Somebody please help before I lose my mind
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Hi all
Just stumbled across this group while Googling symptoms.
I’m 45. For the last two years I’ve had so many strange symptoms I feel like I’m losing my mind. I have health anxiety so I’m always thinking the worst. GP is fed up with me and puts everything down to anxiety.
Symptoms much worse the last six months or so.
Two main things worrying me right now:
1). Last month I had electric shock type shooting pains in right breast. They would happen several times a day, startle me and last for a few seconds. Went to GP and she said she could feel nothing of concern.
Those have stopped now, but instead I’m getting pinching type pains in the same breast when I lean or stretch a certain way. Kind of feels like a pinchy nerve pain.
2). I had what I thought was ovulation pains on left side this week. It’s the right time in my cycle. But they’ve lasted for three days now and still hurting, though not as much as the first couple of days. Is it normal to get ovulation pain for that long? I’ve also got horrendous lower back pain.
My other symptoms include:
Joint pain, especially hands and feet
Muscle aches
Back pain, upper and lower
Blurred vision and dry eyes
Ear pressure and tinnitus
Palpitations and skipped beats
Chest pain
Sore intestines
Numbness in legs and fingertips
Crushing tiredness that I have to stop what I’m doing and sleep
Heat intolerance
Insomnia and waking early
Night sweats occasionally
Tailbone pain
My periods are regular and cause no trouble.
Recently I’ve had thyroid ultrasound, two upper abdo ultrasounds, bloods, diabetes test, all normal.
I’m so scared right now. I can’t get to the GP for another week and even then I think they will just send me away again.
Can anyone else relate to these symptoms, especially the breast and ovulation pain?
Thank you for reading if you got this far.
4 likes, 38 replies
2chr2015 Lrowley77
Hi. Welcome to the forum. You will be in good company here.😬. Most of us are struggling with all of these perimenopause symptoms. Someone will chime in on some of your symptoms and you won’t feel so alone. As far as the shooting breast pains and pinching type pain. I have experienced that. My breast pain was much worse in the beginning when I first started going through all of this. I also have hip pain too. I never had it until all of this started 3 years ago. I am 46
Lrowley77 2chr2015
But it’s the breast and ovary symptoms that are stressing me right now
Indifferent Lrowley77
You can relax...honest. I was in the thick of peri at 44 to 47 years...and know both those symptoms well. And all the others you listed too. It was horrendous and scary, but normal. This forum really helped me relax about these years. Knowing I wasn't alone in this and having others to chime in a tell me "oh yes" to my symptoms really helped get me through. I will be 49 next month...still regular periods...but most of the more terrible symptoms have passed at least for the last year and a half. So hopefully you might get a break soon...or at least feel less anxious knowing that it IS real...its not all in your head...and it's not life threatening...just real big pain in the backside!.
Sochima822 Lrowley77
Hi, one way to minimize the breast pain is to use arnica. It will work for pain in or under the arm, breast and chest areas. This is what I use, after a few of my nurse colleagues recommended it. It'll work almost immediately, it took only 2-3 days of use before my pain completely went away.
amy341731 Lrowley77
Hi there- I Swear to D 25 I started having all those random symptoms! Of course I had to do a lot of research to find out that it was actually perimenopause! I had Never felt so scared and crazy in all my life LOL..Yes the chest shocks and breast pain were not my first symptoms but I’ve Definitely have them… And then as soon as I think I should go to the doctor, it disappears..It’s like a merry-go-round of symptoms all month some worse than others. And yes my ovulation pain is so bad that I went to the doctor and had blood work plus ultrasounds done and it turns out I just have cystic ovaries… I take Advil to help and it really does help the pain, during Ovulation and also during my period which I still get pretty regularly..but I can totally relate and wish there was something easy to deal with these symptoms With no side effects, but I’m sure everyone does. Hang in there and know that we are always here and we are going through much of the same😊
Guest Lrowley77
Hi. Sounds like peri symptoms. Even though your periods are regular you are likely experiencing low progesterone. You could try an OTC progesterone cream to see if it relieves some of your symptoms. As far as your breast pain, did you have a mammogram/ultrasound or MRI? If not, you should request that you have one or more just to make sure. I've had ovarian cysts that caused a lot of pain and for a few weeks. The pain was so bad in my pelvis and down my leg too. So it is possible you are dealing with that. A vaginal ultrasound could confirm. You might also want to ask for an EBV test to see if that's been reactivated. Google to find the proper tests to ask for this. Reactivated EBV can make your life miserable and can turn in to CFS as well. Some women experience this when their hormones start dropping or they are under great stress, or not sleeping because this allows for your immune system to weaken and stop keeping viruses under control.
Sure hope you start feeling better soon!
lori93950 Guest
Guest lori93950
Lori, it just takes time (18 months at least I think) and trying to do your best to support your immune system!
The cold sore/ulcer makes me think that you also have some other viruses like HHV6 that have probably resurfaced too. It's common for HHV6 and EBV to go along with CFS.
Are you doing anything to support your immune system? I already know you are getting enough sleep
Maybe try juicing celery every morning, but you have to drink it alone without any other veggie, and drink it when you get up before eating. (just the juice, not the celery).
lori93950 Guest
I do a mix juice every day of all greens and now on a load of natural pills to get rid of the virus .
I knew it wasn’t just all hormones ! Although probably not helping . 7 months of this ... God help me .
Guest Lrowley77
And I should add, I'm not telling you about these tests because I think you have anything serious, it's more for your peace of mind so you can stop worrying. I think you are just experiencing full blown peri, and I think you will probably start getting wonky periods soon. Such a fun ride, NOT. But welcome to our club, we are a great group!
Lrowley77 Guest
I had a mammo and US five years ago. Nothing was found then. I will ask for them to refer me to the breast clinic but won’t hold my breath.
I had EBV and ME when I was 19. My Osteopath suggested I may have Fibromyalgia now but not been diagnosed.
I’m just in a terrified state at the moment. Luckily I’m self employed so I can work when I want to.
Guest Lrowley77
I guess you aren't in the US. I'm so used to just getting any tests I ask for. If you tell them you are having very bad pain, won't they refer you? I'm not sure how it works there.
I had a vag u/s, but then she also did on top to get a better look. If you can't tolerate the vaginal one, maybe just a regular u/s would show something if it is anything.
And you don't get mammograms every year?
Hearing that you had EBV and ME, I'm still inclined to think you have reactivated EBV. All you can do is try to support your immune system the best you can. Getting the proper sleep is most important. What have you been trying to help you sleep?
lori93950 Lrowley77
Now going through it all over again at 52 .
Try not obsess about every single twinge .. get all your blood work done and will give you peace of mind .
Eliaimee1970 Lrowley77
Im 48 and. I began at 45 and I have them all . I also went from test, ultrasound, scan and all normal. The itchy crawly skin is the worse I can’t take it. I have it today and it comes w a light headache and pinching sensation
Sochima822 Eliaimee1970