Surgical meno hell again

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Hello again ladies, so sick and tired of all this. I made an appointment with GP yesterday to discuss all my symptoms and how im feeling, it took some courage as just walking through the door puts me in a state of distress. Well she was running an hour behind and I was so hot and dizzy when I finally did go in all I spoke about was my dodgy knees and not what I went in there for - I could tell she was rushing me and after she looked at my knees and told me it was cartilage problems I was ushered to the door. So here I am again stressing and feeling sick with all they symptoms - I can't go back again as it took all I had to get there let alone the stress of hanging around for ages. I feel a fool as nothing's changed and im in the same boat as I was before, I'm so angry with myself x

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Please don't be angry with yourself because they always rush us and we forget to talk about why we are originally there because this matter is so sensitive ! If you don't feel comfortable going back then go to the emergency room and make sure you are ok. It took me Two PCP visits and four emergency room visits to finally get out what I needed to say! And finally I am on meds for gerd( heartburn) anxiety meds and meds for my lower back and leg pains. Don't get discouraged because only you can speak for you!!
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      Oh gosh poor you for going through that but it's good you made it in the end. She knows I have anxiety and as I was leaving she just gave me a card with a number for counselling but I really wanted to talk to her and get some answers. I know doctors are very busy maybe I should have booked a double appointment. Yes you are right I suppose they can't guess how we are feeling we have to tell them , when time is very restricted we feel even more stressed and under pressure . Maybe I'll be able to make another appointment in time - either that or I will end up just going into A and E ! 
  • Posted

    Don't be so hard on yourself Lou. I did the same thing. I was having a panic attack so bad and all I was doing was signing in. The doc took so long I was literally in tears by the time she came in. I could barely tell her what I was there for. She took a look at me panicking and suggested I see a psychiatrist for depression. She said I'll check your hormones. It could be perimenopause but I think it's just a little depression. I was right back at square one. I've even left an appointment because i was so anxious and the doc took too long to call me back. I plan to go back but at my comfort level. You can go back. Just take your time. I know you want some relief but still take your time. If and when you decide to go back. Try some deep breathing techniques to get you through the appointment. That's the only way I can get through it. Write down your concerns and take it with you so you when you are feeling uncomfortable and anxious you won't forget what you wanted to address. I hope this helps a little. ((Hugs))
    • Posted

      Oh god Jamie I know all about panic attacks I have them a lot , I have to get on the floor wherever I am with thumping heart and tingling face hands and legs it's so horrible I can't bear it. I don't know if I can go back to the doctors as it tools weeks and weeks to go yesterday after numerous cancelled appointments , all my own doing I just can't face it and I suppose if I go to A and E they will just send me back to my doctor. We only have two doctors in our surgery one man who I can't bear as he misdiagnosed my huge ovarian cyst over two years ago and the lady hasn't got the time it's hopeless. Oh I don't know what I'm gonna do I can't seem to find the strength to help myself im so worried about everything im stuck x
    • Posted

      I have a docs appointment on Thursday and I am not looking forward to it. It makes me anxious thinking about it. I really don't want to go but I have to because the GP I had no longer accepts my insurance. So I have to see a new GP since I'm on scripted meds. I couldn't get an appointment with the new GP, I had to take an appointment with a nurse practioner for the practice. Guess the GP is busy. I just don't feel like going over my story and issues all over again and having more anxiety than I already do. I'm hoping this new one will at least listen to me and not say im just depressed. Don't feel stuck. Try to see if you can get a phone consultation. At least you won't have to go in if that's possible.
    • Posted

      Hi Jamie I sympathise I really do, I know what it's like as it takes all our courage and everything we have just to walk through the surgery doors, but you can be braver than me and just go for it - im sure it will be fine you can do it. I'm quite good at helping others but never listen to my own advice ! Trouble is with telephone appointments with our surgery is that you always get the male doctor and I don't like his attitude anyway - I have problems and I want answers but I need someone calm and reassuring to help me and he's abrubt and down right rude and makes me feel stupid, I can see myself going to A and E I can't see an answer apart from that.......our surgery is behind the times and we live in the middle of nowhere , the nurses there are fantastic though but can't do prescriptions - last time I saw a nurse there with an infection she went and asked the doctor for antibiotics and he wouldn't give me any, that's what he's like - rude arrogant and unkind. must insist on being listened too, get your answers if you possible can, I will keep my fI gers crossed for you, you CAN do it x
    • Posted

      Thanks Lou,

      I really appreciate those words of encouragement. I am going to keep my appointment. I'm anxious about it, but I just want to get it over with. If you go to the A & E I know they will refer you to the doc, but if they check you over at least you can put that to rest a little.

