Something stuck in throat
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Does anyone feel like they have something stuck in their throat and a tight neck! i have acid reflux and been under a lot of stress just lately, i also have terrible anxiety at the moment too x
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Lisaippie sharon03238
yes ! i have this a lot lately especially around once a month its worse and i do gave terrible anxiety and panic attacks!
suzanne_0411 sharon03238
I don't have reflux but I do have the feeling that food gets stuck in my is weird, like it takes a few swallows to get it down so I'm focused on it and it makes me have a moment of panic. I have also been experiencing anxiety again. When I first started having panic/anxiety years ago one of the many symptoms was a constant feeling of having a lump in my throat 😞
claire38123 sharon03238
I also get this for weeks on end and my GP has told me its a classic symptom of anxiety along with dry mouth chest pains and palpitations iv had it all since jan and had the paramedics out twice and its all because of lack and fluctuating hormones and the amazing crap they call the menopause, so try breathing exercising and mindfulness and remember the menopause doesnt kill you even though most of think were dying most days of something terrible thanks to it.... so big hugs and be kind to yourself xx
Gillian1956 sharon03238
yes I get this to I also have acid reflux and heartburn on a daily basis and I suffer from stress and anxiety to it's a horrible feeling, do you get burning and a sore throat and chest as well
sharon03238 Gillian1956
yes i get it all, its just horrible isnt it, just starr feeling ok them bam its all back again!
Gillian1956 sharon03238
do you take any medication for it I'm taking PPI and zantac
Guest sharon03238
Yes I have acid reflux and take dexilant which works so well. But if I miss taking my pill for just one day that is exactly the feeling I something is stuck in my throat