Still regular...
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Hi ladies. Am having peri symptoms but blood tests inconclusive. I'm waiting for my monthly cycle to show signs of slowing up but got my period today at 29 days. I'm 48 and would've expected them to be less frequent by now. Last month, I went about 38 days, the month before about 25, earlier this year I had a 7 week cycle, so there is some fluctuation but still pretty regular really. It's frustrating because I've had enough of periods and am very much looking forward to the day when I don't have them anymore! Doc says our mother's experience should be used as a guide but my mum isn't around anymore to ask. What's also annoying is that for the past 29 days, I have had constantly sore boobs. Similar experiences anyone?
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paula20385 Lara66
jayneejay Lara66
my periods were irregular like you say when i was first in peri..
Was like clock work before every 28 days, then they would be bigger gaps, they got heavier but only lasted three days, then i bled for 21 months solid with out a two day break that ranged from heavy, normal, light, spotting constant, i was age 40 / 41 then. I had 3 faints, then over the next 10 years following i just skipped a few periods each year, until i got down to three a year, then two, then one, then none, and i am post meno now age 50.
FSH test will always come back normal if still have so called regular periods as hormones erractic during this time, my FSH blood test did not show as menopausal until 2011 and that was when i was having approx only 3-4 periods a year, then it still took a further 3 years to reach post menopause ..
we all vary so much .. I wasnt like my mother, she was also early but hers was started at age 42 and she was post meno at age 44
we didnt take HRT so we are all so different
hang in there
jay x
kerry91 Lara66
I'm 52, FSH normal, still have to use contraceptive. I missed three periods in 2013, then a whole six months in 2014 but to my dismay theu came back in September and have become regular again! I'd love to stop too but I guess nature is making us wait!
sharcerv52408 Lara66
susan47122 Lara66
My mum had a hysterectomy at about 35 but kept her ovaries so she just measured her peri by the hot flushes and sleepless nights. I remember at around age 45 she would tell me almost every morning that she had woken at about 4am and went back to sleep just before the alarm went off, which is what happens to many of us, I know. She became terminally ill at age 48 and died at 50 so her peri symptoms were overshadowed by her illness but I do know, from what she told me, that she experienced hot flushes and insomnia in her mid to late 40s, like me.
Thanks once again for allowing me to share x
shaznay96184 Lara66
I ask my sister about her experience. She'd had her 'Year of Freedom' (no P's for 12mths!) at age 54, but prior to that she'd had a definite change to frequency. Christ, I was grateful they were so bloody predictable when I was younger, but I really can't wait to start seeing some sort of 'change'. Only thing I will say is that I don't tend to get so much drag, and the bleed is not so dark and clotted. I've been logging my P's for about a year out of sheer desperation. Can't honestly say that I've noticed any major changes.
I think my mum was in her early 50s. Remember her having neuralgia in her jaw and demanded that the dentist remove a tooth or two - probably unnecessarily! . I was only young (don't laugh: my mum thought I was hwe early menopause at 41!) but think me and another sister were fighting so got the blame for that!!
Did have a bout of sore boobs earlier in the year, but by and large I'm guided by headaches and this really tangible black mood cloud that I feel sweep over me.....even when I've a smile on my face!
Like you, I cannot wait to start seeing a definite change in my cycle. One thing I do know is that bleeding may have no connection as to whether I'm ovulating or not, so its back to the GP in the new year to ask for a blood test to check my levels (which I know are not always accurate). I'm sure if he heard me swearing and ranting, he'd believe that I haven't many hormones left!
Oh well lara - maybe 2015 will be our year.........of sweating, panic attacks, tears, hot flushes, arguments, more tears......!
Lara66 shaznay96184
I just want the dark clouds to pass. Feel so low alot of the time and anxious. We'll look back and laugh at all this one day - maybe, hopefully.
Happy new year to you x