    • Posted

      Oh Jamie I get you I really do, you're gonna be fine just take some deep breaths and be brave - do it for you and get the answers you need before you leave, you are entitled to it and it's your right as a person don't forget that - you are important and special, I know what anxiety is like but you can do it, don't leave until you get the answers you need you will feel better for it. Yes maybe a check up in A and E , just a once over for reassurance that I don't get from GP will make me feel better, I'm not ready at the moment as im far too stressed and anxious - if I go now they'll be sending for the straight jacket ! I'll be hysterical I know I will so I need to be a bit calmer and gear myself up for it, God this damm menopause causes so much havoc it's unreal it's turned me from a rational calm thinking person to an emotional anxious wreck x
    • Posted

      You and me both Lou. This anxiety is crazy. It just took me by surprise. I have never had issues with anxiety. I just try hard to deal with it. I've gotten much better but still needs some work.
    • Posted

      Yes anxiety is a major issue for many of us, I think it's because we are bombarded with so many health issues at this time it's too much for us to take on as it all happens at once , we get our heads round one problem then another one is waiting to take over , no wonder we feel so bad. I'd like to see a man cope with all this, my hubby gets a slight sniffle and oh my god don't I know about it but when it's me he doesn't want to know ! X
    • Posted

      My partner is like that. He gets a cough and he is in the bed acting like he can't do anything. But when it's me he just looking at me like I'm crazy. He has been patient and understanding when it first started happening. Now he like it's been 5 months and you still don't have it together. I tried to explain that this stuff comes and goes, but he doesn't get it. I just tell him now, I don't feel well.
    • Posted

      Yes it seems like a lot of men can't cope when we have a crisis, if I go and lie down he asks me if I want some toast ! Toast - no I don't want a piece of toast I want some help ! and then it's ' what's for dinner ' .........useless. Means well in his own strange way but honestly just has not got a clue just stares at me like a great big wet fish ! X
  • Posted

    Hi Lou, I'm sorry about your experience and please don't feel foolish, you have nothing to feel foolish about. Everyone is stressed out in the NHS.  Sure that should not be our problem but I think it can be helpful to see it that way.  Writing stuff down before is great advice that I must follow. It is very frustrating feeling rushed and not getting your point across. Of course I'm great with the advice; just got off the phone with a extremely rude Gny nurse and the only way I could respond was to demand her name 3 times.,argh!! On wards and upwards, we can do this, we are anyway.
    • Posted

      hi amanda im sorry about your bad experience , the more I read the more I hear about bad experiences , why won't anyone listen to us after all that's what they are there for. Sometimes I wonder if they can be bothered at all. Maybe I would be better off going to A and E. Oh I don't know I'm so confused and getting myself in a right old state again, I can feel my heart thumping like mad with all the worry - oh to be young again x
  • Posted

    Hi Lou,

    It makes me wonder what it will take to drag some of our GP's into the 21st century, many have little or no understanding of peri/menopause. You say your GP knows you have anxiety but doesn't take the time to get to the root of the problem (it's easier to dish out leaflets for counselling).  Don't give up but please don't go to A&E,  they will refer you back to the GP anyway.  Ask for a telephone consultation, at least you'll be in your own home and may find it easier to run through your concerns if you haven't had to sit for ages in the waiting room which is always a stressful experience.

    Hope you get some relief soon

    • Posted

      thank you and yes I agree they are behind the times especially my male Gp Hes useless. Trouble is with a telephone appointment it's always the male doctor I can't take too and all he will do is tell me to take laxatives that's all he ever says ! What to do, I don't know - if I could get the anxiety under control I might be able to make decisions , but I can't even see anyone to get anything for the anxiety in the first place. Uugghh x

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