so tierd !

Posted , 5 users are following.

Hi i have been peri for 4months have taken HRT for 2 months with vitamin b and floradix tablets , starflower , evening primrose Have just stated to go back to work but just seem to be able to do a few hours a day get so tierd is there any thing i can take that mite help thanks

Paula x

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Paula,

    ive been off work for 3 months and have just started a phased return. Im due to start on HRT this week so im not taking any meds apart from my usual anti depressants at the moment. Ive been suffering with severe anxiety and, like you, I can only do a few hours a day or I get exhausted. You need to be kind to yourself... youve probably had a tough time recently if my experience is anything to go by and your body needs time to adjust. Take it easy and give it time... things WILL get better

    Anita x

  • Posted

    Hi there, 

    Yes, most people find the tiredness a big was really tough for me gets better as your body gets used to the idea in my experience, and you seem to be doing the right thing....but it may take some time.

    My advice to you is kind of give in to it, ? let your body dictate how much you do at a time.....sometimes it only took a "time out" and a cuppa and I got my second wind...and in the evenings when tired and stressed, jobs to do etc, thought ok, abandon this...shower, early nite, look at it with fresh eyes and newly rested worked for me.....


    • Posted

      Thakyou mel

      it the afternoons that are bad then ok by evening i still have pariods on at the moment so not good i no it will last for a few more days then will start to feel a little better just get me down when feel sp tierd

      take care

      paula xx

  • Posted

    I am 6 weeks into my HRT, I am finding I am getting a lot of headaches and feel tired a lot. I also feel nauseous every morn and sometimes this last into the day. Has anyone esle had experience of this?

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