Sometimes I dizzy off balanced..
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I notice either before my menstrual or after my menstrual I'm off there anything I can take I find just laying in bed is all I can do to feel better...
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maria101 stephanie1966
Hi Stephenie same here I tend to lay down myself there's nothing you can do it's hormones doing bit just take your time walking
Today I a bit drowsy funny in the head sort of thing
We are al in the same boat
stephanie1966 maria101
karen_23982 stephanie1966
Hi Stephanie. As I type this I have just had to sit down as I was feeling very dizzy. I take iron supplements as I feel they help but today is a bad day for me. I'm in the 14 days of bleeding so that doesn't help. I just wish it would all go away.
Sochima822 karen_23982
Hi Karen, you should see your gp, bleeding for that long is not good. It shouldn't pass 10 days of bleeding. I suggest you see your gp asap.
karen_23982 Sochima822
Hi patra. Yes it's been very worrying . I'm seeing my gp Friday. It's the earliest appointment I could get. It seems to have stopped today just hope it doesn't start again.
donna48864 stephanie1966
I too suffer at ovulation and my period. It's by far my most distressing symptom. Sometimes before a dizzy spell my palpitations start too and I feel foggy brained. I take iron, B12 spray and lots of water. The B12 spray is a life saver. I opted for a cheaper version this month and I won't be making that mistake again. I've also got an infection in my tooth which I've let go on for months (dentist fear) finally plucked up the courage to go on Monday night. I've got antibiotics and I'm having it out on Tuesday. I imagine that has contributed to the heightened dizzies recently x
stephanie1966 donna48864
Hi donna I took a iron pill today I was told my iron was a bit low so I brought some pills today it did make me feel better but I I heard about b12 my mom takes the pill form..this perimenopause has been a nightmare..the only way I can describe it is the invasion of the body snatchers someone ( I don't know who) stole my body and replaced it with a crazy person...I honestly don't feel like me anymore..headaches,stomach problems, fuzzy brain fog, my hair is getting thin, bad taste in my mouth, crying all the dang time, hot, cold, mean to people, nice to people, I don't know what's ganna happen who I'm going to be each day...I love horror films...but not this nightmare gosh will I ever just find balance...right now I'm crying as I write this...I been having the worse achy pain in my shoulder and my wrist...all I want to do is lay down...I have had multiple anxiety attacks just had one Thursday and my pressure was high when I got to the emergency room the doctor said what brings you here today...I looked at her and said I don't know I started telling her my symptoms and she started smiling almost laughing she looks at me and says welcome to the world of perimenopause I just burst out in tears..I think I'm taking this hard because for 20 years I was in an abusive relationship I left him finally...but now I'm going to be 50 and I'm single and I always wanted to get married but I don't think it will ever happen trying ladies to embrace this new me but wow it just came out of nowhere uninvited...just glad that I found this group I see I am not alone.
monique_93857 stephanie1966
I to get these dizzy spells and sometimes when Im just laying in bed I get these weird feeling of sinking or big surge come over my body it goes away quick but it's surly a weird feeling and sometimes when I'm just standing around I feel off balance like I'm gonna fall over or something
monique_93857 stephanie1966
I to get these dizzy spells and sometimes when Im just laying in bed I get these weird feeling of sinking or big surge come over my body it goes away quick but it's surly a weird feeling and sometimes when I'm just standing around I feel off balance like I'm gonna fall over or something
alison_94436 stephanie1966
I have not looked back.
If you want more info please contact me.
Alison 😀
stephanie1966 alison_94436
Hello Alison yes please help me with more info...I mean I'm from the nyc area and my doctor seems to believe zoloft is the answer...I beg to differ, I really want to try natural things...I have a aloe vera plant that's growing beautifuly can I use that if so how?
donna48864 alison_94436
Does aloe help with dizziness please? If so I'd be interested in learning more. I'm in Manchester, England, I'm not sure that makes a difference but I thought I'd mention it lol