So tired of this...

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Lay down to sleep about 1.30 am this morning,woke up at 5am terrible nausea.

I'm so sick and tired of these symptoms, I feel really ill, how much more of this can I take. Also getting rushes of adrenalin, feeling woozy, hot then cold. I'm starting to worry that my mental health is reaching a different level, just don't know what to do anymore

Brenda x

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28 Replies

  • Posted

    I know how you feel. I was really off it last week & thought it was only a matter of time before I was carted off by men in white coats. It's the hardest thing I've ever endured and like you I keep thinking I can't take any more now but remember you are not alone and it is real. It has to go eventually. Enjoy the good days and tolerate the bad is the best I can suggest. Take care. 
    • Posted

      It's terrible feeling like this Christine, I seem to feel like this more often than not, feel overwhelmed with life at the moment

      I was saying to bobbysgirl I'm going to consciously change the way I think about symptoms this morning and see how I feel

      I'll get back to you in a while and jet you know what happened


      Brenda x

    • Posted

      Awesome advice you are truly telling the truth we all go through this but it does get a little better to cope with
  • Posted

    First of all stop worrying about your mental health! 

    I went to my GP with similar symptoms, he offered me anti depressives. I told him if HE ached all over, had not had a full night's sleep in MONTHS, suffered with dozens of hot flushes/night sweats etc etc then HE would feel 'depressed'!

    I am convinced that 99% of these miseries are physical and taking 'head-meds' is only going to cause other problems.

    Be kind to yourself. Think about a change of diet (less sugar and cereals and more 'real food') try supplements, take Vit D. YOU will find a way of managing this misery much better than most GP's who favour 'a little pill for every ill'.

    • Posted

      Oh thank you so much bobbysgirl, I do worry too much about my health, mental and physical, always focussing on symptoms

      I feel I can't cope even with nausea j get myself into such a state and then start worrying how I'll cope with the day ahead, I was crying sitting up in bed now made things worse cos I've got a headache now as well 😏

      My mum passed away in January and I feel she was the only person who I could rely on for emotional support,I know I shouldn't lean on others for help but I get in such a state, it's not like normal crying i end up hysterical then of course I worry I'll need to be hospitalised for mental health

      I have two sisters one who's a year younger than me (I'm 52) and one who's 6 years older. My younger sister is also going through peri bug having different symptoms and carrying on with life as normal, they just tell me to pull myself together and get on with living...if I could I would

      I'm going to challenge myself this morning by changing the way I think about symptoms and see what happens

      Lots of love

      Brenda X

    • Posted

      Amen amen I have not taken anything thanking God for able me to keep telling myself it's just a phase it will pass
  • Posted

    Omg you are distribing me. I don't sleep much constantly worried about being sick. I think I'm good crazy. I constantly think I'm have breast cancer because my boobs hurt. My stomach aches and its bowel. I can't stop it. I hope it stops soon. My doctor thinks I should take anti depressants tablets but I don't want to take them. I know why you feel.
    • Posted

      I can totally emphathise with you rosedee, I feel I've been steadily getting worse over the last few months, I'm going to need to try and make some changes myself, no one else, Dr's, family etc can help me

      I got up out of bed at 8 am, had enough sitting crying, feeling anxious, sick, woozy

      I hav'nt focussed on symptoms managed a slice of toast, watching tv fior a bit then I'm intending showering and getting dressed

      Hope you can join me in this experiment by not focussing on the symptoms no matter how bad they are and see how we feel

      Take care and hugs

      Brenda X

    • Posted

      I am going to join you on not focusing on the symptoms even though im getting withdrawel symptoms from coming off my antidepressants. Ive been off them six weeks.

      I am supporting all you ladies who would also like to take up the challenge.

      Lets keep each other updated x

    • Posted

      Good for you Michelle, we'll support one another when we need to, I've had a wee blip already 😂 But starting again

      I'll report back again later


      Brenda xx

    • Posted

      Your a blessing to us all I force myself some days but I do it I get up and get out the more you lay around the worse it gets
    • Posted

      Good for you monique, Keep going, it's better for you physically and mentally if you have some structure to your day and can get out and about

      I'm still keeping up the challenge of trying to worry less and not to focus on symptoms, it's really difficult as I've got into a bad habit of worrying about being able to cope and also don't like being at home on my own now

      Hopefully we'll get there soon

      Take care and give us a shout if you need to talk


      Brenda X

  • Posted

    I am awake now also, anxiety and terrible itching have got the best of me. I can't handle this much longer why does it have to be so difficult for some and so easy for others?!
    • Posted

      I keep asking the same question Kathryn. No one seems to know

      I was saying to the other girls I'm going to try and change the way I think and not focus on symptoms as much and see how I feel

      I can't continue carrying on the way I am so need to try and help myself a bit

      I hope you can try this as well and we'll report back later see if we coped better with the symptoms

      Lots of love

      Brenda x

    • Posted

      I don't know I am having an off day skin is itchy/ crawly and I'm irritable as hell. I don't think this HRT is workingrolleyes.
    • Posted

      How long have you been on HRT Kathryn?

      We all have they days that are worse than others

      My balance has been bad today, however, I've managed to keep my emotions in check and have not focussed or panicked about the symptoms

      I don't want to speak to soon, I'm sitting up in bed reading now, I had a wee snooze on my recliner earlier while watching tv but here's hoping I can sleep a bit longer without weakening up with nausea and anxiety during the night

      I have to say I feel better for not letting the symptoms and anxiety rule me

      Take care

      Brenda x

    • Posted

      Sorry meant to say waking 😳
    • Posted

      About 14 days but I think I'm about to have my period so that probably explains a lot. Glad you're doing better today.

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