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Hi ladies!!My husband made biscuits and gravy yesterday morn and i ate a couple helpings and not long after i was sick to stomach and shaking so bad i couldnt walk or stand...shaking lasted 20 mins or so and stomach and chest hurt most of day and of course i was like a wet noodle after that.I had tummy probs before meno but now all i can say is WOW!!!Any of you ladies had this happen???Still not all with it today but better...

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Me and my family have just gone through a stomach virus so I can somewhat relate. The food just may not have agreed with you. I get gas bloating and pressure up in my chest sometimes too and it scares me. But I usually get that before a period or during ovulation. Do you get that too?
    • Posted

      Yes I get bloated and unfortunately have alot of gas at times...but seems like after my period is worse sometimes... It just all sucks..Still exhausted and sore...what a fun time...NOT.I also imagine anxiety kicked in a little also...Never had that either till meno and thats prob why im sore in the chest..seems to b where my anxiety sits for me.Thanks for your reply..
    • Posted

      Oh my gosh! Me too! Whenever I am stressed or having anxiety that is where I get it too, in my chest which scares me sometimes because I automatically assume it's heart related. This is such a horrible time in a woman's life.
    • Posted

      Yes its horrible for sure...what these hormones can do to our bodies is amazing..Ive had chest pain on and off for almost 3 years now and heart Dr said I wouldnt believe how many women he sees that are goin thru meno and think its their heart...He wasnt concerned about it being my heart but he did want to do stress test but insurance said nope..Takes me a few days to get over this when it happens..Feel like somebody beat the crap out of me...ugh
    • Posted

      The pain is terrible I to have to the doctor had ekgs nothing shows the breast pain on top of it ugh! Any suggestions on relief? I have taken evening pentode magnesium b complex Zantac Christ I feel like a walking pharmacy looking for relief. I am having mammo and echo done just to relieve me of the panic and doom I feel
  • Posted

    I notice I get it rite before my cycle. I noticed a lot of my symtpoms are around the time of my cycle or rite after. It's a horrible feeling. I went to the ER one time because I just knew something awful was happening to me but after the once over they didn't find anything. It just went away. I hate it cause it brings panic attacks on. I still get it but not as often as I did.
  • Posted

    To be honest with you laurie i think if i ate biscuits and gravy first thing in the morning, i would be sick as well................ha seriously though, sounded like a low blood sugar reaction, which is down to having to much refined carbs in your system, and the menopause does cause inbalances withint our sugars, and eating carbs will trigger a reaction, stick to little and often high protein based meals, with low unrefined carbs, keep refined sugars to a bare minimum, hope this helps.
    • Posted

      Lol elaine..I usually dont eat hardly anything for breakfast cause my stomach doesnt do well but this was around 11am since we had a late nite..and i was actually hungry and i usually dont eat biscuits and gravy either so i should have known but this was the worst Ive felt..But what you said makes sense and I will def take your advice...Thank you so much!!!

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