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Should I still be worried !!! Had my coil out and smear test done at the same time about a month and a have ago , I'm 56 and had the coil in for 13 years with no periods or anything until had the coil out after a couple of days had some spotting of blood and so had a camera done to have a look aroun because of the blood and they couldn't find why it happened but since then have had a couple of spottings but should I be still worried because was told at my age shoul be through meno by now but have  a spotting again today !!! Really worrying when they say they can't tell me why 😡😡 get myself worked up about lots of thing lately but also getting treated for yeast infection as well . Hope to get some answers from ladies on here that have been going through the same as me and my age . 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm no doctor but it's possible you aren't in menopause. Do you know at what age your mother (and any sisters) went into menopause? You would tend to follow suit. I know of women who were still having periods in their late 50's and even some 60 year olds. And progestin withdrawal (such as removal of IUD or stopping BC pills) triggers bleeding.

    Another possibility is that the Mirena removal irritated your cervix and vaginal tissues causing the spotting although I wouldn't think this would be the cause this long after removal. Even after menopause, spotting can happen from the thinning / atrophy of vaginal tissues.

    And surprisingly, most episodes of post-menopausal bleeding in the early post-meno years end up being nothing more than sporadic ovarian activity since our ovaries never completely shut down especially if we have all our parts. But of course any episodes of post-menopausal bleeding need to be checked to be sure there's nothing sinister going on.

    Hope yours is nothing serious!

    • Posted

      Hello , thank you for your reply , it's has crossed my mind as well but never realy talked to my mom about what age she was before she died and my three sisters had early hysterectomys .

  • Posted

    Hi, Anne,

    If you are still spotting, you could get in touch with your doctor and let them know.  I think that the next step might be to do a pelvic/vaginal ultrasound to check the width of the endometrial tissue, i.e., your uterine stripe.  Did they do a biopsy?

    There are also other processes that might cause the bleeding.  

    You know your body best, so if this doctor won't respond to your concerns, find one who will.

    Best of luck and let us know how you do!

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