. I look forward to feeling well again! Hang in there. And enjoy the good days...

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    Brandy (or any of you ladies);

    Just when you think you have had every menopause symptom a new one pops up!

    Have any of you ladies ever had like a pressure feeling right above your pubic bone? It does not really hurt it just kind of is like a heavy, burning, pressure.

    I did an at home UTI test and it said it was negative. Not sure how accurate they are. Don't have any other symptoms like bloating, heartburn, bleeding, nausea or weight loss just this gnawing pressure and it's not all the time either. It comes and goes!

    • Posted

      Hmmm ive never had that one but i have definitely had plenty of other very odd symptoms i would never have thought perimenopause could cause! So it is possibly a symptom

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      Brandy it seems like you have had alot of menopause symptons and i was hoping you could tell me if you ever had upper back aches. I am one year post menopause and I was having alot of shoulder blade and in between shoulder blade pain but now my whole upper back is sore and my ribs. I'm wondering if your upper back gets sore? I too have lost alot of weight. My clothes hang off me. I make myself eat. I weigh myself everyday hoping I didnt lose anymore weight.

    • Posted i havent have any back aching but i have noticed i get a hard knot on my knuckles that gets very sore!! I have never had arthritis in my life. But this menopause is awful, so your aching back could most certainly be from menopause.

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      Hi Vicky, thats exactly what im doing, lost so much weight and now i weigh my self every morning to see if ive put on abit of weight as my appetite is back but im not putting an ounce on. So depressing but trying to cope, at least im eating now. No nausea.

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      I am the same way. I have been able to eat most days now but I still dont gain weight. The one thing I'm thankful for is that i have been able to maintain the weight i am at right for a couple months. I read somewhere that stress can make you lose weight and even though my anxiety is better now I think my body is still stressed from everything it's going through which causes the weight issues.

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      My doctor says its anxiety as it causes the body to burn more calories hence the weight lost even though we are eating.. Looks like past few days my anxiety has lessened since starting to take a menopause supplements. I feel more myself since yesterday.

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      do you mind me asking what supplement your taking? I'm willing to try it if its helping you with your eating maybe it will me too.

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      Its menopause supplements from wilko. Hope they dont delete the message.

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