Strange symptoms perimenopause or something else
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Hi everyone this is my first ever post. I'm wondering if anybody else has weird things going on. Long story short I've been going through Peri for 9 years and gave had loads of different symptons multiple visits to the doctor only to be told it's anxiety!!! My latest symptoms are pains all over my head, left jaw, left temple, back of neck and a crawling feeling all over my head. It's awful. I've been to the gp , the walk in centre and yesterday a and e and had various tests done and everyone is quite happy that nothing sinister is going on. Phew!! But it doesn't make me feel any better I just keep thinking I'm dying all the time. Can anyone relate.
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Wannabenormal carla1607
I’ve been in peri menopause for around 7 years and I have all the exact symptoms you describe. Ive had the jaw and head, neck pain for a few years but the crawling sensation all over my head is very new and freaks me out.
Ive also developed dry skin on scalp and a while ago had an episode of hair loss, that was awful.
I always get the pain pain in left side and even into teeth, really horrible.
I get migraines and that can cause a lot of these symptoms, but not sure it causes the crawling sensations.
I reckon its my hormones fluctuating, it always seems worse before menstruation.
You are not alone.
carla1607 Wannabenormal
Thank you so so much for replying. It's like a living hell constantly thinking I've got a serious illness shooting pains all over my head and a headache every day but the doctors aren't concerned about it. It's nice to know I'm not alone in a funny way but I wouldn't wish it on anyone x
debbie12340 Wannabenormal
Hope you don’t mind me asking about your hair loss, I’ve had the same and it’s really got me down 😩 Did you take anything for it or did it just stop ?
Love Deb xxx
Wannabenormal debbie12340
I’ve had serum ferritin checked and as it was low end of range dermatologist advised GP to start me on some iron tablets to get levels up.
Shedding has has slowed down somewhat and I’m hoping things will improve. It has really upset me at times.
I used to have it coloured but have decided to grow my own grey/silver in and stop colouring. I’ve also been eating more protein and have been having a supplement that has biotin in it.
It can get me down at times too. I feel like so many things are changing at once.
Guest Wannabenormal
Hi both
My partner suffered terribly with hair thinning last year. I did a bucket load of research and she started taking 1 x biotin and 1 x zinc per day. She also takes calcium and vit d every day.
I kid you not - her hair grew back with an absolute vengeance and she now needs a hair cut! We tried Regaine for Women before these vits and it did nothing. These vits have made the world of difference to her hair (and her nails - they had become really brittle).
Incidentally, she has also started to use Plantur 39 caffeine shampoo for women over 40. The regrowth had started before this shampoo but I think it's a good addition to the vits regime - her hair is pretty off the hook now. Plus, I think using the Plantur makes her feel better, which is the ultimately aim of course 😀 Good luck x
debbie12340 Guest
Taking all the things you mention thank you. I will give the shampoo a go and see if that helps. Thanks again for your kind reply.
debbie12340 Wannabenormal
Thanks for your reply. It really is lowering isn’t it ? Never expected it to be honest ? Yes I’m taking Biotin and a hair supplement. Also tried to increase my protein. Did you have a lot of sheddding ? I stopped washing my hair every day, and now only do it every other day. I got quite paranoid and counted my hairs after shampooing, combing then styling it. There was approx 130 hairs, I don’t notice hardly any on the none wash day though. But I think that amount is too high ? I’m really praying it will slow down.
Deb x
Wannabenormal Guest
Hi Lou,
Great to hear that your partner has had success and her hair growing back. Oddly enough the shampoo didn't suit me but has been great for my mum. Thanks for the tips re the supplements.
Wannabenormal debbie12340
Hi Deb,
Yes, I had a good amount of shedding, not sure how many strands but it was a lot. When washing hair it was scary and during the day I'd be aware that loose strands were tickling me or see them on the floor.
I don't wash my hair every day either. I think around 100 strands per day is supposedly normal, from what I've read on dermatology info.
I hope that your hair settles down soon. I find that mine sheds more at the change of seasons too.
debbie12340 Wannabenormal
Thanks so much for your reply. It caused me a great deal of anxiety to be honest ! Which I know won’t help
I’m really hoping it will get better. Can I ask are you in Peri or or you post Menopause ?
Deb xxx
debbie12340 Wannabenormal
Sorry I should have checked back ! I can see now you have already said you’re in Peri. xx
Wannabenormal debbie12340
Yeah, I’m in peri, being driven mad. GP not much help so left to it.
Its difficult not to get anxious, sometimes anxiety hits me for no apparent reason...I just have to remember it’s my hormones.
Marie xx
debbie12340 Wannabenormal
It’s awful isn’t it ? I’m the same as you. I’m 51 now and been having various symptoms since I was 40 !! One doctor I saw told me I needed to see a psychiatrist . . . As you can imagine it made me feel even worse. Can you maybe send me a private message on here to say what hair supplements you are taking as you aren’t allowed to mention brand names on here.
Love Deb xx
juanita93228 debbie12340
When one doctor I was seeing to me to see a psychiatrist, I found another doctor. She's great, by the way. I had a male doctor that was fantastic, but he decided to concentrate on a another area of medicine. Not all male doctors are awful when it comes to menopause, and not all female doctors are understanding. I found that out the hard way.
Wannabenormal carla1607
It is on my mind most of the time when the sensations develop on my head and so painful at times too.
At least it should all calm down (hopefully) when menopause happens.
Keep your chin up.