Someone please calm me down! Can't take much more of this

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Hi Everyone, I am nearly in tears at the moment, some of you will remember I posted about pinkish discharge after wiping, well it happened again today, strangely, exactly 1 month after the first time. I have seen my GP and currently waiting for a hospital appointment for a transvaginal ultrasound. All I keep thinking about is cancer...this situation is just do you cope with this??

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    It's probably just an ovary being passed out. Stop stressing about it. Or you will make your self sick. It's a monthly thing by the looks of things. I'm sure if there was something up it would be more regular. 👍

  • Posted

    I know everything is going through your mind at the moment I was convinced it was cancer to my dear but it can be a period if it's a month to the day since your last try to calm down I know it's hard but anxiety is such a bitch it will eat you alive deep breaths x when I had my results back my consultant told me if it was the worse case scenario if caught early it's 99% success of it not coming back every thing will be removed but it is unlikely you have cancer there is so many things that can cause spotting or bleeding xxx I will pray for positivity for your outcome xxx

  • Posted

    I think you should distract yourself as much as you can. Do not dwell on it.

    I had the same reaction when I was told I had to have a hysteroscopy. Went mental.

    But I put it to th he back of my mind and got on with things. Fortunately all is well.

    It is easier said than done but U have to or else ur stress levels will hit the roof and cause u anxiety and u won't be able to sleep or function.

    Please stay calm. Most of the times it's nothing. They are just doing what has to be done god forbid it is something more serious nowadays there are great treatments and this is recent so you are lucky they are doing what needs to be done.

    You will be fine. In my prayers. Xx

  • Posted

    Hi, there, so sorry you're feeling so down.  You might just as well go ahead and have yourself a good cry.  After that, you might feel better.  You need to feel your emotions, too.  If you stuff them down, they'll just make you sick, hun.  

    As to coping, you are doing the best that you can right now.  Each person copes in their own way!  Remember that we're all thinking of and praying for you! xx

  • Posted

    No no, please don't assume the worse. It is very likely that it is period, ovaries doing trick before stopping all together. Go and try to do something you like to keep yourself happy till the scan and the result comes out.

  • Posted

    Wainright, i agree with Michelle, it sounds hormonal/cyclical..I will pray for you!! Please keep us updated. I do totally understand the health anxiety. It is the worst! ((Hugs))
  • Posted

    Had exactly this, was diagnosed with a proliferative endometrium, loads of different causes for pmb, so much so it is almost normal.
  • Posted

    Aww hunni please try to think positive if you can. I know it's not easy as we have all been there at one time or other. I am sure this is quite normal and if there was any doubts at all you'd have been fast tracked for your scan.

    This period in our lives is so hard and it's the anxiety that's the worst I know. I know it is easy for people to say don't worry so maybe try positive thoughts instead to distract from your worry -even for just a short while. Maybe think of how you would advise a friend if you knew she had the same worries?

    We are all in this together lovely and well done you for sharing your worries rather than suffering alone.there are some amazingly supportive ladies on this forum.

    Sending you lots of kind and peaceful thoughts to help you get through this and I hope all will be well with your scan. Keep us posted ok? Xxx. Xxx

  • Posted

    Hi I'm so sorry you're going through this right now.

    I know how nerve racking this could be. I myself just

    went through something like this as well. I got called

    back for a mammogram and had to go today for a

    diagnostic mammogram and sonogram on my left

    breast. Had be there at 11:00 am for mammogram and

    12:00 noon for sonogram! It went very well had the

    diagnostic mammogram at 11:00 went great said I

    could leave and go home I didn't even need to get

    the sonogram!!! I praised GOD!!! So trust me I know

    how the thoughts and fear can paralyze you. I would

    be ok one minute and scarred out of my mind the next.

    Please just pray when the fear hit you and GOD will

    see you through it!! I know it's easy for me to say right

    now but trust me I been where you are. I'll be praying

    for you please reach out to me if you need someone

    to talk to day or night.

  • Posted

    Thank you everyone, I forgot to mention that this has happened after not having a period for 5 years...thank you all for your support
  • Posted

    Hi Wainright, it's absolutely natural to be feeling scared and anxious about cancer - I felt exactly the same. Acknowledging those feelings is the first step to being able to cope with them. Different ways work for different people - it might be keeping busy; exercising; meditation; mindfulness; counselling; CBT; talking with friends - find what works for you. It's good you're sharing how you feel with us on this forum because we've all been through the same experiences and understand. It's rare that it turns out to  be cancer and it's normally just hormonal fluctuations. You've taken action early and even if it was cancer it can be successfully treated when caught early.  But don't go there - just concentrate on one day at a time.  When is your transvaginal? 

    • Posted

      Hi Jane,

      Thank you so much for your support...I went to my GP and she said I should hear from the hospital in around 10 to 14 days for the scan. the worry is that I have had no period for 5 years

    • Posted

      Hi, there! Hope you're feeling better!  Please let us know when your scan is and how you get on.  We're all here for you! xx

    • Posted

      There have been lots of women on this forum who haven't had a period for several years and their tests came out normal. So try to stay optimistic and take each stage as it comes. You've done the right thing in contacting your doctor and there's nothing more you can do until the scan. We'll be here for you ... xx

  • Posted

    Dear wainwright

    Did you say you are in peri or menopause? In peri I had this but also in menopause there can be explanations for this so try not to worry, I know it is hard not to x

    • Posted

      Hi pinkcatfairy,

      Thank for your reply, I am 5 years since last period, so I think that makes me post menopausal. It is a worry and still waiting for my appointment.

    • Posted

      I hope everything is OK, I believe this does happen quite alot to women, I hope you get it sorted x

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