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I've been worrying all week. I found blood in my urine so the I went to see the doctor who acted quickly for me. I had a slight infection but just to be sure, I was referred to the hospital and on Friday, I went for a Cystoscopy. Thankfully my bloods were okay, (kidney and iron levels), and my bladder is fine. There was still a trace of blood in my urine so routinely, I'm being referred for a CT scan. Fingers crossed there is nothing to be found and everything is okay. I'm a worrier but I'm pleased the doctors just want to be sure.
What is worrying me just as much, if not more, is that I've been spotting blood for over a week as if I'm having a period. I've done this before but this time is upsetting me. Everything down below is scaring me. The blood started off as dark/old but is now pink/red but it's because I'm still slightly spotting that I'm so upset, even though, again, I've had similar events before. I have had the Mirena coil for about four years now and given that my periods were extrememly heavy before, it's no surprise that occasionally I'll get a bleed over so many days. It's because I'm on high health alert that any rational thinking has gone out of the window. I'm having PMS symptoms that are all over the place, could this cause the spotting? If I wipe and it's clear, I feel less anxious but if the pink/red blood is present, I go back down again. It's been about nine days now and it is less but sometimes it's still there.
I've been feeling brilliant for a while. My sex drive has returned big time, poor hubby looks half scared of me sometimes. I'm glad it's back, it made me realise just how long it's been missing. I only have to look at a picture of him and I'm off. It is funny but at the same time I'm glad I have it again, although pleasantly surprised. I've started with losing weight and feel so much happier for doing something about it. I hate feeling so helpless with the health alert and now I'm scared I'll need to go back to the doctors and have even more tests.
I use small Tena pads anyway and the blood isn't a full period, to be honest a panty liner would be fine. I hope someone can understand what I mean here. Has anyone else had spotting like this while having the coil or even without one?
Thanks for reading my post.
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carolrd BugglyBot
I had a regular heavy period even though I thought I was through menopause in June 2 heavy then stopped for 5 days and then started spotting and been spotting since starting second month I see GYN Tuesday. I already had a transvaginal ultra sound showed thinking lining of uterus I'm scared something awful ! I don't need pad just there when I wipe some lower back ache and stingy pain in vaginal off and on :-(
BugglyBot carolrd
I hope it goes well for you carolrd. I know just how you feel. My mind is all over the place with it and I'm terrified. I've worried for years about my periods with one thing or another and it wears at you eventually. All the best for Tuesday and good luck xx.
janeymac1965 BugglyBot
Hi BugglyBot, have you contacted you GYN? I would give him/her a call to see if there is something else going on with your lady parts. Hope you find out what's going on.
BugglyBot janeymac1965
I know you're right janey, I'm so scared right now. Here I am trying to be healthier and these problems are frightening me. Fingers crossed there is nothing wrong but I think I need to visit the doctor again. I just wish I could find a way to calm me down. It makes me so angry being on alert all the time, as many of you ladies know. I do appreciate the advice. Thank you xx.
carolrd janeymac1965
Everyday is spotting now, but lots of times during the day when you wipe there's nothing but before day is over there is, especially mornings . Sometimes it's like a slight bloody mucus discharge . The fear all month has been tormenting to the utmost ! Sometimes I feel like it is going to give me a total nervous break down ! I've already got myself stage 4 and buried that's how scared I am . Because everything you read is the big C !!! Does anyone else feel like this ?
BugglyBot carolrd
I could have written your post. I am absolutely terrified. I've been brilliant for a few months now but I'm back to being scared again. Your fear is the same as mine. I've said this before..nothing is innocent anymore. Our minds feel like imploding because it is harder to be rational when fear gets so bad. Believe me carol, you are not on your own. I thank the ladies here because they've helped me more than once. I just wish I could control my anxiety.
I've had palpitations, (only small ones, not as bad as they were), every day for a few weeks now and I try not to worry but I can't help it. I'm grateful you guys here unload how you feel, etc. It helps so much. Let us know how you go on won't you?
carolrd BugglyBot
I will , besides all the bleeding I had and now the non stop spotting I've also had fast heart beat , terrible impending doom , fear feeling like just strikes me in the heart! Crying spells and my breast feel so heavy Luke I need a truck to carry them , cold chills and hot flashes and the list goes on!
janeymac1965 carolrd
About three weeks ago I started bleeding. I am 51 and post menopausal. My last period was 18 months ago. Naturally when I noticed was after the GYN's office had closed. Me being the dumbass that I am I go on the internet. Every thing you read is about cancer. They tell you to start the process with in two weeks. I called the next morning, which was a Wednesday. By that afternoon, I was already scheduled for a Transvaginal ultrasound for Thursday and a appointment for an internal by my GYN. During my appointment she told me that if I was still bleeding or spotting Monday I need a uterine biopsy but she would be on vacation the following week. She would leave instructions with my chart. Well, Monday comes and I'm still having issues. They scheduled the biopsy for this past Tuesday. I'm not going to sugar coat anything. I think I would have rather gone through another c-section instead of having that biopsy. That was the most pain one yet, and it was my third. Two days later I got the all clear. No abnormal cell from the biopsy and my ultrasound was clear also. She seems to think it was stress. I found out that the 3 1/2 weeks I took low dose aspirin after TKR in April could have cause it also. If I have anymore issues I will need a D&C. Those two weeks were rough but I know have piece of mind knowing everything came back clear.
Sochima822 BugglyBot
Hi Buggly, I had something similar, where after spotting for about 12-14 days my gyne did a D&C on me. It was the cure. It's not normal to be spotting with or without the coil. I suggest you get a hold of your gynecologist if the spotting doesn't stop in a few more days. Best of luck.
BugglyBot Sochima822
I've had similar before and fingers crossed, it is the same this time. With having to have the Cystoscopy, etc, my health alert has been heightened and I'm panicking. I know the coil doesn't always stop bleeding completely but I've also got to be aware of it too and not just dismiss it without thinking about it first. I shall go to the doctors if I have to and have a chat with them. Thanks patra xx.
janeymac1965 BugglyBot