Sudden lightedheaded / feeling faint
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Has anyone gotten suddenly lightheaded where you thought you might faint and last 30 secs to a min the worst part? ? I just got that really bad sudden lightheaded try to get down hallway to where daughter was I was to lightheaded to walk straight! Also my face is heated up red and burning can that be a hotflash without sweats..I also get sweats. my boobs feel heavy and full lower stomach bloated and such.Has anyone gotten lightheaded where you feel it off and on through out the day sometimes..Please share how yours happens and lasted. I hope to hear from some of you tomight if possible.
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sue976 Guest
Hi Crosado
i also get this and when it first started happening it freaked me out, I used to end up having anxiety attacks, it used to come on suddenly and last about a minute, sometimes my eyes would go out of focus when it happened, I felt if I shut my eyes I would of gone.
now when it happens I just tell my self it's another menopause symptom and it passes a lot quicker, I try not to focus on it, I believe that the anxiety made it worse, unfortunately I think it's something we are going to have to get used to xx
Marisa02082 Guest
Yes I have had this also. This cause me to have alot of anxiety !!! I was always afraid it would happen when driving or just anytime. It made me feel so out of control. I think it happens when the hormones are majorly shifting. I have not had it that bad the past year. Hopefully they don't come back. I try to relax and just think it will pass. But, It seriously sucks!!!
DaisyDaze Guest
I get days like that. I'm not sure what causes it, but I hate it.
Sally4x Guest
kim59492 Guest