Swollen and sore breasts for weeks at a time
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HEY GIRLS!!! I have had extremely swollen breasts for about 3 weeks straight Ive had this right before my cycle but this keeps happening,,, for on going periods of time, I am peri but 53 years old, close to meno and sick of all the tests, don't want another mammogram::: does this constantly happen to you girls??? We are talking before,after and during my cycle seems like all the time... inflammation I AM SURE!!!! xxxxx
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claire38123 Beverlys1
I also suffer from really sore and very lumpy boobs iv even had to start wearing soft sports bras for the last 6 months only wear nice bras if going out i was sent for mammogram in jan on my bloody birthday as my GP found several lumps and my mum had breast cancer 3 years ago, at the same time blood tests shown i was in peri i had an hysterectomy at 39 iam now 46 but kept my ovaries i got the all clear but the DR i saw at the breast clinic told me this was normal and expect my boobs to get more sore and lumpy as you go through the menopause and told me to try evening primrose oil but this didnt help me but its worth a try you never know it works for some xx big hugs xx
unico31026 Beverlys1
i am 43 and in peri and i also have the swollen , sore and lumpy breasts except for mine can happen anytime not just during my monthly.
kelly55079 Beverlys1
Yes.. Before it was just before period but now it's happening more!! I also started to wear sports bras because I'm finding that it's more comfy when boobs feel sore/lumpy.
thank you for all your responses girls,,Two and three intervals straight is just concerning,,,
charcey97 Beverlys1
Anyone have this happen in one breast more than the other? I have the same issue as of late. I had a mammogram (which was fine) back in March. A couple months ago it was both breasts and just recently it’s been more like a sense of fullness and tenderness on the left versus the right. Probably just what’s happening at this particular cycle. Although, its lumpy too. Not necessarily hard lumps, but then again, I always question what I'm supposed to be feeling. Had a hysterectomy two years ago and still have my ovaries, so it’s hard to tell where my cycle actually is.