Suffered Severe anxiety and depression since onset of menopause
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Please help. I am so anxious and depressed. Cant get out of bed most days. This has been going on since the start of menopause - which is now 10 years.
I take 265.5 mg Venlafaxine. I have taken these for 11 years. Went to my GP (re; above symptoms) - added an extra 37.5 mg about a year ago. Not helping. Iam so ill at the moment. I want to go to bed all the time, I cry, cant relax, cant go out of the house through anxiety. Please help.
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Guest gillian1900
gillian1900 Guest
Thank-you for your reply. I am 57 years old. Consequently, I have just come back from seeing a GP. Prescribed beta-blockers. However, did have a good discussion regarding taking this medication. Unfortunately, the appointment was classed as an emergency appointment; which I initially went for my Eczema -- I really do think that Menopause - taking Venlafazine - and Eczema are all conected.
With reference to Venlafazine - I agree with you totally....... I want to eventually?? come of this horrible drug.....I am going to invetigate further. One really good article I have read was to cut down VERY decreasingly, hense, 10 mg at a time, and then take Prozac which apparently works well in conection with this drug, in respect of the side affects of coming of it???? But why was I not really monitered by my GP? That is my real concern. Regards
Guest gillian1900
Foxy_polly gillian1900
Hi Gillian
I agree with crosado8 I think it could be the venlaflaxine my mum was on 375mg of it for years and was like you and she's now managed to get down to 37.5mg and is so much better! I too take antidepressants I'm on escitalopram and I too was just awful after being on them for 11years I'm now down to 5mg and am having regular acupuncture for anxiety and all the aches and pains and tummy issues peri menopause has brought me so it's worth looking into! Hang in there it will get better xx
gillian1900 Foxy_polly
You are all so kind!!! thank-you. And, thank-you for your reply it has really, really, helped. I am going to try and do as you suggest....tapering down. And, I will hang on in there......Will let you know how (and when) I go on....
julie7525 gillian1900
gillian1900 julie7525
Hi Julie,
Thank-you for your kindness. As replied to the other supporters and of course yourself, I am really now 100% that Venlafaxine is the major cause of my anxiety. I have just arrived back from a GP - was prescribed Beta-blockers (80 mg - slow realease - one per day). I am def going to try (and plan realistically) to Taper of these horrible meds - Venlafaxine. Why do GPs not investigate the effects more into this drug? It is 'jjust' a case of 'cause and effect?' : I have lost a lot of faith with the NHS.
Thankyou again for your support, and I am so glad that you are feeling better.
Regards. PS You are wonderfully kind..god bless...
julie7525 gillian1900
Ahhh, thank you Gillian, it's only people whove suffered it that can truly empathize, anxiety is so debilitating. I have been mentioning my increasing anxiety to doctors for 2 years and its only been taken seriously once escalating to panic disorder after Xmas. By which time its a huge challenge to beat it! I can't remember if I said earlier, Im seeing a therapist for CBT as that along with the meds is supposed to have the best outcome. All i was offered on nhs was 5x 20 minute phone conversations which i tried in september when i was having occasional PAs. Clearly it didnt help cos by january I was having looping PAs day and night, I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. So Ive borrowed from the bank and paid privately to see a guy who does CBT and hypnotherapy. After 2 sessions i am already feeling the benefit of his techniques to manage the anxiety and change the way i think. I booked 12 sessions, 1 a week. Have you tried therapy? So whilst tapering off venlafaxine, are you just going to be taking the BBs? Have you tried diazepam to get you through any rough transitions? You can only have it for around 4 weeks cos of addiction but i found it brilliant on really bad days and for getting me back to work. Its valium but 2mg just makes me relaxed, calm and able to function normally. Now i only take it if i really need to and am having more days when i dont need it at all. Let me know how you get on. Oh and its my guess that, being an anxiety sufferer you are kind, intelligent, big hearted, a deep thinker and have all the time in the world and empathy for others. Its a pity we're so hard on ourselves! We'll get there though, I don't want my old self back, I want a new improved version! :-) xx
Jay91157 gillian1900
Hi, That is a serious amount of medication you are taking. I am not sure why increasing is going to help. when is hasn't for the last 11 years? Have you seen a different GP? You say you can't go out due to anxiety. Have you tried just being in the garden and having a walk around, assuming you have a garden. Trying walking around for 1 minute and if you can achieve this then try for 2 minutes gradually building up while in the safe confinement of your grounds. If you have a parnter then perhaps they could walk with you as it is such a short period of time. Just to bring a bit of confidence back and release some of the anxitey. I would definietly go back to a GP to see if they have another form of support.
gillian1900 Jay91157
Hi Jay91157,
Thankyou for your support and kindness. When I get PMT - although I am going through the menopause (about 1o years) the symptoms are awful..... However, it is not constantly.....apologies for misleading. Howerver, it is a frightening thing to happen
. I think the worse of the anxiety effect is when I cry and cry.....which is in the mornings or.........when I decide to get out of bed....I have just finished a lot of studying (Teacher - Primary teaching).....I didnt pass the teaching placements through this illness. At this moment in time, I am feeling quite despondent.......
Yes, I do have a garden........and your right.......I will try to spend time in it....its just so hard some times?? On bad days. I am going back to my GP (trying to get an appointment with her is quite difficult!!) and I will def try and Taper down the venlafaxine. Got prescribed Beta Blockers today.......made an emergency appontment. So I will try those tmw. I think the worse issues for me is the thought of 'how I use to be before the onset of the menopause, and taking Venlafaxine. I keep dwelling on this.
But thankyou again for your support. The support from all you lovely people has really, really helped...
julie7525 gillian1900
Oh and Gillian, I'm also a primary school teacher, part time supply, had a month off when at my worst after xmas, been back in last 3 weeks, had some really hard days, went back too soon, then today i was in with no need for diazepam, little anxiety, confident and calm again. Its a hard job when feeling so ill, there is no place to hide lol xx
Guest Jay91157
I agree with Jay, Gillian. Sounds like you need a new GP....why increase the medication when it hasn't helped for 11 years!!?? A fresh look at the whole you with a new doc sounds good.
anetta94863 gillian1900