Surgical Menopause and strongly advised to take Femoston -Conti!
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I'm aged 46,
In 2012 I had a 10cm Dermoid on left Ovary and had it removed along with a mangled Fallopian tube and the Ovary.After this I had hot flushes and just assumes it would all settle.Fast forward to April 2016 and another Tumour was discovered on my Right Ovary after a back MRI.I have recently had the surgery..another Oophorectomy thus rendering my basket of eggs empty and thrown into post Menopause.I just got the all clear today from my Onc/Gyn and prescribed Femoston-Conti.I was strongly advised to go on it for 5 years.I have severe arthritis and breast cancer in the family.My Tumour turned out to be benign,again,thankfully and I'm just feeling my usual self again though still a bit bloated.Any useful comments from others in a similar situation would be helpful.Im overweight but have battled to lose 4 1/2 stone and still a bit to go and I'm worried that HRT could make my already hard weight battle harder.
Thanks in advance for reading my waffle
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Whino dobb34487
Best wishes to you, dobb. It sounds like you have really been through it!
I am not in those shoes so don't know which way you should go. But just a couple of thoughts for what it's worth (although I suspect you've already thought of them yourself anyway!):
FIrst, you do decide to give the HRT a chance, it's nothing more than that and you can always discontinue it should your concerns outweigh the benefits.
Or, if you feel like you're doing okay for now without it, why not just keep HRT in mind for the future if your symptoms become miserable enough, but keep on with what you're doing for now.
And then of course there are many other things you can try as well, the herbal remedies and such.
I would take it day by day. If you feel good right now and worry about HRT contributing to weight gain, then why not stick to that for right now?
Of course I should not share one of my favorite coping mechanisms with you right now but when I feel miserable, it is amazing what a nice online purchase does for me! Also, wine. Come to think of it, you shoudn't listen to me at all! Good luck to you. Please keep us updated as to how you are doing.
dobb34487 Whino
Thankyou Whino
After a night of hellish non stop quilt flipping, pajama stripping, like being in a sauna, boiling flashes!!!!! I got straight up and couldn't take the little pill quick enough this morning just to make it stop!Yes I know it won't be Instant, or will it??
I did have a Peach shnaps last night and alcohol does make me have more "lady blushes" I have noticed that before
Totally agree on the "purchase" idea.....I too confess to doing that crime
I know there's alot of herbal things to try and I did get some Krill Oil capsules to try.
Thanks for your helpful thoughts
pinkcatfairy dobb34487
Dear dobb
I had both my ovaries out last July just as a preventative measure (I lost an aunt at 21to ovarian cancer) and my lovely sister died from breast cancer. I was having yearly transvaginal ultrasounds and I was told that I had simple cyst on my ovaries. I suppose I decided to have the ovaries out as I didn't want the worry of them saying the cysts had changed or got bigger etc. I was about 51 when this happened. I do not take anything apart from multi vit with magnesium.
I did suffer bad nightsweats initially but it is nothing more than throwing the covers off and on now but no sweats. Six months down the line I suffered terrible anxiety and had panic attacks but since taking the magnesium I feel alot better. Also since taking the magnesium it has helped the painful muscle/joint aches too.
I know that I shouldn't drink caffeine so much but I do but cutting back on that and alcohol I believe is beneficial but I do like the odd drink a little of what you fancy does you good. Drinking alot of water is good and I like to swim too. This was particularly hard when I was feeling anxious but I pushed myself to go and it helps me feel good. X
dobb34487 pinkcatfairy
Thankyou Pinkcatfairy (great name by the way, all I did was change one letter in my name, so no one I know,knows it's me, doh)
Firstly I am so sorry to hear of your losses, I can't imagine losing my sister and a young aunt!my sincere condolences to you.
My Mum has just had a battle with breast Cancer and is coming up for her first 6 month check since the treatment finished, so it's an anxious time.
Sorry to also read that you had your ovaries removed, though I totally understand why.How did you find the Op? Did you bruise and swell out much? I bruised massively both times and alot of swelling took place.Ive seen other ladies online and they looked nothing like me post surgery!
After a horrific unbearable night of no sleep and boiling, non stop flushes took the little pill! I think because you were 51?that this also makes a difference to the HRT debate.Ive been told it would be wise to take until 51, if it agrees with me, that Is.
I do drink my 2 litres of water daily and don't like Coffee.My husband has been nagging to start swimming again, so we will start on Monday together now I'vegot the go ahead to cCottinge life as before, Arthritis allowing.
Thankyou for your response.
Take care
Continue life as before* was what was meant to be said...
pinkcatfairy dobb34487
I'm sorry to hear about your mum and I wish her a speedy recovery, answering your question about my surgery, all went well really! I wish you well in your recovery x!