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Hi ladies, just wondering if anyone has had spotting between periods? I’m 52 it’s been 22 days since my last period. This morning had light pink spotting. Now later in the day I have brownish like spotting. I have health anxiety so this is causing my anxiety to kick in!!!!
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jennifer85442 Brittay123
I'm 46 and have been spotting for 3 years. Doc says that isn't right, sends me for ultrasound and all is fine. Still thinks it is something other than perimenopause, even though my Mom went into full blown menopause at 44. I work for an ND and had to pay for hormone testing as doc wouldn't do it. Minor changes that indicate I'm sliding slowly into meno. Funny cuz symptoms feel major at times! But yes, to wrap up my babbling, I spot. And it's annoying and concerning. But with an ultrasound under my belt I am more relaxed about it.
louellen39047 Brittay123
Hi Brittay:
Don't let spotting drive you crazy at this age. Since you're still having periods, this could be those "crazy perimenopausal" periods or, you could have a built up endometrial lining. I was also reading that having spotting 2 to 3 days before a period comes on can be normal. It could even be something as simple as a yeast infection. Or, you could be hormonally changing now at 52 and going into menopause. There's a ton of reasons for it.
Wait and see whether you get a period or not over the weekend. My bet is that by Monday of next week, you'll have one (light or not). If not and you don't get one...wait and see what happens next. Of course, you could always speak to your GP/PCP and see what she/he has to say BUT...remember...they cover their rears and just want us off of their plates so that they can say that the did "due diligence" by sending you to an ob/gyn if you don't already have one.
About the only thing that I can say is that you *may* need an ultrasound to see your lining thickness. The fact that you're still having periods, says to me that you're not yet menopausal. Checking your FSH and LH (blood tests) as well as estradiol level *may* give them a ball park indication of where you're at.
Sounds like you're just in the transitional phase where everything goes wonky and no one really knows why or has an answer on how to deal with it properly. They take educated guesses.
Did you have sex just before it started or do anything tremendously physical? That could also be causes. It might even be your cervix being a bit raw if you did. I am not a professional healthcare provider but, as a lay person who has experienced a lot, I'd say that you have time to wait it out and just see what happens. Having spotting at this age is not uncommon.
Just wait and see what happens. Don't panic at all. The likelihood of it being anything serious or concerning is very slim. A good doc can tell you if you're worried though. Stress can also create its own headaches. Try to calm down and just see what next week brings before picking up the phone to call a doc...unless you can't stand waiting. Just control your stress levels.
And, 62 years of age...I'm still spotting almost daily like that.
Brittay123 louellen39047
katyD211 louellen39047
Thank you for your wise and comforting words of experience! I am 59 and scheduled for a hysteroscopy on Monday and I am freaking out!
Glad to hear I'm not alone with the spotting....but wishing you well, too.
louellen39047 katyD211
katyD211...being 62 and having been through the realm of both issues and testings (all non-cancerous), I'm also at the point of wanting this over but, am TERRIFIED of what I've booked in.
I am ALSO scheduled for a TVH for Sept 13th. I've had enough of the spotting, bleeding and being all over the map at this age. I'm prolapsed and have had 2 D&C's, so many biopsies (last one in May of this year) as well as other testings and progesterones etc., that I'm at the end of my rope with it all.
I don't know which way you're about to have yours done but, I hear that though they call it "major surgery" (and it is), they do it so many times that it's common for them to do them. Do yourself a favour NOT read or watch anything on the net about this procedure/surgery. The women who write most of these are the ones who are "Drama Queens" or they have had a bad experience. I made that mistake with the in office biopsies and was scared silly for no good reason (I've had 6 of them now). Women were falling off of the table, crying, screaming, throwing up, worst pain in their lives etc. on the net. One story after another. I braced myself as much as I could for those things and it was nothing like that. And, Stupid here...did the same thing with 2 Cataract Surgeries. I was literally trembling when they took me in (you're wide awake during it). It was 20 minutes each surgery and all I felt was pressure. I had some lovely oatmeal cookies and apple juice waiting for me when I got out and into recovery. I was a mess for nothing.
Bring a list of questions that you want to ask, of course, for discharge instructions and be sure to ask them but, stay away from the net stories if you can. They scare the beegeezus out of me. I'm almost tempted to say, "I'll live with it!" LOL. I know that I don't want to but, those stories make me nuts. It's like hearing horror stories before having a baby. Everyone has one of those and are only too willing to share them with another pregnant woman. ROFL.
Please let me know how you make out with your surgery and recovery. I'm SURE it will all go fine and you'll be DONE and recovering quickly. (Don't I sound brave! LOL
). Seriously though...would love to hear your story and being done and out the other side of this. ALL of the women I've talked to who have had it done, say that it's the "best thing that they ever did and wish that they had have had it done sooner."
Prayers, good energies and vibes coming your way!!! Will hear from you soon!
louellen39047 katyD211
Ooopppsss....katyD211...I thought you'd typed in "hysterectomy". LOL.
Hysteroscopy...I've had 2 of them done. You're going to be fine. Try to relax. Just follow instructions and you're going to sail through this.
katyD211 louellen39047
First of all, you have a wonderful sense of humor !🤣Thank you, thank you, thank you soooo much for sharing your personal experiences and for your encouraging words!!! You've really made me feel a lot less anxious about it, and I really appreciate that. 😘 I will check back in when it's done.
beth1873 Brittay123
Oh yes! I'm 45. I started my period this past Monday. It ended...on Monday! LOL! Then today (Thursday) the old bag returned in full force! I spotted brown on Wednesday. This is like being on a roller coaster!
Hang in there! It's "normal".
Brittay123 beth1873
alice1209 Brittay123
I am 50 and still have regular periods. Last year I had spotting for two executive months ( mainly around when I ovulated), it started as normal blood them progressed in to brownish blood. I had an internal and scan twice and everything was normal.. after two months it stopped, and everything has been ‘normal’ since.
I was totally convinced it was something sinsister but my doctor and gyno assrued me it was hormonal.
As incredibly hard as it is please do not worry! Xx
amanda59745 Brittay123