Stomach reflux cause of anxiety
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Hi folks I'm back again lol. Just for abit of reasurrence. I suffer with stomach reflux but when my anxiety is high it's worse. Feel as through I could pull the middle of my stomach out. Swallowing all the time cause feel as through something is stuck in my throat. Taking meds for it but the more I think of it the more it feels worse. I know it's my anxiety but abit of reasurrence would help. Thanks x
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supemack39 karen77710
Hi Karen, it's not a nice feeling! It's adrenaline causing it, and some of the meds used to relieve it can actually make it worse. What are you using? If you take antacids they can cause yor stomach to produce more acid to counteract the loss of acid! I found magnesium both calmed me down and settled the symptoms. If you are calmer, you will find the reflux is not so bad.
karen77710 supemack39
Thanks for your reply. I'm taking lanzparazol 30mg one a day and remagel tablets in between. I had a bacon sandwich with white bread on Wednesday so that set it off but then I over think and it makes it worse. I suffer with health anxiety so I make a mountain out of a molehill lol. I've just started on magnesium tablets so hopefully they will kick in soon x
supemack39 karen77710
Hi Karen, bacon sets me off so I haven't eaten it for months. Read up on the lanzparazol, you may find it can make things worse?
karen77710 supemack39
It's white bread that sets me off but I'd taken my daughter to hospital and on way home we stopped off they only did white, my fault really. I've on on lanzparazol 20 years now I don't think they are even working I've told my dr but she insists I stay on them x
julie89512 supemack39
I totally agree, the lansoprozole was making acid reflux worse for me.
like iv said in my post came off them cold turkey which I prob shouldn't have but I'd had enough, had a couple of bad months but with diet change and gaviscon when needed I don't have to take them anymore,
but all what I went though with the symptoms of the reflux and I now have health anxiety and now on A/Ds.
Theres more to acid Reflux than just heartburn.
julie89512 karen77710
i was exactly the same, last year was horrendous with reflux then Anxiety came.
i took myself off lansprozloe cold turkey because I was getting side effects from that was on that for 5 years,
but I was also getting side effect from the reflux, heart racing. Dizziness, lump in my throats, Blood pressure all over the place, pressure in my chest Thought I was having a heart attack, which do come from the symptoms of acid reflux doctor put me on beta blockers but I kept fainting so had to come off that, I got to breaking point and I thought I was going to go insane, went back to a very understanding lady gp she did all the blood tests, heart monitor which some bloods came back a bit high but she then did a second lot 2 weeks later and was ok and she put me on a low dose of anxiety tablets for anxiety had issues with the side effects but 12 weeks down the line my anxiety has dropped by about 80% still have odd bad days but I can cope.
Getting a doctor who was willing to take time and listen is my saviour.
i agreed to go on them because I felt that my mind and body needed a rest from the chronic anxiety.
also I did a lot of research on what to eat and not to eat for anxiety and acid Reflux, I also have manuka honey before I go to bed which helps, and gaviscon when needed.
sorry for rambling on but your not alone,
hope my post helps x
karen77710 julie89512
lynda20916 karen77710
Hi Karen,
I'm wondering if you've had an ultrasound to check whether you have a hiatal hernia? xx
karen77710 lynda20916
No Lynda I haven't they want do one cause just say I had a barbarian meal years ago and it should up that it was reflux. I have often throught is it a hernia x
lynda20916 karen77710
Well, they need to check, because though hiatal hernias aren't thought of as dangerous, generally, they can become dangerous. Can you insist? Just wondering. They don't seem too concerned about what's actually going on as long as they can give you pills. xx
Guest karen77710
karen77710 Guest
I think I have every illness going. Get light heaviness, dizziness, aches and pains in my neck shoulders. Palps, always feel like I'm floating. I over think everything. Don't like been alone. AlwYs thinking I'm going to have a heart attack, the list goes on x
julie89512 karen77710
You proberbly need to go on anxiety medication Karen for a while
I really do sympathise with you.
I felt like you for 6months plus, had blood test done,
heart monitor for 24 hours,
Reflux is a horrible thing it messes with your mind as well as our
body. It's the best iv felt in many months.
I'm on a very low dose of sertraline and it's taken the edge of my anxiety, and my reflux is alot better.
karen77710 julie89512
Thanks Julie I've had sertraline but it made my stomach worse, I've tried a lot of meds for anxiety but cause they have ssri's in them I carnt take them. I was on beta blockers for a year they were fantastic but I was diagnosed with asthma a few monthes ago I had to come off them cause it made it worse. I seem to be in a no win situation xx
julie89512 karen77710
Don't give up Karen.
i was seeing a doctor for months and not getting any where and a draw full of medication I couldn't take because of the side effects.
id had enough so got in to see another doctor a lady and she's been great
so go see another GP to see if they can suggest something else
karen77710 julie89512
I'm seeing my own go next week, she's a lady dr she is fantastic. It doesn't help that I'm in menapause also, so really run down x
julie89512 karen77710
Joys of being a woman eh??
Hope she comes up with something for you.
The menopause can cause a lot of problem especially anxiety.
i had a hysterectomy at 42 so I'm on HRT, which the have been for nearly 15 years. And the gp want to put me on another so bit concerned about that.
keep me posted on what your Gp says
wishing you well Karen x
karen77710 julie89512
I will keep you posted darl. Yer I'm on hrt patches, helps with hot flushes and dizziness and sleep but that's it.eishing you well to and thanks for listening xx
julie89512 karen77710
Your welcome.
This forum has been a great help to me over past few months, knowing that we aren't alone is a blessing. Xx
karen77710 julie89512