Stomach issues

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Yesterday I was pottering around and getting on with things when I started a stomach ache to my right side . It gradually moved across and felt generally uncomfortable . I managed to eat dinner , but it was still there . Then of course the anxiety kicks in with me . Is it a grumbling appendix , have I got problems with my bowels ? I’m sure you all know the score , unfortunately . I didn’t manage to pass some wind ( sorry for tmi ) and this helped to ease it . I do seem to get a lot of that and indigestion and nausea at times . My stomach has always been my weak point it seems from when I started puberty almost . I have like period cramps this morning and I will be a week late come Friday , last month I was on time . Is this all related ? It’s my birthday on Friday and I will turn 51 and my friends getting married , so I really don’t want to feel poorly . Anybody else had problems like this ? Thank you 

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11 Replies

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    I had a pain like this last night and took it to be trapped wind ! It was like a stabbing pain for me! I have been told I have Candida ( have a look at the symptoms- might explain your stomach issues) 

    Kate x

  • Posted

    Jane you are describing me in your post! I had almost similar prob around a week back with me being concerned abt apendicitis etc etc. I have on the other always had strong stomach and never had any tummy issues, except of late.

    what has helped me, and what I have read helps is to eat fewer carbs. Carbs - especially from flour - cakes, breads and from fizzy drinks are the worst. I usually follow LCHF with lots of green veggies that works very well. I include a good amount of nuts and seeds in my diet and that is really helpful. 

    If you can, do try to replace some empty carbs with more complex carbs like sweet potato, swedes and even rice if you really cannot live without carbs. 

  • Posted

    Hi tummy has been my main problem....wind. Neasuea. Heat in my tummy and generally feeling awful. I tried a probiotic tablet from the health shop and has helped...

    These issues are due to the slowing down of our digestive system due to falling oestrogen...

    It has been such a challange but coming out tge other side now...drink plenty of water and keep away from greesy good...

    Keep checking in here for support and tell yourself it will pass .....lots of love. CK

  • Posted

    Hi Jane - Yes, I have experienced this pain rather regularly.  For me it isn’t so much a pain but a pressure underneath my right breast, but def in my intestines/stomach.  I also feel it on my right side like in my intestine.  I was so convinced I was having a gallbladder attack that I went to Urgent Care & had a CT Scan.  Unfortunately, I do believe it’s hormone related with changing digestion.  I simply cannot eat the same foods I did before without having repercussions.  Also, I never experienced gas & now have it all the time including bloat.  Ugh!

  • Posted

    OMG... I'm so glad for your post. For the past few days, I've had a bloated feeling, along with LOTS of belching. The pain on the right side is very faint but it really unnerved me. I just went off my period 2 days ago, so HOPEFULLY this is hormones. I'll be 45 in a few months, and this perimenopause is tortue, too many symptoms that worries me. 😣

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    Gallbladder issues are common when our hormones are out of whack.  Kinda sounds like mine
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    Do you think it’s my gallbladder then ? Now my health anxiety is really in overdrive 
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      ya know I forgot about gallbladder....I had symptoms and then one really bad one that sent me to doc to get checked out. He said at that time he thought it might be gallbladder, but wanted to be sure since I was in perimenopause and digestion changes at this time.

      Sure enough I had stones. But I watched my diet and took the prilosec he gave me so I could make it through the end of the school year. (I teach) A month later I had the surgery. So not to alarm you any more than you are, (I understand- I have health anxiety)just ask your doc about it. He can send you for a scan to put your mind at ease. Worse case, you get it removed and you're fine. It's a common surgery, and quick recovery.

  • Posted

    Hi Jane...yes I have all the tummy troubles you describe, right around when its time for my period. Sometimes I'll have one, sometimes I won't. I think the same things you do when it hits,and then it goes away as soon as period starts.

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    I had an emergency appendectomy in 2000 after a bout with the stomach flu. I was 31. Appendix is pretty far down -above pelvic area by top of hip bone. Appendicitis is a constant throbbing stabbing pain that does not relent.  I have def had more digestive issues with peri. Even had an endoscopy and colonoscopy and pelvic ct. all normal. But def problems like IBS. Especially since my period became irregular 4 months ago. 
  • Posted

    Hi Jane - All I can tell you to hopefully relieve your anxiety is....the dr told me if it was a gallbladder attack, you would be in excruciating pain.  Yes, gallbladder’s do act up during peri & menopause & drs are quick to remove them, but I have heard it’s very treatable to treat with diet etc.  This pain you are experiencing sounds like one of the 66 common menopause symptoms - try not to worry & write down when you experience it, chances are it will be the same time every month now - 

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