Strange feeling in hands

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Hi, I understand that aching joints are part of the deal with the Menopause, but I am also wondering if anyone else has felt anything strange in their hands, because I have noticed a slight achy numbness there recently and so I felt I would ask if anyone else has experienced this...thanks.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes numbness in the fingers when I wake it as if my hands have gone to sleep.  Shake them and it clears ..... achy joints especially at the tops of my legs. Part of menopause - it's a nightmare........
  • Posted

    Thanks a lot Helen, I feel a lot better knowing its nothing too to you!
  • Posted

    Hi, me too, especially when I wake in the night, my fingers feel stiff particularly my little fingers, a doctor told me it's a symptom of hormonal changes; I sometimes get the numb thing too.
  • Posted

    We all need support and advices - I have been to my GP tried for help and advice, it's not life threatening , but just want help to manage this horrible time of life..... GP does not want to know...... You get fobbed off and told just get on with it......... Glad to be of help...... Good luck to you as well....
  • Posted

    Please ask your dr to test your Iron Studies, as some of you will be absorbing iron when you stop menstruating and this causes aching joints/muscles, etc.  It is best to eliminate that problem rather than assuming it is just 'menopause' symptoms.
  • Posted

    I have strange feeling in my left hand, like a numbness. Still trying to get to the bottom of it. Not sure if it connected to problem I have with my tmj or could be neck issue. If I find out I'll let you know. Xx
  • Posted

    Hi Guppy

    I have just had a few days of awful aches and loss of interest and energy ... but have passed again ..

    being in almost year 9 of peri 😪 I have found my pattern ... and it seems every month   I get very achey body etc, even teeth sometimes, sensitivity... and it tends to be monthly like PMT but no period... now I feel okay again...  Is it the same with you, sometimes you feel as good as you can, the. boom the aches kick in etc, ( maybe every month) for a few days... just a thought it may be as i am and worse every month

    Jay xx

  • Posted

    I think I have posted this and additional B6 and B12 info 1000 times, sorry ladies, to be repetative, but it may help Guppy ... 

    Supplementing with vitamin B6 is also a good option during menopause and can provide more rapid relief than diet alone. To avoid an imbalance that can result when one vitamin becomes deficient, use a supplement that contains a full complement of all members of the B-complex family. Doses of 50 to 100 milligrams per day help promote general health and wellness. However, during the stress of menopause, your requirements for B6 may increase to as much as 300 milligrams per day, says Lieberman.

    Jay xx

    • Posted

      Thank you all for taking the time out to comment, I am awaiting an order of B complex vitamins to thank you jay for that. I have recently started swimming which seems to be helping a little.  The worst thing is that I only need to sit and watch  tv for an hour, and then I find getting out of my chair terrible, I'm as stiff as a board!
    • Posted

      Hi Guppy

      yes ... I too feel stiff alot... when been sitting, its not nice is it...

      its like your joints need oiling 😧 to relax them... and loosen them up abit..

      I was hever sure if this was peri at first as I have a bad issue and a tilted uterus so get pain from those, but i get stiffness of neck etc and jelly legs so its peri for sure.. .. we can just try and do what we can cant we..

      swimming is very good... I live in spain and have a pool so when the water warms up abit I shall do just that every day... excellent for aches.. Jay xx

  • Posted

    correction... ' back issue' not bad issue 😖 jay x
    • Posted

      Hi Jaynee, Yep I have a pool too, I live in Costa Rica, another warm place! but I never used it until I started with this stiffness, its definitely helping though, also I have started taking Omega 3 oils, which seems to help. Any tips for dry skin, my face feels really dry, I put vaseline on it the other day as I was desperate!
    • Posted

      Hi Guppy..

      i do t take HRT either, too risky with family history..

      what you must take is NateCal ( calcium and Vit D3) mix tablet, sold worldwide.. for bones etc, I take Estroven Maximum i get it off ebay from usa, also Maca is good, and Vit B6 from farmacia, i get mine here they are 300mg but i take half at moment, also, vit B1 as not only good, but mozzys dont eat you either they hate it..

      as dor dry skin, mines okay but I do use Xhekpon crema it has collagen, also from farmacia, its spanish and very cheap and very good... i also use roc retinol its good to.. hope that helps Jay 


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