So tired of this....

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Hi everyone,

I've been trying to be patient with all of these menopause symptoms but some days they just wear me down. This anxiety and lack of energy are the worst symptoms right now. Doctor started me on a medication for my anxiety and worrying..mostly health anxiety and worry...but the medication makes my head fuzzy and makes me more tired. Just don't know what to do anymore.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how they dealt with these issues?


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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Tmpearce,

    Those symtoms sound too familiar.  I mostly remember so incredibly exausted all the time. I didn't try any natural stuff, which I really should have, I went straight to traditional meds (I hate meds) because I just couldn't stand not being myself.  I work out 4-5 times a week and I love running -- after I started menopause, I had no energy to do what I love to do.  Hot flashes, lack of sleep, and moodyness was enough. I've been on HT for almost 2 years and I'm back to my old self.  Although, I wonder if I should have tried natural, I'm hooked on HT...literally! I tried getting off and some herbs, I experienced withdrawals...major migraines! I hate being dependant on drugs. And, actually one reason I wanted to get off the HT was because to the cancer risks that I've read about.  This is so crazy and so unfair!  I sure hope you find a solution to help with your well smile  

    • Posted

      Thank you Laura.

      I'm hesitant to try HRT as I suffer from high blood pressure and there are cardiac problems in my family. I had hysterectomy this past November with ovaries left in and I did read that after hysterectomy your ovaries tend to fail within several months to several years. I just turned 55 and up until my surgery was having periods anywhere from every 3-8 months. I've been thinking about some natural remedies but am not sure what to try.

    • Posted

      Hey Pearce

      I'm with you not sure what to do I go tomorrow to the gyn dr for post op check in hopes something can be done soon I had TAH 5 weeks ago and have been hit hard with all this menopause symptoms at once I can't handle it either ! Don't like the side affects ive read on meds but got to do something I feel like I'm in the pits with pain from surgery then this menopause crap too need a break before I crack up!! Best if luck to you

  • Posted

    Hi there. I don't suffer from anxiety, but I do know that getting enough omega 3's in your diet helps. I take a tablespoon of fish oil daily. You can also find omega 3's in walnuts and ground flaxseeds. I put two tablespoons of ground flaxseed on my oatmeal or in my smoothies daily. Maybe that's why I don't have the anxiety part that so many women suffer from. Hang in there. This is a tough time. I don't like it either.

    • Posted

      Thank you Cynthia,

      Right now I'm not taking much in the line of supplements. I also have acid reflux which flares up at taking Zantac 150mg twice a day for this. Sometimes vitamins bother my stomach so I end up taking them sporadically. When I do take them I take a multi vitamin, b12, magnesium and probiotic.I will also now try some form of omega too. Thanks for your help!

  • Posted

    Dear tmpearce

    Ican relate to the anxiety, although I was going through menopause I had my ovaries out due to family history. I was OK for about seven months but the anxiety and panic attacka started, I was going to suggest magnesium but you say you take that. I started to take vit tablets tailored for over 50 and I dont want to speak too soon but the anxiety seems to have subsided but you never know with menopause as symptoms come and go! I had to take zantac and omeprezole because I got gastitis too with all the reflux, hang in there it does get better with that, it doesn't seem like it at the time, I had terrible health anxiety too where I thought I had every disease going, waking in the morning with a doom and gloom feeling x

    • Posted

      Thank you pinkcatfairy,

      Sounds like my symptoms are a lot like the ones you had. The health anxiety is the worst..every time I feel bad I think something is seriously wrong. In October I had several trips to emergency room with dizziness and chest tightness. EKG, chest X-ray, blood work, echocardiogram and stress test all normal. A few weeks ago my brother had several heart attacks and just had surgery so, of course, now I feel chest tightness and immediately think it's my heart!

    • Posted

      Oh sorry about your Brother, I hope he gets well very soon, yes It will make you worry for yourself. I lost my sister to breast cancer twenty years ago and my brother got leukemia then too thankfully he recovered from it but I have had to stop myaelf thinking I have everything under the sun. Dont worry it doea pass, my advice is to take a good vitamin supplement becauae Ifyou're lacking in something thia can make anxiety worse (I think magnesium deficiency can cause anxiety) I seem to be better since taking vitamins. I have spent many a day worrying under a black cloud that there is something wrong with me and it can be a lonely time cant it xx

    • Posted

      Dear Michelle,

      The gastitis went on for probably over four months from start to finish before it cleared, the health anxiety came and went but thankfully not with me now but with menopause you never know do you? The general anxiety I felt was better but I felt panic come on today as I had an aura migraine (no pain) but it sort of triggered anxiety. The hot flushes come and go too x

  • Posted


    Im going thru the same.

    Tired,.burning hot, sweating andfeeling generally drained.

    Ive just started taki g sage leaf tablets from holland and barrett .the sweats are not so bad now but im.still burning up like i have a bad flu.

    Its not a nice time is it.

    How are you feeling today

    • Posted

      Hi Theresa,

      It's definitely not a fun time. I feel ok so far this morning but it's early yet so who knows how the day will go. I am trying to keep a positive attitude because I do believe that helps. I think part of this is only child died in a car accident 9 years ago and I believe that in addition to the grief I was also in peri menopause so that really messed upy mind and body. The anniversary date of his death is on a few weeks so I have that on top of all of these other lovely symptoms.

      You mentioned sage leaf...I'm from Canada but presently living in the U.S. Im not sure if we have the shop you mentioned but will definitely try some of our natural food and health stores here.

      Thank you for your support and I hope you are having a good day??

    • Posted

      You can also make your own sage tea. I was doing that for awhile too.
    • Posted

      You are doing so well to cope with an unimaginable grief. My heart goes out to you. I cannot begin to imagine how one copes with such a tragic loss. We have to continue with life but with a part of us missing. I'm sure you don't want to dwell on your loss of a child but allow yourself a time for grieving and remembrance.

      Hope your brother is recovering well

      You are a star for coping with everything xx

    • Posted

      Thank you Maisie for your kind words. I didn't want to take away from this being a menopause forum by mentioning my grief issue but I do feel that everything we deal with in our lives contributes to making us the persons we are today and that can't but help to affect how we deal with other life issues such as this menopause roller coaster.

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