Start of a new week, HOW IS EVERYONE DOING?
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I've woken up feeling VERY ANXIOUS and there is 4" of snow on the ground here. Its day 41 on sertraline (21 @25mg and 20@50mg) and i think i am starting to feel the positive effects of the meds, or am i just so tired from the lack of sleep and anxiety that this is my new normal? I had a couple of bad days last week and I took the ATIVAN my GP prescribed on Thursday and Saturday - told myself I would never take it two days in a row. Now its Monday and I am trying to pay close attention to my UPs and DOWNs today - on the ATIVAN everything was so good i couldn't tell if the meds were working or not.
So to keep me moving forward, if you've got time please let us know how you are doing today on Sertraline and if you take benzos, even intermittently, I would be interested in your experiences. Thanks for the input I really appreciate everyones support from this community.
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mark56500 CG1964
I'm new to AD meds. I've been on 100mg. Of sertraline for about the same time as you have. I'm 52 and have never had anxiety like I have over the last couple of months. I went through a divorce about 10 years ago and that wasn't near as bad as i've been lately. My anxiety came from nowhere!
I was also prescribed Xanax to be used as needed along with the sert. Early on, I was taking a .25 Xanax almost daily to be able to function. Work may be my trigger and I must work, so I've been fighting this extreme morning anxiety.
Personally, I believe I'm just beginning to feel calmer and am getting back to my normal care free self. I still have daily bouts of anxiety, but it is becoming less and less severe as time goes on. The more I try to just get on with my life, the better I become. Having a wonderful and supporting wife and family have been a great help also.
I once heard that "time is an herb that cures all ills". I don't know who said it, but I believe it. We just have to keep facing our fears and persevere. Eventually, with or without meds, our minds will realize that everything we are worrying about is not as large an obstacle as we are making them. Everything WILL be Ok. There is nothing we can't handle with the help of friends and loved ones.
Hope this helps.
CG1964 mark56500
Thanks again for the words of support. Hope you have a good day.
Nina2048 CG1964
Well I havn't taken any Sertraline since the 21st March after I had, had an awful week with Cronic Flatulence and Diahorea I couldn't even go out because it was so bad, when I told my doctor he said he'd put the dose to 100mg per day to which I just said No, "I've had enough of all this bowel problems" He said I needed something for my anxiety to which I replied " I'm anxious because of not being able to breath properly because of the COPD that's all". This week I have had yet another chest infection,so have felt sh*t, and very down, not eating, but my bowels are abit better thankfully, and hopefully will improve....but I will Never take Sertraline again..
pauliepie CG1964
i thought i was doing ok four/five days ago but then out of nowhere my anxiaty levels have rocketed again. shaking/nervous energy racing thoughts to the point i give myself a headache by the end of the day, still waking up at 4/5am and totally shattered by the end of the day, i almost feel like i want to try to say up all night just to avoid the horrible feeling in the morning. not ideal i know, and eventually i fall asleep anyway...
its three weeks for me tomorrow, and i convinced myself i would give it 4 weeks so its one more to go but i feel im going to need some improvement on Sert or im going to ask to stop it as i cant take much more of this.
That said wishing everone on here all the best. and hoping for a better tomorrow
crystal_90565 CG1964
Dadoo CG1964
mark56500 Dadoo
Take your meds. Perhaps you could speak to your Dr. About Xanax or something to help.
Dadoo mark56500
mark56500 Dadoo
Xanax is a mild tranquilizer.
CG1964 Dadoo
I am waiting for the sertraline to start working and this is so slow and i am at times desperate - so I have ATIVAN/Lorazepam from my GP to take in times of extreme panic and that helps - perhaps you could get something similar -
also when i am really exhausted from many nights of no sleep i take 25mg benedryl and that usually gives me at least 4 hours. I also only lie in bed for 30 minutes and then if i cant sleep i get up and read or knit - no TV or screentime because that is too stimulating. I hope this advice helps. Know that you are not alone in your struggle, we are with you always.
Dadoo CG1964
Thank you for your advice.
mark56500 Dadoo
While I feel I am on the mend, I got up this morning with anxiety and needed a Xanax. I'm down to needing one every 2 or 3 days instead of daily, so I suppose that is a good thing.
My wish is that all my fellow sufferers here continue to improve and may we all resume to normal function soon! This anxiety bug is getting really old for me.
CG1964 mark56500
I had to take an Ativan yesterday afternoon in the midst of a complete meltdown - on the bright side, last night I got the best sleep of the last 6 months.
Talked to my GP today and she agreed that I should wait the full 6 weeks to gauge the effectiveness of my dosage - so thats another 21 days for me @50mg - fingers crossed! I felt somewhat better today but that could also be the residual effects of yesterdays Ativan.
Getting tired of this anxiety stuff as well - I got the name of a therapist from my GP and that's on my list for the next couple of days - I was going to wait for the meds to level out my mood, but who knows how long that will take. time to take some action!
Hope you all have a better day than yesterday.
mark56500 CG1964
So sorry to hear about your bad day yesterday. I guess it's ups and downs when you've been bitten by this strange affliction!
I believe the sertraline will be the answer and will help us all to heal. We just have to make it through the next hour, day, week, etc.
I'm sorry to say this, but I'm very glad to know there are many more people out there dealing with these issues. Before I got on this site, I felt somewhat isolated. I know now that it doesn't matter who you are or what your circumstances may be, you could be stricken with this horrible anxiety.
Anyone suffering with this is in my thoughts and prayers. I know we will all feel much better soon!