Sore boobs
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I've always been almost flat chested - padded A cups to make it look like I have something there
I used to get a bit of breast pain just before my period, but last time the tenderness didin't go away and my breasts are still sore 2 weeks later. So much so that yesterday I went out and bought myself some B cup bras and they are SO much more comfortable. Are my boobs growing at last? (I'm 48!!!). Is this pain something I will have to endure for months on end? Will this modest increase in size stay or disappear once this phase of my life is over?
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sophie76397 anon68
anon68 sophie76397
sharcerv52408 anon68
anon68 sharcerv52408
BugglyBot anon68
anon68 BugglyBot
froggy28 anon68
anon68 froggy28
froggy28 anon68
Zigangie anon68
I had never suffered with them when I was younger except early days of breastfeeding.
Then from early 40s on and off they also became very full and heavy with my periods.
I was always 34 A even if I put on a bit of weight it never went on them.
Now after meno I'm a stone and a half heavier (even though I eat less)
And my bra size is 36 B.
They stopped being sore when I finished having my periods (there were a few t times there that giving someone a hug made my eyes water).
They have remained bigger and for about 18 months after my last period they still felt fuller when one would have been due.
I was pleased about them being a bit bigger, but now they are not as full any more they are more droopy than I would like them to be.
anon68 Zigangie
Seeing a glimpse of a silver lining though with the increase in size.