Sore eyes.

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Hi all my peri friends.

Just a quick one. Does anyone get sore patches around their eyes and sore eyelids in peri. I've never had it before.



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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes i do they get very sore just be for i start my period i got cream from the doctors

    Take care

    paula x

  • Posted

    I get sore eyes & my eyelids feel sore & bruised sometimes I think they look discolored too like browny x
  • Posted

    Yes, me too. My eyelids swell up too. I seem to have developed an allergy to the Clinique mascara I've always used. Tried others and they have the same effect 😢

    I take antihistamines and sodium cromiglicate eye drops prescribed by GP. Xx

    • Posted

      My eyes sensitive to my mascara now too 🙈
  • Posted

    Thanks ladies. I think another!! trip to the doctors is needed. I feel like I live there sometimes. Lol.
    • Posted

      Do not over concern, it is probably nothing...  and your doctor will never agree it is part of peri...  but better be safe than sorry, lol. 
  • Posted

    It seems the dreaded menopause wants to attack all parts of our bodies, i sometimes get itchy watery eyes so it would be pointless putting any eye make-up on them , i also  get the most excruciating itchiness down there in the virgin mary area, i have to put lanacane there.
  • Posted

    Funny, Lulu, I feel like that too - being attacked, lol.  My symptoms started slowly 3 years ago and on the third one I had all kind of awful things, but then, I started improving  smile.  Still have this and that now and then but much milder and usually just after my period starts, on 3rd or 4th day.  It lasts for 3, 4 days and I feel better again. So girls, there is light in the end of this tunnel, yeeeeey

    About the sore eyes, I developed some allergies during peri - my eyes swell evey time I dye my hair :S never had it before.  Dry eyes are really common this phase, so it could be the reason for all that too.  If it is your case, you will feel like you have sand in your eyes. Buy a moisturizer - not the cheap ones, they do more worse than better. Always check with a doctor or a specialist, just to be safe.

    I think I felt sore in all places when it started!!!!!!!


  • Posted

    Hi helen, i too get sore eyes and they get very dry, have gone quite dark around them too isn't peri wonderful sad try to keep smiling, all we can all do really while we deal with all the symptoms, love and light x

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