Stress levels, anxiety mood swings

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does anyone else get the above symptoms in peri? If so what do you take? 

My doctor recommended anti depressants, but I'm reluctant to take them. But am so anxious and can't focus or cope with stress ( I usually thrive on it) that I'm thinking I should take them. But would rather take natural help?......

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    If you feel physically rubbish you are bound to feel depressed. These doctors just don't get it.

    I found yoga very helpful. I don't go to the classes anymore due to shoulder and knee problems (not very restful for other people to hear me grunting and groaning as I scramble to my feet!) But I still do some of the poses/exercises at home and especially the breathing. It's amazing how calming it is just to breathe properly.

    Go easy on yourself, treat yourself to a back massage or just some 'me time'.

    What's your diet like?

    • Posted

      Blesss your heart, that must be a struggle. I was doing Pilates but on my only day off, I wanted to do other things rather than be tied to doing slow movements. My diet is very good, as I joined slimming world to help me not really lose weight) but to re introduce myself to healthy eating

      Its just pressure of life but excelled because of the change. But only you ladies understand x


  • Posted

    Hi, my anxiety started in peri and lead to occasional panic attacks whenever i got palpitations. I kept mentioning anxiety to doctors who suggested lets talk self referral and thats about it, said it was too early to test hormone levels. In fact didnt test till 14 months after last period by which time id got looping panic attacks and anxiety disorder! I tried a few natural supplements in peri but nothing prevented it escalating, tho everyones different. Im now on sertraline for anxiety, betablockers for Palps and adrenaline dumps, HRT patch. The antidepressant was a nightmare for first 3 weeks and each time i up the dose there are side effects. 3mths on them and im feeling loads better, far less anxiety, but still have side effects from upping to 125mg. You might want to start on magnesium, vit d, vit b complex. There are other things like 5HTP, miso paste (for estrogen), soya, black cohosh, evening primrose oil, but ask at a health food store for advice. I got testing for stomach problems and palpitations but my anxiety was pretty much ignored yet its the thing that has had the worst impact on my life. Ive read that some women get offered hormones in peri yet i had to wait 14 mths after to even get tested, by which time ive got major problems! If i hadnt got to such a bad state with the anxiety id've tried HRT first, not antidepressants. Might be something to consider? Good luck in getting sorted x

    • Posted

      Some folks can't tolerate black cohosh (I'm one of them!) and you have to be careful about the source of your soy. Much of the soy out there is roundup ready gm stuff that is then processed with some very nasty chemicals.

    • Posted

      thanks Julie thanks Julie. Really sad to hear your story. I do get so frustrated that we get treated so rubbish by doctors. I had to have one of my ovaries and tube removed in October because of a cyst. I was told it wouldn't make a difference in life and I wasn't any longer in peri. What a load of codswallop. I do take multi vitamins, evening primrose. Mood lift etc etc. But nothing is helping. I can't go on hrt because of breast cancer in family. 

      Thank you for taking time to reply. I wish you all the best x

  • Posted

    Anti-anxiety meds. didn't work for me, and I broke out with a rash, so I stopped taking them.

    Just try to stay busy, exercise, yoga, walk, or read a good book. Anything to get your mind off the negative and anxiousness. Surround yourself with positive people. It's mind over matter. It's hard to do at first, but it is achievable Naturally.

    • Posted

      thank you didi. I'm definitely not depressed. Just irritated and annoyed with everyone and everything. More than anything. 

      Thank you for your reply x

    • Posted

      Yeah I still get annoyed with various things and people. I still ecperience moodiness. Not sure of its menopausal related or just old age. I can go from happy to irritated or 0 to 60 in seconds, if something or somebody sets me off.
  • Posted

    Hi I'm taking Citalopram 40mg for anxiety whish the doctors are saying are related to hormones. I'm 42, still have periods although they have become irregular in the last year.

    Antidepressants can be hard to tolerate in the first few months but it 3months in and feeling mostly better.

    I willing be looking into HRT also.

    • Posted

      thank you Zoe. I'm glad that you are feeling better. I'm 45 and periods starting to act weirdly. 

      I really don't want to go on antidepressants as not depressed but irritated and inpatient with everyone nowadays. I can't go on hrt as breast cancer history. 

      I appreciate your reply and info. 

      Take care of yourself x

  • Posted

    Got through the typical Peri symptoms ok but then the incredible mood swings set it. They were unbearable and I found it almost impossible to function some days. After a few months I would just cry and I couldn't stop so I finally decided to try bio identical hormones. I take a troche each morning with estrogen progesterone and testosterone all adjusted according to my blood work and where my levels were at. Wasn't instant fix but after about 5-6 weeks i really started to feel good and balanced. I'm 8 weeks in now and I'm feeling quite normal. Even my crazy thoughts have settled down. For me it has been a life saver.

    Might be something to think about.

    Cheers Rosemary.

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