Strange pain and seeing floaters.
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Hi ladies.
For the past 3 months I've been getting a strange pain between my thumb and index finger on both hands. I can only describe the pain as a burning sensation which feels weird but sore at the same time. Also, I've been seeing floaters or spots/dots on and off every day. I've been for an eye test and I was told that it's normal for women experiencing menopausal symptoms. My doctor said that it could be a sign of under an lying illness which really freaked me out. Have any of you ladies experienced these symptoms and will it go away. I've had both these symptoms for months now.Thanks.
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staci88515 faz5503
I see floaters and dots everyday. My vision has been completely affected by perimenopause. It is my worst symptom. Which doctor told you that it is normal for menopausal women?
faz5503 staci88515
Thanks for replying Stacie. I hope that you feel better soon and they you're not plagued by other symptoms like the rest of us. All the best.
Kindest regards.
Guest faz5503
Mine floaters have been so bad I think it's a fly and its not! I see them in front of me and on the sides and some days they seem like they are entraining me in 3D! I just had a complete and intensive eye exam and full eye dilations.
Guest faz5503
Mine floaters have been so bad I think it's a fly and its not! I see them in front of me and on the sides and some days they seem like they are entraining me in 3D! I just had a complete and intensive eye exam and full eye dilations.
faz5503 Guest
Hi Crosado8. Thanks for sharing your struggle with me and others. I too had a thorough eye test and I was told that it's normal for women of a certain age and menopausal women who have this particular problem. Take care of yourself and all the best to you.
Kindest regards.
heidiparthena faz5503
It is 1000% normal for PEOPLE our age, not just menopausal women, and your doctor should be slapped for saying that about underlying illness and causing you alarm. Because I am a nervous nelly, I asked both my primary care (a female) who said they were completely normal (mine are pretty bad.) I also asked my eye doctor, a female my age, who looked at my eyes and laughed and said, Yup, you're old! Relax, you are good!
As for fingers and thumbs and weird pains and tingles, literally everything seems to be caused by peri. I have more frequent popped blood vessels in my hands and rando pins and needles and it's normal. xoxo Heidi
faz5503 heidiparthena
Thanks Heidi. I generally feel awful not better after visiting doctors. I can't believe how tactless and or insensitive some of them are. Menopause has really messed with my entire body and brain and I only hope that I and my fellow suffers feel better soon. Take care Heidi and I appreciate your reassurance.
Kindest regards.
pam90720 heidiparthena
yesss!!! im with you!!! my floaters started 4 years ago.... before i went in to peri.... went to eye doctor complete exam and everything just fine!! when i first told them about them, they said yep, im about that age!!! not just women , men too!!! doctor told me to make friends with them... still to this day they annoy the crap out of me...
take care
anxiousface heidiparthena
hello heidi
I've had the floaters for several years now but come and go.
looking at your picture your so beautiful i wish i could look so good. i always used to pride myself on looking younger than i was but the menopause i stolen my looks and left me with an old face. ive spend so much money on trying to improve it and just last month i decided enough now .
sending you a comforting but envious hug
kim35797 faz5503
hi i experience floaters often and like i can describe it sometimes is like black dot like a fly flying around where ever i look .I thought it was strange too and also my baby finger on my right hand hurts and gets stiff alot too .
faz5503 kim35797
Thanks for replying Kim. I too get stiffness in my fingers and pins and needles in my toes. Hoping that you feel better soon.
Kindest regards.
pinkcatfairy faz5503
Dear faz
Im four years post meno and have had the dry, watery eyes, blurred vision, needing reading glasses, migraine auras, you name it! I get the pain in my hands that some might describe as electric shock sort of pain, like a sharp sort pain, this can come and go even now x
Eliaimee1970 faz5503
Hi Faz
Im 49 and i do experience eye floaters and i went to see my doctor and he said is old age and he wasnt concern. one thing I will tell you anxiety make things worse so when i see them i take a deep breath and it goes away. I did got diagnosed w double migrane and I do see floeaters and sometimes comes with blur vision, confusion, and headache bad ones. I also have toothache on my left side is so annoying 3 dentist find nothing and after 2 rootcanal and a new crown still have dull pain . i cant wait to these to be over .