Switching Mood States

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I am still trying to cope with these switching mood states. Yesterday, for basically the entire day, I was in a state of euphoria: everything was rainbows and butterflies! When I am in this state, I feel confident, in control of my life, so happy, without any worries.

Today, it has switched back, and I feel down, disconnected, with weird thoughts going through my mind. 

I even took a video of myself yesterday, to remind myself that I always go back to feeling well.

Sure hoping that my hormones level out soon, so that I can live my life on a much more even keel!

Any other women having similar experiences?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Yesss!!  Got to love hormones.  The fluctuation is so intense sometimes. Your not alone! 
    • Posted

      Thanks, Amy. What do you do to cope with these shifts? I am just riding them out, but it is very challenging. Sometimes I feel so down, that I don't see the point in continuing on, even though I know that I have to. I keep reminding myself that I will get to the other side, but it is soooo tough!

  • Posted

    Omg we sound like twins I was in such a mood yesterday feeling sad etc and then today I'm happy singing in the car I sure love the good days I have to say when I feel down and out I try to find something that always makes me laugh A TV show or a video on line etc Although it doesn't bring me out of my mood totally it does seem to take a little of the edge off ( I hope that makes sense) I keep telling myself it will getter better and do my best to handle what's going on sending hugs

    • Posted

      Thanks, Amy, for your kind words and support! I guess that we just muddle through in the best way that we can. I try to stay busy, so I can at least feel productive and proud of myself.
    • Posted

      I do agree, though, the good days are amazing!!
  • Posted

    Hi Bev,

    I go through the mood shifts too, last week I could have cried over anything and wished a bus would just hit me and end this craziness....this week I'm happy as pie.

    Do you notice your mood changes around your cycle? I've got a pattern going, the week before my period and the week during my period I'm very crank and mean, very negative about myself too, the week after my period I'm sad, will cry over the littlest thing on TV or really just anything,I'm in the deps of despair then I get one good week, happy, confident and social (I'm on that week right now) I was not this up and down before peri hit.

    I'm sorry it's happening to you....I wouldn't wish this on anyone....but sometimes I secretly wish that some people, the ones that I can tell that judge me, could just experience it just for a week. I wish I had advice, I totally get it, when I'm low it's really hard to convince myself I'll have some good days coming....but that's what I try to remind myself

    • Posted

      Hi Samantha,

      I am really feeling that I am nearing the end, as everything has intensified tremendously. I have shifting of moods throughout the day, but, unfortunately, the depression and anxiety seem to be dominating my experience. My period now lasts only a couple of days, and it is light, but then I can have spotting throughout the month on and off with lots of cramping and bloating.

      I force myself to keep going with my activities, but it can be so tough. I find myself going from happy (not enough of these times) to crying and inconsolable to numb with depression to have scary thoughts, to euphoria. If I wasn't experiencing it myself, I wouldn't believe that hormones could do this!

      I agree that I would like others to experience what I am going through, so that they could understand just how tough it is to manage these emotional symptoms.

      I am, otherwise, a healthy person, so I do believe that my body and mind will recalibrate in time. My psychiatrist told me to stay away from hormones and antidepressants, as they would likely only worsen my symptoms. He said that the best advice is just to ride it out, tough though it may be.

      How old are you and where do you think that you are in your peri journey?

    • Posted

      I agree with your doctor, when I first went to the doctor a few years ago when I was experiencing one of my bad weeks, of course he prescribed antidepressant, the first one wasn't too bad but it didn't help a lot, then the second one made anxiety and depression entensify, I absolutely refuse to try a third. I'm not saying they don't help some people but they are not for me, in the long wrong it would have saves me months of chaos in my life if I hadn't been given them. HRT, I can't say it hasn't crossed my mind to ask for it, but that seems to be a toss of the dice, depending on the woman, I have a fear I'll go the wrong way. I'm trying to stick to just pushing through iI and I eat healthy and excercise every day...but some of those bad days are tough to get through....I cherish the good days smile

  • Posted

    Hello Dear Bev and ladies

    Jeez i swear I could not empathize with you more. Its truly just so much exactly what im feeling too.

    Yesterday i had a very long work day 10 hrs, and I made it. My brain was focused, i was for the most part decently optimistic..and today it started neutral then just went down hill from there.

    I can actually 'feel' the shifting, its like i know that im going down. Its been dreadful today.

    I have one very good  friend who is menopausal like i am but she is really weirded out about my depression and how my moods are this bad. She has anxiety here and there but doesnt 'get it'. 

    Ive gone off the bio identicals as they only made me feel like im in a hormonal Storm never ending creepinesss and weepiness and weirdness and darkness.. you get it.

    Now im 5 days off of the hormones and dont feel any better at all. Not sure where to turn or what to do.

