Suffocating or Anxiety???

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I know that anxiety is part of peri/meno symptoms. I was never a person that had issues with anxiety. But I noticed that along with other symptoms I do. I noticed that sometimes I get these feelings like I can't breathe. I know that I can but it really shakes me up. When I say I feel like I can't breathe my family tells me so stop panicking because I am breathing. It gets so annoying. Anyone else expierence this? Could it be anxiety playing tricks on me?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Ive had this loads in peri the past eight years. My husband says the same thing. .. but you are breatingsad

    its awful x

    • Posted

      I thought it was just me. It literally makes me panic. I be getting read to call the paramedics and then my family is like stop it you are breathing fine.
  • Posted

    i sympathise and have this too.  As we speak ive had heart flutters cant breathe headache and hot facial sweat i thought was having heart attack and was just about to ring a and e, these are normal with menopause i beleive.  although its really horrendous as why wouldnt we think of other things  too.  i am off to my GP soon today and would suggest anyone else who needs reassurance does same thing, it all help.s  meanwhie ive tried so many things ie. yoga and relax, keep trying till find best for you..  good luck,
    • Posted

      It's crazy. I just feel I can't breathe at times, Then I panic. The panic anxiety attacks from it are the worse and takes me hours to come down from it. My family had to stop me from calling the paramedics several times because of it. They're like if you can talk and tell them what's wrong, you are breathing you are just having anxiety. I never used to feel that way. It's frustrating trying to explain how I feel. They ask me am I ok and I just say yes knowing that I don't, then I get really angry and mean because If I say I don't feel right they are like what's wrong this time. Now when I feel that way I try to talk myself off the ledge.
  • Posted

    I think when anxiety gets bad it makes you tense and heart rate increases or you get palpitations and when that happens it seems like you are having problems breathing. That in turn increases the anxiety like a vicious circle.
    • Posted

      Yes it does. It just seems like the anxiety comes out of nowhere. That not being able to breathe feeling is frustrating.
  • Posted

    What can I say !!! Ladies there is something I have found to help Magnesium, not only tablets but cream as well helps me relax and a nice old soak in the bath with oregano oil helps clear mind and body of all sorts and get rid of negatives in your life think of only positive 's good luck everyone.

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