Spaced Out - Dreamlike - Bright Vivid Colours -PMS? Perimenopause/Hormones?
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I have had every single of the typical perimenopause symptom known since this started for me 9 years ago aptly at age 40. Its ramped up as I expected it to the closer I got to the big M
I am using progesterone (natural) 500mg daily have done for years
I am having two cycles a month and all the fun that comes with it. I don't bleed much due to the progesterone its more like spotting so its truly hard to say whether my periods are actually periods other than when I get other symptoms that are linked specifically to PMS, swollen breasts etc
The last two weeks I have experience derealisation which can present as mild as visual symptoms such as everything looks super bright and vivid colours or it can present as bad as feeling like certain things I am thinking that happened during the day felt like I dreamed them or watched them on emotional detachment from the event.
Now I know this symptom is typically a side effect of anxiety and whilst I would say I am like more women "a bit of a worrier" I am not experiencing severe anxiety.... or at least I don's think I am...I have times when i worry obsessively and everything is potential failure and times when I am anxious about a specific event or issue and I KNOW I am being motivated by hormones ... but when these dreamlike states come over me..I am not anxious nor does it make me anxious....worried long term yes but I am not experiencing a panic attack or hyper ventilating etc.....
My main concern or question is "Will this never end?" or "Will it get worse or chronic?"
Its only been happening the last 2 weeks and it does seem to be getting less severe generally.
Anyone relate? And if so, was it due to PMS/PMT, peri or menopause?
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Gypsy014 elizabeth49339
Hi Elizabeth, I can relate to the bright colors, in fact the headlights tailights while driving at night all seems much brighter and very annoying, I've always been sensitive to lights but much much worse with lights period!!! Going thru stores and the fluorescent lighting makes me dizzy and ill... I have just ordered some extra glasses online with my prescription in them and had them tinted one rose color 10% and one brown 10% hoping, the tint will help, it is suppose to. Also write down today the 28th of March and see if the same symptoms come back for you next month around the 28th or so of April.. They should disappear and reappear next month, as these awful symptoms tend to cycle, take care ?
elizabeth49339 Gypsy014
I might order some "rose coloured glasses" but tint them at 100%! ...might make my life seem a whole lot better lol
I am writing these symptoms in a journal because we DO forget how bad something was once its passed...or how good we felt one day... so its always good to read back and note an improvement no matter how gradual it it.
Thank you for your reply xxxx
lisa68384 elizabeth49339
elizabeth49339 lisa68384
haley30534 elizabeth49339
Yes I had this too with me everything was brighter and sounds are much louder I jumped at every sound, horrible spaced out feelings, it was anxiety for me and the anxiety attacks kicked in after these symptoms, I'm on antidepressants for the anxiety so feeling calmer now, also I had really bad yawning episodes before the spaced out feeling, still having them but not the bad anxiety, hormones have a lot to answer for x
mauiblue elizabeth49339
I am noise, and photosensitive more than I even have been in my life now that I am in menopause.
Headlights at night are intolerable, and during the day things seem surreal a bit too colorful if you will.
I know its driven by hormones though it has to be.
I also feel a bit out of my body its hard to explain like im not in my skin, maybe an onlooker of my life looking outward. I think this is part of deprsssion/anxiety however.
It does feel dreamlike..and not a dream i want to be in forever either..
hope this helps or provides insight, dont feel alone.
elizabeth49339 mauiblue
Yes exactly - Things look vivid in colour and bright.
For me, it can present as just visional with no emotional issued, or it can also come with low moods and feelings of being detached emotionally... like I am not truly there...dreamlike.
Thankfully it does wax and wane throughout the day its not constant but it's by far the most upsetting symptom for me personally over any of the others, and i have had them all I think.
Its like losing my mind a little... its horrible and i know worrying about it could make it worse as its a very common side symptom of anxiety too.
Just wish it would fade away. I am trying to push through it telling myself its just another symptom of peri and like the others it will come and go
Thanks for your reply xxxx
evi75119 elizabeth49339
So, every night I have these vivid and weird dreams, most of the time nightmares..I am noise and light sensitive ( sometimes my eyes are crying at the view of the sun) and I feel a lot more depressed during the noon mainly in summer!
The worst is that I am very young to have this kind of problems...I will be 32 this summer! I am very disappointed because the doctors are unfortunately unable to do sth for this perimenopause transition...or this weird hormonal imbalance for my young age
According to my internet research, constant and vivid dreaming is another symptom of low estrogen...but it may be happening in combination with low blood sugar levels which are caused by low estrogen...
I also have low blood sugar symptoms almost on a daily basis and I am really worried about the possibility of diabetes..Last summer my dentist warned me that I have to reduce the amount of sugar intake because in the foreseeable future I may become diabetic......and he said that I am too young!
At this phase of my life, I am gradually trying to restrict the amount of refined white sugar and carbohydrates, but it is very very difficult, because my body is craving for sugar and carbohydrates...
lisa68384 evi75119
You're not alone. All this junk started with me two years ago at age 35. Hang in there!