sore skin

Posted , 7 users are following.

I must be doing everyone’s head in because I’m doing mine in 🤪

Does anyone get sore skin. Just feels sensitive like when you have flu! Not all the time when I’m exhausted- which is most of the time xx

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    hi kate,

    I just recently started feeling that also. it is like you have the flu, very achy all over. I also sometimes feel like I have a sunburn. isn't it awesome!? 🙄

  • Posted

    Hi Kate80669,

    Sore skin is a misery. I have suffered this all my life and now in menopause it is still very much with me and often as itchy as hell. Some remedies that have helped me are: Keeping the skin cool, taking antihistamines, being VERY CAREFUL what soap and moisturiser I use (try Aveeno bath / shower oil, and body moisturiser). Super soft clothing, that covers and protects your skin, very soft cotton sheets. Try and put some of these things into place and hopefully there will be some relief for you.

    Take care


    • Posted

      Thank you meno. Poor you too. Is there any reason why we have this ? Xx
  • Posted

    I get a burning feeling at gets so uncomfortable that I have to take off whatever clothing is rubbing the area. Very strange. And has only been the last year or two.

    As for sore skin...I have always had this soreness that might be considered skin but feels kind of like the layer just beneath the skin. I have always been adverse to any type of massage because of it. A full palm rub is okay but any finger pressure no matter how light just hurts. I have yet to figure out what it is...I just chalk it up to another bit of my weirdness. Lol! Perhaps a fibromialgia symptom...I have a few of those. But they have never stopped me from my day to day like the peri does!

  • Posted

    Yes!! There are now many things I cannot tolerate touching my skin nowadays...I’ve never had super sensitive skin and now, some days I just wish I could wear leggings, a t shirt and no bra to work hahaha..but that isn’t a I’ve found trying to keep it moisturized and loose comfy clothes as often as possible is about all I can do. So glad we are not alone in this crappy battle...with ourselves!!😒

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