Stomach ache

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Just a question to all you lovely ladies on here . I am due on any time really as it's just over 3 weeks since my last period and I never now when it's going to come . The thing is since yesterday I have had a stomach ache on and off and do achy all over . My upper left arm felt so weak earlier that it hurt even to hold my make up mirror . It hurt right down to the bone if that makes sense to anyone . Yet more symptoms to worry about . Is this all normal ? Please help . Love Jane X

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    i have had that too. my arms felt so weak i could barely drink a water bottle. my stomach hurts all the time and eating has become challenging. my 2 biggest things that are hard to cope with is the anxiety and i constantly feel off balance. like i live on a boat. makes going out of the house a huge chore. do you feel that? i am going to ent today

    been going on 8 months.

    but the heavy arms/legs/fingers come and go, so try not to stress smile


    • Posted

      Hi Kim let us know how you get on at ENT today.,I also have the imbalance sensation, it's awful, caused me to develope an anxiety disorder and had to resign from my job. I've had this since March 2015. I had ct scan, seen a neurologist then ENT diagnosed vistibular migraine, he said you don't need to have the headache all the time with this type of migraine but main symptoms are imbalance swaying, I struggle to look up or down and have s stiff neck, think it's all an educated guess, I think it's all hormone related whatever it is

      All the best xx

    • Posted

      its horrible. they actually rescheduled for next week because they want me to do a hearing test before i see the dr to test the pressure in my ears. i has given me such anxiety. i cant even go to dland tomorrow on my daughters fieldtrip because i dont think i could walk all day and go on rides sad i also made an OB appt to discuss HRT. i just cant live this way. i hope u start feelibg better

    • Posted

      Aww Kim id to get a hearing test as well. I ended up going private cos of the time it was taking. I wasted tested for inner ear problems but tests were negative. This all started last March 2015 while I was sitting getting my hair blowdryed in the hairdressers, it settled a bit for a few weeks then the more anxious I became the worse the imbalance got now I've lost my job and have a poor quality of life. ENT gave me nortriptyline low dose for vistibular migraine but came off them after 3 weeks because of side effects, I'm now trying low dose propranolol to see if it helps

      It's a nightmare but the only advice I can offer is not to let it beat you, try and not focus or fear the sensation, get out walking in the fresh air and think of better times ahead

      Hope you feel better soon and go on that trip, just avoid the rides 🙈🙊👍🏼xx

  • Posted


    Exactly how I feel before my period which are now around 35 days apart, the aching is caused by imbalance of oestrogen.

    Take an ibuprofen they really help me

  • Posted

    Hi Jane! I've had the same weakness in my left arm

    as well. It seem to come on about a week or so before

    the start of my period. I also get really bad upper back

    pain around the middle and left side of the back. I feel

    nauseous days before my period just a feeling of not

    feeling well at all.

  • Posted

    Jane, don't worry! I drive my husband mad talking about my neck and shoulder. Its being for long time now. My doctor thnks it's just virus. .. My throat is hurting and i cannot stop checking if there any lumps growing would be by now anyway 😢😉Very difficult. Thinking of my body all the time. Everything is drama. ..

    • Posted

      Hey Natallia!

      I know the feeling I've been going through this neck

      issue for about 5 years now!! My husbands heard it all! I actually had my left hand laying on my neck nonstop for 2 years my husband would look at me

      and say your neck hurts again.We even had neck X-ray dr. said all looks good!!😑 Still bothers me at times!!

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