Stupid question time

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Hi , does anyone else get a jolting feeling , I keep getting them , just making a cup of tea and just jump for no reason . Like the ones you get when you're just nodding off .❤

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Tell me about it I had it in when stopping off or jumping when the door and dog bark comes and goes awful damn hormones buy I read the menopause will scare you.
    • Posted

      Sorry about the writing phone does it
  • Posted


    I just started getting that sensation in my hands. I thought it had to do with my resent antibiotic was taking! Like you said comes out of nowhere!😃thought was going crazy m

  • Posted

    Hi Steff,

    Jolting can also be due to adrenaline surges. If you can it would be a good idea to get your adrenal glands tested with a saliva panel using the one that takes 4 tubes throughout the day. Doesn't hurt to get your hormones tested that way as well. Also B12 and B6 is good for calming effects on the body if you are deficient in them. Hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      I take vitb tablet and magnesium, I have my hormones checked that's why I'm on HRT , it's all bloody anxiety .❤
  • Posted

    Good Lord...and here I thought I was losing my mind!!  I’m glad to know I’m not alone, but I’m sorry you all have this too!  Scares me half out of my skin when that happens for Heaven’s sake!  Good grief...what a strange thing!  And I am on hrt!  What next???   LOL 


    • Posted

        lol  I don't know if it's any safer there!   The last time I took a pain pill, I fell out of bed, and took the skin right off my arm...I was a bloody mess...literally!  And I had no idea how I got there!  Even the bed is dangerous for me!  LOL   rolleyes 
    • Posted

      I'd like to stay in bed for whatever number of years it takes to get through this.
    • Posted

      LOL  Yes Elizabeth!  Hence the reason I no longer take pain meds!  And

      my doctor told me it would be ok to take 4 of those pills...but I know my

      body, thankfully I took only 1 pill, can you imagine if I had taken 4?  I would rather be in pain, and have my witts about me, than be in pain and be sick, and goofy!  "The Funny Man" my husband, says I am goofy enough!  LOL  twisted

    • Posted

      That is scary... there's no telling what four pills would have done!

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