Stomach issues
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i thought i was doing okay but all of a sudden from nowhere i seem to have avid reflux issues! can't eat properly and yet am still putting on weight! its really bad in the evenings . medication makes it all worse . struggling . doctors cant find anything medical. at wits end!
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Guest AG13
Hi AG,
Acid reflux / GERD was one of my first awful symptoms that appeared when I started peri menopause. It has gotten better over the last 4 years but I have also found several ways of tempering it when it does flare.
Daily I use a supplement that is a combination of marshmallow, slippery elm, and aloe vera. I get it at Whole Foods. I take 1-2 a day between meals.
If I feel like the acid is starting to act up, I will start with chewing 2-3 tablets of DGL. It helps coat the esophagus and stomach. I will also take in conjunction 2 capsules of just slippery elm. If that doesn't work and the burn is still there, then I will take a Zantac 75. My last resort is chewing 2 Gaviscon tabs. That usually does the trick. I also drink a LOT of water to counteract the acid.
I avoid the PPI (Prevacid, etc.) as I don't like the side effects they can cause.
I hope this helps!
Livvvy AG13
When I didn't know I was peri menopausal I got lots of this and ended up, after a few visits being referred to the hospital and getting a camera put down my throat into my stomach to check but there was nothing there, no inflammation. This was one of the many changes my body was going through but at the time I thought it was something more sinister. For me it lasted about a year on and off but then just went away of its own accord. Very frustrating but seems to be one of the many annoyances of the 'change'.
AG13 Livvvy
thanks i will keep my fingers crossed and hope it will go away.
Guest AG13
Hi AG13, I had GERD as one of my first peri symptoms. I lost my appetite for almost 2 weeks last year. Always felt full after eating only a little. Lost weight, which was scary for me because I am thin. Chest pains, heart palps too, choking in the middle of the night on acid,. I could never tolerate the meds PPI's...I think. It took time, but just tweaking a few things has helped me. Stopped eating 3 hrs before spicy stuff ever.
lucy48229 Guest
Hi Lou,
The symptoms you have sounds like Thyroid problem, did you check it? I have the same symptom, found out it is my thyroid problem. Thyroid problem can cause GERD too.
Guest lucy48229
Hi Lucy, Thanks! yeah...I have been tested several times. Had pituitary MRI done too. Went to 3 different endocrinologists. 2 last year and 1 this year. I seriously thought I was hyperT. All normal.
lucy48229 Guest
Hi Lou,
It is nice to know you have yourself check. But one thing I would like to mention to you. I have done ton of blood work since 2016. all results came back normal. But I suffered all kind of Hyper symptoms, finally this September I was put on iodine uptake, it was found I was in hyper. This is how I know I am hyper. Because my blood work is fine, my doctor did not treat me at all. I have to treat myself with herb thyroid calming supplements which work for me. What I am using now is from Amazon, manufacture is Herb Pharm. My symptoms have gone a lot. Thank God!
Guest lucy48229
Hi Lucy, thank you so much for replying! It is just so frustrating...I do not know if you are familiar with the RT3 test...reverse T3...pretty much how we convert t4 or something. Anyways, my dr did a full panel in RT3 was elevated...showing a conversion problem. Possible inflammation. Sent me to Endocrinologist...who said that test meant nothing, useless test, etc. When I explained all my symptoms...and the terrible fatigue and weariness...he tilted his head sympathetically and started talking to me as if I were a child in his office with a belly ache! Even drew me a nice picture of how the thyroid works, etc. The only thing I did not get at the end of the 10 min. appointment was a lollipop!
I am so happy you found relief with the supplements! I have to be careful now with them, as I am on a med for is an anti depressant, but lower doses have an off label use for migraines...which I get awful and unbalanced feelings. Never ends!
curious though...who put you on iodine uptake with normal TSH?
lucy48229 Guest
My Endocrinologist would like to rule out thyroiditis, so put me on iodine up take. Thank God she did it!
lucy48229 Guest
Hi Lou,
I do not know too much about RT3. Here are some links, wish they help you.How is your FT3 level? If it is low, you may try take some selenium supplement to see if anything change or take organic Brazil Nuts.
Guest lucy48229
Hi Lucy, thank you for the links...very nice of you! These are what my results were in May...Does not look like he did FT3 that time. Checked adrenals and parathyroid. U was worried I had addisons because of the fatigue...very rare, I know...but good to check.
TOT T3... 101.80
CORTISOL...10.15 (morning blood draw)
REVERSE RT3...26 (normal range 8-25)
In July of 2017, my TSH was .34 (borderline hyper)...however I had come off 20 years of birth control pill use a m th before. Then, all my peri symptoms started...I have been a mess ever since!
Guest lucy48229
This is weird too...As of winter 2017, I seem to have developed Raynauds too in my hands and feet. Been checked for lupus, ms, lyme, ra, sjorjians, schlerodoma all negative. It could be because of fluctuating hormones, but I have always wondered about it. Drs just breeze by the subject when I have asked. But I read that after age 30...raynauds could be linked to a secondary issue. Then, I read something also saying raynauds can come with migraines...I get those awful now. All so confusing...thanks for chatting!
lucy48229 Guest
Hi Lou,
If you took out from birth control, for sure it will effect your thyroid. If you have border line hyper, you are better to ask doctor to take iodine uptake to check if your thyroid function is more hyper. My one is ! And I use herb Thyroid Calming from Herb Pharm, which was bought from Iherb, and my symptoms gets much less to bearable range. Otherwise I have pain all around my body. Wish my information can help you.
Guest lucy48229
thank you lucy, I will ask my dr at my next appointment. I appreciate the information. take good care!