Some good news for a change... during the change !!

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Hello to my fellow peri-sufferers !! Thought I would post something positive, in the hope that it might help some of you. I'm taking B6, B12 and E-vits and, dare I say it, I feel almost normal. The clumsy sensation I've had in my hands for a few years now has subsided, muscle twitching that I've been experiencing all year is less frequent and I think I'm sleeping better. Last week, my doc prescribed iron tablets so I suppose that's helping too. Also, the anxiety seems less troublesome. For the past couple of years, I have literally been in a daily state of fear for my health but I'm not feeling that at the moment. I need to review everything, to make sure I'm taking all that I should, and not taking too much of course, but I think the natural remedies are working for me. Gotta go. Chat soon, ladies xx

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lara

    great news ..

    is it since you have taken, Vit B6, B12 and Vit E and iron ..

    i try and tell all the ladies to take Vit B6 and B12 and Vit E as you know 😊

    it helps so much and made me feel tonnes better in a couple of weeks max ..

    so pleased for you sweetie.. Long may it last 

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay. I started first taking just B6 150mg for a month or so but didn't notice much difference. Then I started the B12 in small doses but felt an improvement in a very short space of time. Whether this was because the B6 took longer to kick in, I don't know, but I definitely didn't start feeling better till I started the B12. Now, I still take B6 but have doubled my dose of B12 and started vit E and iron last week but the improvement was felt a couple of weeks before that. Hope this adds to your wealth of knowledge.

      Last year was a year of erratic periods, but for the past 10 months or so I have been almost regular. I'm late this month so hopefully I'm coming in to the final stages (I'm 48). It's funny, you know. A couple of weeks ago, I had a feeling my period was going to be late because I felt different. I felt good, but different. More of the same please !

      Hope you are enjoying this new time of your life, Jay. Big hugs xx

  • Posted

    Nice to hear that some one is taking control of their own bodies. Well done hope you continue to do well.


  • Posted

    Hi Lara, glad you are feeling better. I am taking those things as well as Vit D and maca and the hot flushes have virtually stopped. I still get some pain in my hands, wrists and lower legs/feet but not so bad and I actually slept for over 5 hours the last 2 nights!

    I do feel better than I did, onwards and upwards xx

  • Posted

    Nice one!  I'm taking b6, b12 and wanted to kill my boss today.  Maybe need to up the dose, ha ha! X
    • Posted

      LOL !!  Yes, Bubbins, may be you should up your dose !  Very funny.

      Wishing you a calm and peaceful day !! x

  • Posted

    Hey Lara that's good news dear!!   The B vitamins saved my life too.  Thanks to Jay my life is more pleasant now.  😃😃😃😃
    • Posted

      Hi Lara

      Thank you hun 😆

      Like you i also found Vit E 400iu good to take too

      I do take many things 

      Including Maca and Solgar Chelated Magnesium ( doest upset tum in morning like citrate and oxide) etc etc etc 

      Jay xx

  • Posted

    Does it do any good to take B-complex, or is it best to take B-6 and B-12?
    • Posted

      Hi Katz

      100mg of B6 

      5000mcg B12

      I actually take 150mg B6 daily.

      If a complex has 100mg B6 this should be ok. 

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Thanks so much Jay! Looking forward to getting some energy back!
  • Posted

    Hi Lara..

    That's great to hear that you are feeling better! 

    How long did it take for you to feel the positive effect?

    Also what amounts are you taking of each?

    Thanks for posting! 

    Heather xx

    • Posted

      Hi Heather. I suppose it took a couple of weeks to feel better. I'm taking 150mg of B6 and 400ug of B12 but I think there's room to up my dose of B12. There's an odd measurement on the B12 bottle. It's ug rather than mg but it says to take up to 5 tablets a day, so I'm taking 4. I'll finish all the tablets I've got but before buying any more, I'll review all Jay's advice and make sure I'm taking the right amounts.

      Have a great day x

    • Posted

      Hi Lara

      I think ug might be micogram, mine are 500ug and it says take one or two daily, I take two!!

      Dont no if this makes it clearer, I just take what it says on the bottle



    • Posted


      yes ug and mcg are both symbols for 'micrograms'.

      The correct symbol for microgram is actually µg.

      However, there is no way of typing that on a keyboard, so they came up with other versions, two of which are ug and mcg. 

      jay xx

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