Strong Emotions
Posted , 7 users are following.
and i mean strong. does anyone else have intense emotional reactions even when it's not PMS time? A song, a sunset, a memory - can trigger a crying jag. I've never been a sentimental person as a rule, and never could be bothered to stop and smell the roses, so the speak, and now here i am.
2 likes, 4 replies
Lorene51 rhonda64529
Yes, Yes, Yes!
sunaina1983 rhonda64529
Yes dear.
ur not alone .
nancys21 rhonda64529
Being a terribly sentimental person, I have cried more times than I'd like to count. Things are better since finding this forum, and realizing that I'm not losing my mind. This is by far the most difficult stage in my life. It's a daily battle to function and get through the days and mostly sleepless nights.
lina19 rhonda64529
i have not had an urge to cry so far. but there are days when i find it hard to stop my mind from over thinking all day. i try really hard to stop it. i meditate, watch videos, read books, play games(this one is absolutely useless). i just finished my periods, so i wonder if its only around these days that this happens. i find it best to go outdoors or talk to someone. i hope its just fr a few days of the month that i have to deal with this!! fingers crossed.