Started Progesterone- Am I Weird???
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I'm 54 and haven't had any real significant menopause issues... except for prolonged, excessive bleeding that has crept up on me this last year and got bad the last 3 months or so. I thought I'd be done bleeding at my age, but it's like my body doubled down and has been pitching a hissy fit.
So I started on natural progesterone cream about 10 days ago, and I'm taking 3 weeks to ramp up to the required dose. I feel good... except... I worry that I'm weird.
Weird because.....Yesterday my body started throwing out these huge, and I mean massive clots like I've never seen before, and weirdly, it feels like a physical relief. Is that weird?? I expected to feel worse for a while before feeling better, as the estrogen receptors up-regulate due to the progesterone, so the bleeding doesn't worry me right now. I don't have any cramping or serious PMS-- I actually feel a lot better than I have in a long time.
Meanwhile, over the last year or so, it felt like my uterus had become spongy and swollen, and "gummed up" so to speak, and the only thought I have when passing these big clots is "oh thank God. Whew. Relief." Is that weird?
Any similar experiences?
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2chr2015 michelleds
Hi Michelle. Sorry I don't have any experience with that. But, I do have a question. What do you mean by up regulate? Just in case I start progesterone at some point, I will know what to expect. I do think that if I passed some huge clots like that, I would feel better too
michelleds 2chr2015
Hi 2ch. I feel weird feeling so much better from something so strange and gross lol
I got this from natural-progesterone-advisory-network:
"When you introduce progesterone back into your body (i.e. raise levels with the use of cream, gels or pills) then you’re going to “wake up” your estrogen receptor sites, stimulating the estrogen receptors and exacerbating the estrogen effects in the body. Estrogen receptor sites down-regulate in the absence of progesterone, and up-regulate when progesterone levels return to normal.This exacerbation of your symptoms is only temporary. Once your progesterone levels begin to elevate to ‘oppose’ estrogen in the body, then things should settle down. Some women, however, experience a ‘bad’ dose of estrogen dominance wake-up. This is not unusual. In fact, it suggests progesterone has started to go to work in your body and, in doing so, has up-regulated your estrogen receptor sites, bringing about a heightening of estrogen dominance symptoms like unexplained depression, fear & anxiety. As you apply more cream and bring your body’s stores of progesterone up to its optimal level, you would expect these symptoms to disappear altogether."
2chr2015 michelleds
Redhead1960 michelleds
Hi Michelle, I too suffered from increasingly heavy periods from around the age of around 52 to 55. I didn't have any menopause symptoms otherwise. The flooding and the clotting (passing large lumps) were debilitating and sometimes all I could do was sit on the loo and let the blood flow as tampons and towels could not cope with the flow. I was prescribed some tablets to try and reduce the bleeding but they didn't work. I also tried 6 months of oral HRT, again no change. I had a blood test to see if I was at least peri menopausal in which case there may be an end in sight, but it came back that my hormone levels were normal. At the end of my tether I was referred to a gynaecologist who did various biopsies which were benign and ultimately I had endometrial ablation. My endometrium had grown thicker and there were benign polyps which were contributing to the pain and excessive bleeding, painful clots etc. Endometrial ablation removes the endometrium and generally leads to no more periods, or veery reduced periods. It lasts about 5 years until the endometrium grows back. So it is not a suitable op for much younger women as they will likely have a reoccurrence of problems before the menopause or for women who wish to have more children, as unfortunately although it doesn't affect fertility, the scar tissue makes miscarriage very likely. I mention all of this only because you may find that a similar operation may suit you if appropriate and available to you. I had a general anaesthetic although I believe it can be done with epidural, I was released from hospital a few hours afterwards, 2 weeks off work but probably around 6 weeks before I felt normal again. After the first few weeks of bleeding following the operation, I have not had a period since. It made such a difference to my life not having to spend a week a month tied to the loo! I don't think it's weird what you are feeling, it can feel quite cathartic with all the activity in your uterus and the passing of clots etc, but I felt so much better when it no longer happened! Good luck. Hopefully the hormone treatment will sort the problem, but I would recommend you see a doctor to check what is going on and what treatments are available.
michelleds Redhead1960
Hi Redhead- Thank you for sharing your situation. At least I don't feel like one of the small minority of women still bleeding well after 50. Argh. I'm glad you're feeling better and things have worked out. I'm waiting to see a new doctor now-- new changes in my insurance = new doctor, new procedures.
I've read about endometrial ablation and realize that maybe be where I end up. Not something I've been looking forward to, but comforted to know it has worked for you without any problems.
The things we women live through-- it amazes me.
Redhead1960 michelleds
Yes, nature does throw women some curve balls! I am now 57 and just recently had a blood test which confirms I am now peri menopausal following so I could have easily gone into my very late 50's with periods from hell so I am glad I had it done although there of course risks with any surgical procedure. Wishing you the best of luck.
Str8tfans michelleds
Michelle I can't give you any information on this at all, but I will say this much- is he willing to pass clots the size of basketballs if it would make me feel better!! Lol
My thought would be if you feel good, listen to your body :-)