Spotting between periods!
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Hi, Im 44 and for the past year Ive noticed my periods only lasts 4-5 days which is shorter for me. About 6 months ago I started spotting around day 14 which lasted off and on until my period. No pain, but I feel slightly crampy when the spotting happens. So for the last few months since then I will spot around ovulation then off and on until my period comes. Not to sound gross, but its dark brown, sometimes with a tinge of pink. I only
notice this when I wipe..could it be peri?..Thanks!!
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allison85709 sandra45508
Good Morning Sandra! I did the same thing about 2 years ago and had to have a pelvic ultrasound which showed i had a thick endometrial lining. After that I had an endometrial biopsy and everything was normal so they put me on progesterone and I stopped spotting between periods and it normalized my period. I'm off now and occasionally spot but not very often anymore. At this age our hormones are all over the place and I always seem to get some new weird symptoms of perimenopause. Also, the brown is just old blood from your last period. I hope you start to feel better!
sandra45508 allison85709
Thanks! Im such a worrier so I think either an hormonal issue or a polyp?..i know I probably have many more years of this ahead!
sandra45508 allison85709
Thanks! Im such a worrier so I think either an hormonal issue or a polyp?..i know I probably have many more years of this ahead!
allison85709 sandra45508
Its definitely a hormone issue. I've had so many issues and continue to get more. My health anxiety has been crazy since I started perimenopause. Right now I have pain in my armpit which has freaked me out. I'm sorry I do know how frustrating it can be. I do use a progesterone cream occasionally which may help you. Low progesterone is common at this age.
staci88515 sandra45508
Hi Sandra,
I have been bleeding for 20 of the past 25 days. I had a 4 day period in late August that started and ended with spotting and was heavy in between. Then, no period for 5 days. Then, spotting for 10 days mostly when I went pee and wiped. It varied from brown to bright red. Then, I started a new very heavy period. So far, It's been 4 days of heavy bleeding.
I am tired and weak and feel terrible.
sandra45508 staci88515
Oh no! could you be anemic? I am and I know when my levels are low. I just dont know whats normal spotting in peri? Mine is the same-only when I pee and wipe. Most people say theyve all had it but I dont know.
staci88515 sandra45508
I have no idea, at this point. What a horrible way to navigate this time in our lives. We always have to question if we are "normal" or should we seek medical care. I usually do not spot in between periods. I have also never had two heavy periods 2 weeks apart. So, is it peri or something more serious? I have no idea!
Sw62355 sandra45508
hi Sandra, I had the same thing last year. My GP sent me for an ultrasound and referred me to gynae. Had to have a hysteroscopy and they removed a couple of polyps. Waited about 6 months for the hysteroscopy and in that time the spotting stopped. I would say its probably nothing to worry about but you should mention it to your doctor. I've had no spotting since but as it had already stopped before the polyps were removed, I dont think they were the cause anyway! Just so many weird things happen in peri.
sandra45508 Sw62355
Ugh ful of anxiety so hoping this isnt anything big.. i will mention to my gyno at my next appt which is in 2 months thanks!
Sw62355 sandra45508
Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be but its better to mention it and get it checked if necessary. I've had so many weird things in the last 5 years and had hellish anxiety worrying about it all - which only makes it worse, of course! Take care
Lucoley sandra45508
Hi Sandra
I'm 45 and have had very similar symptoms. Mine started back in April the same way but with no periods (just on and off spotting) and has progressed to being permanent now for about 4 or 5 weeks. Like you it's very light, could be when I wipe myself, ranges from red to dark brown. Some days heavier than others. Had a chat with my GP who thinks it's hormonal but to keep an eye on it and if it's still not settling in 2 months she will refer me for a hysteroscopy. I'm slightly anxious too at times because of course until proven innocent we worry about something more sinister!