    I think its a brilliant idea that you took a video of yourself. I might have my boys do a video of some sort of us, when im feeling good. I wont tell them why exactly but i would like to have something to see myself to reinforce and give me strength to go on, because the bad days are prettttttty bad. 

    i forget whether you are post menopausal or not but im over 1 yr meno and im still exactly the same..its like ive lost my right to my life as I knew it, its like Ive lost my mind in a way although im completely rational and sane, my mood/depression/whatever you want to call it, has taken away my whole well being.

    Nothing could ever be as bad as this no joking. I would rather be dying of cancer at least its palpable, justifiable, acceptable, pitied whatever.This? This is cruel.

    sending you the purest of understanding and support


    • Posted

      Wow, Mauiblue, you have captured the experience completely! I feel like a shell of who I used to be; I don't even recognize myself anymore. I am so tired of having to be strong, as this perimenopausal journey seems never-ending. 

      I am turning 50, and haven't yet started skipping periods, although that seems imminent. 

      I just don't know how much longer I can keep this up. It just feels like unbearable punishment, and I am frustrated and angry that I can't live my life in the way that I want. I often feel so out of it, as though I am barely there. The idea of living life like this interminably is inconceivable to me.

      I am trying to keep hope alive, but it is so difficult. I have never had to deal with anything as horrendous as this, and I feel like I am being cheated of my life.

      I so hope to get back to the happy, confident, and optimistic person that I was. 

      Sending you healing; may it come quickly for both of us.

    • Posted


      I didnt stop my cycles til mid way through 52 yrs. For me I believe that it is worse now that im in the middle of menopause 1 yr post and 53yrs. 

      I have tried so many things, read, researched, it seems like there is nothing that works really. Ive exhausted all resources except maybe a few.

      Since I stopped bio identicals - 5 days now- Im finding that im in a worse place if this is possible. 

      When you have zero estrogen in your system (as I do) then not taking anything is even worse. Im wondering what your counselor says with regards to why estrogen would not help you as far as your mood stability? 

      I actually work with doctors, and a NP, and also a pharmacist next door to the clinic where im at. i held the belief that bio identicals would help only because i work up close and personal with patients and have access to lots of information. they firmly believe that it supports us while going through this.

      Mind you...i have NO estrogen, so their thought was that it could provide relief, which it hasnt really.

      Its been 9 months of troubleshooting, saliva tests etc. to No avail.

      My guess in your case

      is that your fluctuations are still bigger still, and so there is no need for measuring or calibrating until you are post menopausal. Perhaps when you go into this phase, your hormones will bottom out and at that time you might be able to get relief from them.

      Yes I feel 

      like ive been cheated of my life also, and the life im trying to give my boys, i think thats what really hurt more. They know how I am and feel helpless because they can not help me. Trying to hold down a job, and taking care of my boys, without support has been indescribably painful and grueling.

      Im for the most part in a survival mode. 

      I get hours of reprieve though, sometimes 6-8 hrs where i feel strong, normal..not estatic, but my normal self. Then i wake up and start all over again. 

      My hope is to move from where we are and find support from a good counselor that knows womens issues, and can lead me to a better place. 

      You say that you dont know how long you can keep this up, EXACTLY my sentiments. and yes it is like a punishment. I dont know what ive done to be given this curse.im a good person, dedicated to my boys, its all il care about, not sure why or how it happened.

      I know that something is missing, and i need to somehow stumble upon the insight somewhere..

      Totally understand you Dear...

      sending healing waves over to you.



    • Posted

      Thanks, Mauiblue. This morning I felt on the brink of suicide and disclosed this to my boyfriend, who is an absolute saint and massive support!

      Fast forward 12 hours, and I now feel totally at peace. Happy in my cottage, feeling secure, with a clear mind and optimistic attitude.

      In terms of hormones, since I have no clue what they are doing at any given moment, I can't see how a doctor could possibly know what amount of any given hormone I would need. I am going to stay the course and get through this incredibly challenging time.

      You will get well, Mauiblue. Your body and brain will adjust.

      When I feel positively awful, I play back in my mind a happy time from the not too distant past, and I relive it in the most minute detail. This helps to remind me that I will always come back to happiness. Time is the crucial factor.

      Sending positive support your way!

    • Posted


      I think that is a great idea also to remind ourselves that we are also well part of the time.

      Yesterday was awful for me, but towards the evening i was a bit calmer and able to just BE with my kids, feeling calmer.Mostly i am in a not so good state, so its mostly low low moods.

      I have very little coping abilitites with the heightened anxiety on top of it, so it a mix of depression and anxiety. At the same time i need to know that i can work and keep plugging forward for my boys, so that is what im doing.

      Even though im menopausal now i know we are feeling very similarily dreadful...i can tell.

      Yes given the fluctuations of the hormones for you there is no way a doctor can honestly say what yo need, its impossilbe. Even for me..they are just guessing.

      im here for you and you are blessed to have a support system, its priceless. I have myself to talk to and that is dangerous, so im trying to meditate and get out of the head.

      thank you for your support, yes we will get through it.

      Im here for you for whatever you need



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