Surgery for endometriosis and awful peri symtpoms

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Hello my fellow sufferers,

I just came back from hospital..I had a laparoscopic surgery to remove a endometriosis cyst from my right ovary. The doctor's report refers that I also had two nodes of endometriosis, adhesions apart from the cyst ( endometrioma).

My problem is that I am sure and according to my blood tests, I am perimenopausal and I am experiencing everything on the list on a severe degree.

I was wondering how endometriosis could be considered as estrogen related disease and at the same time have endometriomas and etc.

Anyone with similar experience?

Is it possible develop them in past time?

I want to receive hormone treatment because my estrogen deficiency symptoms are severe and I am afraid that doctors will not believe me! I am in a deadlock.

God has totally abandoned me

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry I meant how endometriosis could be consider as estrogen related disease and I am experiencing awful estrogen deficiency symptoms?

    I am so confused and very desperate.

    I know my body is screaming for estrogen..the itching, my joint pains, mood swings, hot flushes...I have everything

  • Posted

    God hasn't totally abandoned you!

    Have you ever been extremely lonely, maybe even when you were surrounded by people? Have you ever felt cut off? Have you ever felt as though your friends abandoned you or that you were completely misunderstood?

    If so, then you have a faint idea of what Jesus Christ went through as he agonized in the Garden of Gethsemane. In a way, we all face personal Gethsemanes in life, times when it seems as though the world is closing in on us, times of ultimate stress when the cup that we are supposed to drink seems too much to bear, times when we feel like we can’t go on another day.

    We cannot always know the will of God in every given situation. But there are times when we know the will of God, and, frankly, we don’t like it. There are other times when we know the will of God, and it doesn’t make any sense. My friend Randy Alcorn uses the term “Father-filtered,” which means that either God did it, or God allowed it.

    Jesus, being God in human form, knew the future. He knew what was coming down. In John’s account of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, we see Jesus literally suffering – suffering so badly that he was effectively sweating blood. This, next to the cross, was most likely the lowest and loneliest moment in the life of Jesus.

    In the Bible, some significant things happen in gardens. In the Garden of Eden, people sinned. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus conquered sin. In the Garden of Eden, Adam hid himself. In the Garden of Gethsemane, our Lord boldly presented himself. In the Garden of Eden, the sword was drawn. In the Garden of Gethsemane, the sword was sheathed.

    At this point, Jesus had preached his last sermon. He had his last meal. And He also had prayed a beautiful prayer in which he prayed for us (see John 17). Matthew’s gospel tells us that Jesus said to Peter, James, and John, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me” (26:38 NKJV).

    Peter, James, and John spent a lot of time with Jesus apart from the other disciples. When Jesus raised the daughter of Jairus from the dead, he took Peter, James, and John with him. When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain, he had taken Peter, James, and John with him. And in the Garden of Gethsemane, again it was Peter, James, and John. Were they the Lord’s favorites? Maybe. Or perhaps there was another reason. Maybe Jesus wanted these guys close by so He could keep an eye on them. Whatever the reason, what an honor to be asked by Jesus to be with Him at this crucial moment of his life.

    Notice that Jesus did not say, “Explain this to Me,” because Jesus didn’t need an explanation. He didn’t say, “Preach to Me,” because Jesus didn’t need to hear a sermon. He simply said, “Stay here with Me.” Because He was lonely, because He was in agony, because He was in pain, He just wanted someone there with them. That’s really all Jesus was asking for.

    Matthew tells us that Jesus “went on a little farther and bowed with His face to the ground, praying, ‘My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine’” (verse 39 NLT). Evidently, Jesus was in such agony that He cast himself to the ground in prayer.

    Jesus, being God, knew the future in vivid detail. He knew he would be denied by the one he had perhaps invested the most in, Simon Peter. He knew that he would be rejected by his own people, Israel, whom he came to save. He knew that his disciple Judas Iscariot was about to betray him with a kiss. He knew he would be tried in a kangaroo court of injustice and subjected to unfair treatment – ironically, all in the name of God.

    And worst of all, Jesus, who had been in constant communion with the Father and the Holy Spirit, would have to bear all the sin of the world, past, present and future. We know that for a time, Jesus would be separated from God the Father as he bore the sin of the world, causing him to cry, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34 NKJV)

    That is why Jesus said, “If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me.” In other words, “If there’s another way, please find it.” But of course, there was no other way.

    D.L. Moody, one of the great preachers from days gone by, made this statement: “Spread out your petition before God, and then say, ‘Thy will, not mine, be done.’ The sweetest lesson I have learned in God’s school is to let the Lord choose for me.”

    Let the Lord choose. He will make a better choice than you will, because He has all the background information. If you’re facing a closed door, a broken relationship, sickness or disease or a disappointment in life, God is still in control. He loves you, and He has a plan.

