Stomach pain and feeling so scared

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I am 49.  I have missed my period after a year of constantly bleeding.  My boobs have been really sore this week (period due a week ago)  I am having a lot of discomfort in my tummy and in my lower back.  I woke up this morning feeling so scared.  I am worried this is something awful now wrong with me.  I am sure I am worrying unnecessarily but reassurance from anyone would be so greatly appreciated.  The pain in my lower back feels pretty much like period pain!

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Joanna I too have been feeling weird and unsure I haven't had a period in 4 months or so I can't quite remember the past week or so my nipples have been really sore waiting for a period but nothing and usually with that it's my breasts and nipples and yesterday I was working and all of a sudden my face felt like it was on fire and I felt all shaky inside that really scared me so I went home early laid down and it gradually went away and also feeling really tired all the time I am almost 52 can anyone help me too
    • Posted

      Sandy you sound like me a few years ago! I have just turned 53 and had my last period when I was 46! I remember still getting the symptoms for many years as if my period was coming again and put myself through total misery. It's so hard when we have no help or understanding of what to expect or what is "normal" but you stay on this site and it will help you I promise. Breast pain & nipple pain followed me for a few years without any period, not so bad now although sometimes still get the heaviness monthly..... The list is endless but the lovely ladies on here are amazing and will totally understand your fears & anxiety and will help you no end.... Sending big hugs xx
  • Posted

    Aww Joanna!..... Hello lovely...... Worrying is normal when there are changes going on that you can't understand. Big hugs to you........ Have you had the constant bleeding over the year checked out? & if so what have they said. Xx
  • Posted

    Hi Joanna,

    Don’t get scared. Take an appointment with the doctor and get an ultrasound done. Just have a PAP smear test as a routine examination. As you are in menopausal age, there could be variation in the cycle.

  • Posted

    Ah ha!

    Yes you sound like your going on the change. I've been through all that.

    Just mark when your period comes. I found it became every 3 months then 4 months then 6 months then it completely went for a time. But last year I got two bleeds, but nothing since. I had an ultra scan they found nothing wrong with me.

    I spoke to the ultra sound assistant about this, he said we don't know shy this happens, but if you are okay inside, it's just the way your body is readjusting to the way it was before you had your monthly.

    So if your not in pain that's unbearable, and just feel generally low, then it's all to do with the big changes that go on in the body, when we go to the menopause.

    It can last years too. There is no number of years on it, when it finished I'm afraid.

  • Posted

    Joanna you are me but in September - I had been bleeding for a year then. I went to my GP in January last year to be told at 41 I was too young for menopause and it could be anything so smear and scan like within the week. The smear was clear and don't need one now for another few years, the scan showed I had a thickened womb lining which the lovely radiographer told me is indicative of beginning menopause. I could have jumped for joy. Anyway I then has this terrible bleeding again until this September when I found this site, begged someone to tell me how long I would be never ending bleeding for. And then bang I skipped periods in October and November. Had a 17 day period in December like but it was worth the months of no bleeding. 

    Anyway, my boobs are always sore a week before due on, fingers crossed mine are not sore now!! Still had discomfort in lower back and tum, much worse when bleeding though. BUT if you scroll through here we are all suffering headaches, joint pain, face aches (that's mine at the min - neuralgia), hot and cold sweats - basically being turned upside down by our own bodies. At some point all of us are worrying we are seriously ill because our bodies are doing such horrible things to us. I am pretty sure you have nothing to worry about - it sounds like you might be getting a period soon. But I would say for your own peace of mind see the GP get the scan and the bloods (they'll probably be useless if you are still bleeding) and the smear test and then you get peace of mind. Well, as far as you can get peace of mind when you are peri. Check back in with us next week tell us how you got on x

    • Posted

      Hi Daisy

      Sorry for late reply but so much going on with work I have hardly had chance to look here!

      I should have said I had an endometrial ablation around 5 months ago which hasn't stopped the bleeding completely but has helped, however periods are now very irregular.

      After my last post, a period came about a week later.  PAPs smears have all been fine for the last ten years.

      I am just wondering if anyone else suffers from constant low-lying nausea and indigestion at this time? All bloods normal!

      Thanks so much


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