Sudden weird momentary weakness in right arm - ANOTHER peri symptom??

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Ok ladies - I've been following all your chats about odd peri symptoms for ages now, ticking off some of them for myself but most of them only manifesting lightly - if that makes sense!

Not a lot of what I say DOES make sense these days!

Anyway, I have just been doing nothing more strenuous than washing up, then I carried my mug of coffee over to the computer and sat down. Picked the mug up with my right hand, as usual, and it suddenly felt too heavy to lift! Okay, so it's a craftsman's mug by Denby - never lightweight creations - but this is ridiculous! I've just had to use both hands to drink the rest of the coffee (I'm an avid tea-drinker, but I have a coffee on a Sunday morning coz it tastes like the right thing to do - along with a bacon and egg butty for brunch!).

My background is I am fast approaching 50 in a few weeks but my periods are regular as clockwork, lasting between 7 and 10 days - spotting for a few days, excruciating pain and flooding for a day or so, then back to spotting - pretty normal for me.

I was getting the random hot flushes up to last year but now it's random night sweats that have only my chest drenched (is that normal - just the chest?).

The worst of symptoms is brain fog and confusion - and, for the past so many weeks, dreadful unexplained fatigue, whether I sleep through the night or not! Sometimes I get the odd dizzy spell, usually lasting mere seconds, but it can leave me feeling washed out and woozy, like migraines used to.

Bouts of depression - those have been going on for a few years now, but life has been difficult anyway, so not necessarily peri. Been very down and weepy the last couple of days though not so bad today. By my reckoning I am about at ovulation time - had very sharp stabbing pains in the nether regions for a couple of hours on Friday - could have been related.

Anyway, that's me at the moment! Not on any pills or supplements (can't afford anything at this moment in time!) yet, though have some Fluoxetene for when things get bad enough to risk them!

Anyone else getting the odd and temporary bout of weakness? Oh, and my teeth can randomly hurt - like an electric shock when I bite something hard - but my dentist says everything is fine!

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Madcow

    yes i had a weird 3-4 blip... yesterday i got up and my ledt leg felt like it would buckle, runny nose back again, two bouts a day... tears on Friday night , all weird this stuff..

    my teeth on left side always feel niggly and my ear.. had teeth xrayes and all okay..

    its lack of oestrogen for me... 

    not so bad today...  its just a blip for me, i am now just meno reached ..

    my bits are dry as the desert.. 😥 i am age 50 now..

    are you taking a good mega Vit B complex ? that contains at least 100mg of B6 ?

    that dose help..

    i am off to get some Estriol vaginal cream ( ovestin)  tomorrow... sod it... i read good things and it doesnt affect like some do... its the gentler option, Estriol is the kinder of our three oestrogens we have .. 

    I need abit of help with the dryness and this does that plus heart and bone health etc..

    doesnt affect the uterine wall... Gyno said abit may help...  so after a weeks thought and mulling ... i am going for it...   had 10 years natural and jusypt need a gentle bit if assistance .. thught now I am full meno I may be able to just crack on but these blips come out of no where and the vaginal discomfort driving me mad ..

    so I shall try ovestin.. see what happens..

    hang in there hun... 

    Jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      I just KNEW you'd be the first to offer kind words! You're a real gem - as opposed to a little gem - I'm not likening you to a leafy green lettuce!

      I was catching up with some posts last night and saw your reply to a lady taking sage supplements - you response about trying sage and onion stuffing had me in stitches!

      On the subject of Bvits - I trawled the shelves at Boots a while back and got so confused by the array of types and strengths of the vitamins I gave up! Maybe I should ask for a barrow-load of them for my birthday!

      Good luck with the cream. That aspect isn't a problem for me yet, so I'm afraid I can't offer any guidance on the subject - just hope for the end of the drought for you!

      Maybe not to be replaced by a monsoon though!

      CJD xx

    • Posted

      Hi Madcow


      dont mention lettuce either, 😀 when i go to shake mine...  it certainly needs some salad dressing... Jeeeeez

      if your in UK go online holland and barret and order a big jar £13.99 

      of Mega 100 B Complex slow release..and get a second for a 1p 😃

      really helps ... so go on .... get ordering.. it was free p&p yesterday .. i ordered some ... 

      take care sweetie..

      Jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi Madcow

      i private messaged you the link for the 

      holland and barrett

      mega B 100mg B complex time release..  

      still free p&p today too

      do try them as we lack B terribly and it helps sooooo much 

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Oh gawd, I'm in helpless fits of the giggles now! Ta!

      Must get myself under control or hubby will think I've finally entered the straight-jacket zone!

      Enjoy your Sunday - might pop into our local Holland and Barrett on Tuesday when I have to go into town again.

      CJD xx

    • Posted

      Thank you for that, Jay, much appreciated, and I will defo look into it.

      Between you, the bacon & egg butty, and a daft friend who is on her own this weekend and texting her current mishaps as they happen (she is in peri, too, though minus her womb - she never thought about the menopause, forgetting she still has her ovaries), I am feeling much brighter than I have in days.

      Yippee! Better go and get something done whilst the energy burst lasts!

      Thank you so much for your help xx

    • Posted

      Hi Madcow

      😃. take care..

      talk soon

      have a good afternoon


    • Posted

      Hi jay I took estriol it is the better of the lot if you have to take something. I took it because I was so sore but sadly the last lot did nothing and I found out I was allergic to it. It's all trial and error really feel like a huge guinea pig insert this try the other.... Anyway good luck if may be just what your body needs. . 
    • Posted

      Hi Liz


      did you use ovestin estriol vaginal 

      or the oral  tablets .. I wont take the oral tablets ..

      but will try the cream or ovules ... 

      Like you say trial and error, lets hope i don't react to it aswell.

      ' Its certainly what my body needs ' hehehehe

      jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi I used ovestin estriol cream this last time I used it for three months and struggled to even insert the applicator and after four months I stopped because my thoughts were if it's not plumped up now it never will be!!! And I was still so sore. You may find its brilliant I'm sticking with vitamin e and sea buckthorn. 
    • Posted

      Hi liz

      yes i don't blame you... So it made you sore did it.. 😳

      well i shall try it... I am sensitive to stuff down there .. So may be it may not suit me either, we will see... 

      I have vit E also on its way... I am finding that the Replens Md and the Isdin Velastisa internals  ( spanish) just isnt sorting it..

      oh nooooo, i feel my john wayne walk about to start again 😓 

      i have some pre meno ovules coming too - natural .. Just incase ..

      nightmare Jay xx


    • Posted

      Hi liz

      failing that.... Theres smokey mountain natural estriol cream 

      for placement in wrist or abdomen..

      so ... Other options i suppose .. If ovestin is a flop...

      Trial and error... Like you say... 

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Have you tried jarrows femidopholis probiotics they work to make the vagina less sore I'm taking those and they definitely help as I'm no where near as sore as I was I then top up with vitamin e inserts. I'm also trying sea buckthorn which increases the mucus in your body ie your bits. Totally understand john Wayne walk it's real dignified!!!!! 🌵🌵🌵
  • Posted

    Hi Madcow

    blimey.. excuse my typos in last message ... its when i use iphone 😳

    fingers all over the ockey 😳

    Jay xx

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