    A 19th-century poem entitled “Gethsemani” [sic] by Ella Wheeler says it well:

    All those who journey soon or late

    Must pass within the garden gate

    Must kneel alone in darkness there

    And battle with some fierce despair.

    God pity those who cannot say

    “Not mine, but Thine,” who only pray

    “Let this cup pass,” and cannot see

    The purpose in Gethsemani.

    We must never be afraid to place an unknown future into the hands of a known God. There’s a purpose in your Gethsemane.

    • Posted

      All of my life, my faith in God, Virgin Mary and SAints was enormous. I do not want to become arrogant but I used to be the best human being. I offered my help and my love to many, I have been betrayed by people and my gift was the most awful, rare hormonal disorder along with ovarian cysts and surgeries. Why Jesus?

      You know better than me but in this time I cannot anymore. My soul, body, mind are dead. I want to see a bit of light of GOD.

      Thank Him for returning home at least, I did not want to die in a surgery room or in a hospital

      I appreciate so much your long reply in your effort to reassure me. You are a good person.

      To be honest, I did not want to do this surgery but my mother insisted and the doctors of course.

      My main health problem is estrogen deficiency symptoms.

      I know that I am considered "finished"

      I am in a deadlock ....I firmly believe that Evil has conquered my body through hormones. I feel the hormonal torture every day, every hour.

      I am so young to experiencing this kind of disorders and there is no medical solution till now

    • Posted

      my good lady I am too young for this! I am only 32 years old.

      Something extremely rare and abnormal is happening with my hormones and my ovaries .

      Evil has conquered my body through hormones! I am sure! All these are not normal.

      Devil is chasing me frantically. Evil wants to admit his power but I never do this.

      I am sure that I need hormone treatment in order to function.

      God my God reveal a treatment for me.

      Hormones have killed me

  • Edited

    Hi there, endometriosis is usually caused from imbalanced hormones, usually too much estrogen, it can also be genetic and can effect women from beginning of the first mense to the last is possible that is has been there a long time or just formed from our ever going hormonal surges brought on by perimenopause.

    it sounds like they cleaned things up today. As for hormone therapy that is totally an individuals decision. In perimenopause it is so unpredictable as one month you could be low on estrogen then the next month too much, so taking estrogen be prepared some months you could be getting too much of it and your liver will have to work extra hard to get rid of it, most of us at this age have slower more clogged liver, so becareful.

    GOD has not abandoned you, this is a natural thing our bodies must go through to get to the end of our cycles. our bodies are reacting to the lack or too much hormone, stress/anxiety is going to make it soooooooo much worse.

    • Posted

      Hello good lady,

      thanks for your reply.

      In my case, it is not so natural because I am only 32 years old and suffering with peri for the last 2 years unstoppably. Hormones have literally killed me.

      I believe that this endometrioma was there before peri started or the root cause in my case is not too much estrogen

      I am afraid to take any hormones but believe me I cannot bear the estrogen deficiency symptoms anymore. I know I am an error of nature, but I am suffering so much.

      I am praying in God to die soon. I am suffering and along with me my family. The re is no theraphy, no miracle for me. I am finished

    • Posted

      Awe 😦 It really sounds like there is so much going on inside you. It is hard to converse but if you and I were sitting down for tea right now I would give you a big hug. When we don't feel good, it plays on our minds and very easily we can sink into a depression, but you sound like a fighter and you my girl will not let this hormone issue win over your life. If your tests show low hormones then perhaps that is what you need, just make sure they keep checking your progress. The first thing is in all of this look at the positive you mentioned you were grateful you made it through surgery so I say that is a HUGE positive and God has a plan for you. Sometimes we have to go through tough times to come out stronger, every single person on this forum could tell you something tough they have gone through and how it made them a better person, we don't see it at the time. You know what has really helped me is putting my focus on other things, getting involved in different things, For two years I struggled hard, I was in the hospital ER rooms more than I care to count, doctors office visits, tests, you name it, I was feeling like I was losing my mind, I also care for 2 special needs children and I lost my mother over 9 years ago to breast cancer. I too had thought many times life was too much to bear, but then I started to realize I had a lot to live for even on days my body was not feeling well. I took some online courses and I passed them, and now I am in a course working on being a certified reflexologist. You are young, and despite the hormone issue, you are healthy, that is a HUGE blessing right there. So chin up, keep going forward, stay positive and what ever happened in the past leave it there, don't let this define your life.

    • Posted

      I cannot handle this hormonal hell anymore!

      I know that many people around the world are suffering, many children even babies, wars around us, poverty, problems, problems nothing else, the humanity needs God mercy...I wanted to be strong to be useful and contribute to become our world better and now I am in a unpredictable condition for my age!

      We need hugs, support, love without limits

      I need hormone treatment I cannot bear this "cross" anymore.

      I have to wait because my surgery is recent.

      I pray, pray, pray for me and for everyone.

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