Sore eyes.
Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi all my peri friends.
Just a quick one. Does anyone get sore patches around their eyes and sore eyelids in peri. I've never had it before.
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi all my peri friends.
Just a quick one. Does anyone get sore patches around their eyes and sore eyelids in peri. I've never had it before.
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paula20385 helen95781
Take care
paula x
nixnix helen95781
Camikitten helen95781
I take antihistamines and sodium cromiglicate eye drops prescribed by GP. Xx
nixnix Camikitten
BellaRubia helen95781
lulu99310 helen95781
BellaRubia helen95781
About the sore eyes, I developed some allergies during peri - my eyes swell evey time I dye my hair :S never had it before. Dry eyes are really common this phase, so it could be the reason for all that too. If it is your case, you will feel like you have sand in your eyes. Buy a moisturizer - not the cheap ones, they do more worse than better. Always check with a doctor or a specialist, just to be safe.
I think I felt sore in all places when it started!!!!!!!
buddah_girl helen95781