Stingy eyes, headache, nausea.....

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Hi, just wondering if anyone's experienced these symptoms. Lately I've been experiencing a constant dull headache. It nevers get so bad that I need meds for it but it's always there. Also, my eyes sting all the time and I've felt nauseous quite a lot. As I say, these symptoms have only appeared in the past month or so. Grateful, as always, for thoughts and advice xx

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lara 

    Are your periods still regular ish ..

    how far in peri are you..

    if your skipping periods as you do in peri ..

    then in between you can feel the things you explain ..

    i use to feel headachey a thick fuzzy head sometimes and sickly when a period was on its way 

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay. Yes, my periods are still regular-ish. I recall my 1st peri symptom about 10 years ago, but the past 3 years, other symptoms increased. Had stingy eyes\headaches\nausea on and off for about 6 months now. I'm due in about a week but have been feeling these symptoms since the end of my last period. Very confusing x
  • Posted

    Yes i get that dull head sensation before a period. Sometimes when I'm on it and after. I get the eye thing too. Hope you feel better.
    • Posted

      Thank you. There doesn't seem to be any pattern, but I'm not keeping a diary. Perhaps I should. It's all very odd, isn't it? Wishing you good health too x
  • Posted

    I'm interested in everyone's experiences too as I have the same. Constant headache for 3 weeks, on and off nausea and dry eyes. Anyone had sinus problems? Or heard that they can be affected. I'm due on in a few days and wonder if this is the cause. I'm also sweating all the flipping time now! X
    • Posted

      Hi Stella. Glad to hear I'm not the only one experiencing these symptoms. I'm due on in about a week so I'll try and remember to record what happens with the symptoms. No sinus problems for me, though. I had sinusitis about 4 years ago, (awful, by the way), but no problems since. It seems that peri can affect many areas of our health, because we are generally feeling weaker. Our defences are run down and we are being attacked on all fronts! That's what I reckon, anyway. The doc gave me meds for sinusitis. If that's what you have, you need to see your doc and get a script. It'll make you miserable, otherwise. Hope you feel better soon xx
    • Posted

      Hi stella

      i use to get a weird sinus one ( still do sometimes ) 

      where out the blue your nose runs like a tap ..

      then goes again ...

      also my left ear .. Pressure feeling like needs popping 

      jay xx

  • Posted

    hello lara, i've not been replying as much as i used to on the forum because of my constant headaches and yes singly eyes as if i've got hayfever.  This has all come about since being in peri from 2012 but i didn't realise it until recently.  Like you mine can be  constant dull headache that is with me everyday at some point and i dont take any meds for but oher times mine can be horrendous but not a migraine.  I have no advice i'm afarid as i'm still sruggling but just wanted you to know your not alone with this.  sending you a comforting hug x
    • Posted

      Oh anxiousface 

      so sorry your still having these headaches ..

      you poor thing 😓

      big hugs hun 

      jay xx


    • Posted

      hi jay

      Thanks for the hug i needed it.

      How are you doing hun, i'd love to be in touch more but at the moment i can't be on the computer as often as i used to besad, i just get through work.

      hope to be back soon.

      hugs back xx

    • Posted

      Bless ya hun

      you take care and be kind to yourself 

      have you been to the docs about headaches 

      could be be your Prolactinoma making it worse at the moment  ..

      be kind to yourself and if your body says ' no not today' then take note and relax ..

      bigger hugs 😊

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi there. Sorry to hear you've been suffering too. Bring on our 50s, I reckon. Who'd have thought we'd be looking forward to getting older? Sending hugs back x
  • Posted

    Yes, bring on those fabulous 50's! 40's are sooo overrated ;-) xxx

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