Sudden feelings of nausea
Posted , 12 users are following.
Does anyone get waves of nausea that come and go out of nowhere ? I do get almost continuous anxiety at the moment .
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Posted , 12 users are following.
Does anyone get waves of nausea that come and go out of nowhere ? I do get almost continuous anxiety at the moment .
1 like, 17 replies
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karen47058 jane63977
I'm 12 days post op and the last two days feel sick constantly!! On HRT but trying to give it more time to settle! Keep thinking I'm coming down with a bug :-(
debi62095 jane63977
jane5216 jane63977
Yes, although not so much now. I had the nausea for a couple of years and the anxiety for longer. I still get the anxiety but it's reduced now - or maybe I've found better coping strategies. I gave up milk and that seemed to help with the nausea.
ginger31734 jane63977
I used to get strong waves of nausea for no reason .... in fact when I first started this horrendous journey it was the GI stufff that hit first , not relating it to hormones , lead me to abdominal scans, gallbladdder checks, and an upper endoscopy !
All clear except a small hiatal hernia .
I continue to have bouts of nausea but mostly around mid cycle or my period start .
jane5216 ginger31734
Your comment reminded me - I now drink ginger tea which helps with the nausea. It also has anti-bacterial properties and I haven't had a bladder infection since I started with it.
claranye ginger31734
I had a hysto 3 yes ago and have had a dreadful array of symptoms but the worst lately and which drew my attention was hensame as yours, upper abdominal pain, pressure undernright ribcage and nausea. The anxiety is worse as I'm worrying about what this could be. Some days it's so bad I can't get relief from it unless I sit forward. Driving is uncomfortable as is sitting at a computer. Had a scan now sainting for consultant appt. was wondering if your symptoms matched
mine at all
jane63977 claranye
I don't get any pain at all just nausea and sometimes a warm feeling very briefly or chilled , so weird . My stomach often just feels off , I worry all the time about this symptom, but the doctor put it all down to age and anxiety . When the things continue you think maybe it is something . My life at the moment is a continuous worry of feeling ill and worrying about it . Anyone else like this ?
TropicalVon69 claranye
Hi, I get squeezing under right ribcage too and nausea especially when I'm tired or eat fatty food....pants 😊
maureen12052 claranye
Hi Claranye
I have tha same upper abdominal pain it horrendous! Sometime it wakes me from sleeping 😌! I had it about a year ago and the last couple of
days it's been happening again. I'm late for my period by about a week. I'm 49 and thinking is this it
but you never know! I had a stomach endoscopcy about a year ago and it came back clean. The doctor
said that was the heathiest clean stomach. So peri menopause I'm sure!😢
pinkcatfairy claranye
gillian95988 jane63977
Hi Jane, Don't know if your'e still posting on here...This is my life right now Feeling ill and worrying about it - And the anxiety is horrendous... How are you now?
jane63977 gillian95988
Hello Gillian . I do still read all the posts on here . I am not doing too bad at the moment , thank you for asking . I do still get down times and anxious times . The doctor has put me on prescription migraine tablets now , as I seem to get them every month around my period . I've only tried them this last month and fingers crossed they did the trick , so here's hoping 🤞. I still get stomach issues at times , but I think that is all to do with hormones fluctuating , so try not to worry . I have put on weight and more recently which I am really happy about as I felt I was too thin . There is light at the end of the tunnel . I even managed to go to the wedding in Scotland two weeks ago which I never thought I would be able to do with previous anxiety . This was even though it was just before my period was due . I literally came on the morning after we returned following a nine hour drive . Keep your chin up and just keep thinking of those better times ahead . Things are better then ever between my husband and myself . I feel that we are getting that spark back . So please just hang in there . Love Jane ??
valarie24431 jane63977
debi62095 valarie24431
valarie24431 debi62095
My anxiety hit during my sleep back in July and hasn't really stopped since. I'm typing while having palpitations at the moment. I'm just so over all this already.