Something Weird Going On???
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I have a strange situation and wonder if anyone could offer advice or opinions.
Firstly, I'm 55, on HRT for 5 - 6 years and all seemed to be going well. Then, at the end of December I began to bleed - period type bleeding with the old familiar lower abdomen pain but not anything as heavy as my period used to be. It went on for two weeks to the day.
I went to the Doctor in the early stages of bleeding, who sent me for an abdominal and internal ultrasound that showed thickening of the endometrial lining. So I was referred further for a biopsy.
Over last weekend I began to have lower abdominal pain again (just a little over a month after it began last time).
I had the biopsy on Monday and, as is normal, I had the usual cramping and light bleeding afterwards. This stopped by Tuesday afternoon completely, but my legs felt really tired and I was very emotional but put it down to the fact that the biopsy was over and I am now waiting for results.
Then, to my amazement, when I got up this morning (Wednesday) I had period type bleeding again! It's heavier, has clots (sorry!) and I have a period type pain in my lower abdomen.
I honestly don't know what is going on. It can't be a period as I couldn't have ovulated at 55 and on HRT for so long??!!
I am due to go back for my biopsy results in 3 weeks time and, while I thought about it, I didn't call my gyneacology office today as I thought it best to wait to see what happens.
But I'm baffled and worried and this site is like a lifeline as you get to hear from other women who may have experienced similar things. Can anyone help?
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Guest Shazanne
Shazanne Guest
gailannie Shazanne
More progesterone should keep your lining thin.
Shazanne gailannie
Fingers crossed!
Thank you.
brendababy Shazanne
Oh shazanne try not to worry, no news is good news as they say. Any symptoms are possible at this stage of our lives, it's probably an imbalance of the progesterone in ratio to the estrogen levels 🙄
I'm taking tibolone HRT and had bleeding for several months but nothing since October last year. I also get lots of weird symptoms, painful joints (especially my neck and calves) and balance problems
I think HRT helps a bit but our hormones are very complex and powerful and taking a tablet will just not completely balance all of our hormones out, our own bodies will eventually.....hopefully 🙏🏻
I'll say a prayer everything's ok for you
Good luck 🍀X
Shazanne brendababy
Thank you so very much for your comment and your prayers.
What you say makes sense to me - I'm counting on this just being a hormone imbalance and nothing more serious.
anovi96587 Shazanne
Hello Shazanne,
I have similar problem. On HRT Tiblone 2.5 over 5-6 years now, I am 47. Never had any bleeding or period over these years till now , it has been going on for 10 days, although I would not call this "real" period as it is smaler amount and dark brown colour. Very worrying! I am waiting to see my GP.
Hope all goes well for you!
Best wishes.
gailannie anovi96587
You are the second women on here mentioning Tibolone, Anov. Can you tell me why this was what you wound up on? What do you think it has helped? This drug has been mentioned to me as a possibility, but when I asked about it, she thought it wasn't sold any more. I'm interested in hearing other woman's experiences with it.