Struggling to stay Sane!!!

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Hi Ladies.

I have been peri for 2 years now and am really struggling. I have come off the anti depressants that my GP prescribed as they were affecting another medication that I am on. Since I have been off them completely I feel like I am loosing my sanity. I want to cry at nothing, shout at everyone. I am anxious and am taking everything the wrong way and being very over sensitive in general. I hate the thought of going out and being social because I feel like such a grump. I feel like my friends are avoiding me. Any advice on how i can stop myself from cracking up completely?

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    I don't know what to advise but just be kind to yourself and remember one day this will all be over. I am.not in any medication but I behave just like you. I am.myself avoiding friends and anyone. If possible I would even avoid my husband and daughter who I love to bits. I sometimes feel people are better without me. I can't even tolerate myself

  • Posted

    hi lisa,

    like imagine, I am not on anything either but sometimes feel the way you do. its especially hard when your family and friends dont understand what you are going through. with all the symptoms we struggle with almost on a daily basis it is so easy to feel we are actually crazy. all you can do is go day by day and keep telling yourself that this to shall pass. I know it's hard but you can't cut yourself off from life. maybe if you try talking to a close friend or relative about how you are feeling it will help with the anxiety. one, because you can't go through this horrible time with no support and two, you will find yourself feeling better about things you are feeling. I wish the very best for you hun, and remember that we are all on this boat together so we are here for you also. hang in there!

    • Posted

      ''ahh yes..the family members that believe youve lost your mind.

      i dont have other family around me- thank God, but for certain my boys

      are privvy to this stage in my life, and my one son is particularly sensitive about it and almost resentful- like.."mom.....why are you this or why are you that sort of attitude..even make me feel anxiety, etc.

      yep its really good for the morale..

      i used to be so feisty and really get after them. Now im a wet noodle, im just like.."OK hun, sorry about need to accountable for your actions, and dont blame me dear" i remind him that im alone doing this, no husband or fam or friend to speak of" I also remind him that he doesnt have a mom that changes men every other month, or uses drugs or booze and therefore should consider himself LUCKY hes got me as a there!

      I know he kind of gets it, but i dont need any guilt at this time, when im doing everything in my power to provide for them, and to be there for them, in the end its all about them.


  • Posted

    Just be kind to yourself and pray. I'm on a mild AD called Trazodone. I'm still working and not sure I could if I wasn't on it. Even with the AD I still have rough days. I have Valium but only take it on the really rough days. But my doctor and I have already discussed weaning me off the AD and the Valium. Luckily, I'm on a weak dose of the AD and only take the Valium as needed.

    Exercise, drink plenty of water, and take a good multivitamin. You may want to try meditation. Look for a natural way to help your depression, but check with your doctor before taking anything because sometimes even natural meds interact with certain prescription meds. Prayer and this forum have helped me so much. Hang in there, you are not alone.

  • Posted

    hi Lisa dear

    how old are you now?  I think that coming off the med is not helping this ofcourse. 

    • Posted

      Hi again

      i dont know how the last message was sent and i was still typing?weird.


      i was saying, that yes..its like you cant even be settled in your own skin. You dont know what to do with yourself. Nothing feels right, looks right or fits right, emotionally, physically and spiritually..

      because its all being rewired right now. If you can tell yourself this, that you are going through a 'regeneration' process for lack of better words..

      Things are falling away

      things are trying to repair

      things are struggling inside and out

      to come to settle on who you will become.

      Hold on to faith in this, and with the help of this forum, and your inner will, you WILL come out of it.

      I am in the middle of it, thats the only reason i know and feel your struggles.


    • Posted

      Hi Mauiblue

      Thanknyou for your support it means a lot. I have never looked at it that way before and makes perfect sense that we are being rewired. I am 47 and didn't expect to go through this until I was in my 50's so I think it has taken me by surprise. I am going to try the herbal route and see if that helps me.

      I hope everything is going ok for you and again thank you x

    • Posted

      There are tons of things out there. Ive tried lots of them, but i am not very regimented person, im impatient,and if something doesnt work right away then i get discouraged.

      Right now though I am trying two things together that is suggested for anxiety and overall adrenal fatiigue. It claims to calm you and build your adrenals slowly so you can cope better.

      Lemon Balm tincture and Holy Basil (by organic india) taken together.

      im for sure not prescribing but just sharing what im doing at this time, and will try it for 1 month.

      i can let you know if it helps me..


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