Still feeling low towards end of period
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Hello there . It's me again . Yet another problem 😟. I have had a heavy period since Sunday . The thing is surely by now my mood should have lifted , but I am feeling uneasy , anxious and my stomach feels a bit off and I'm generally fed up . I shall be 50 next month and still having regular periods . Last months only 3 weeks in between and this month 4 weeks to the day since that . I was hoping that maybe this month it would be late . What is it with all these relentless symptoms ? Am I normal ?
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lynwell14 jane63977
dora_39625 lynwell14
Hi there...what were your symptons during peri menopause?
I'm 42 and have started noticing changes since last year.
I have good days and bad days but it can be a struggle at times..
I'm definitely more emotional than I was before.
Would like to compare symptoms if you don't mind me asking.
lynwell14 dora_39625
dora_39625 lynwell14
Thanks for reply...
I can relate to them symptoms.. I also feel like a general weakness and feeling like am going to blackout. It's awful.
I have low blood pressure also which at times gets lower than normal - it's awful..
Hope these symptoms will subside. X
lynwell14 dora_39625
annieschaefer jane63977
You are incredibly normal. Some times when the estrogen is really tanking as you are heading into true menopause, you won't get the old lift as you did earlier. Looking back I now see it clearly that when that starting happening to me, I was probably in my last year of real perimenopause. I thought I was losing my mind at first as I was used to having a bit of an issue of feeliing low right before a period but when the day started it was like a cloud was lifting and I became my old self again. Not to mention how irregular cycles was a wild last year for me, hopefully just knowing that others have experienced this and it will pass, will make you feel better.
lena53512 annieschaefer
I have the same problem for a few past months . During period and after i feel very low, depressed, lethargic, sleepy, eventhough I take iron and vitamins. I hope that the end of peri is near, but sometimes it is all unbearable. Add almost everyday sinus/migraines headaches, someting like menstrual cramps anytimes, strange realistic dreams, and obsessive musing about the past. Some days are really bad.