
Posted , 6 users are following.

47 and never had children and currently going through all the symptoms which point to menopause.

Haven't slept properly for a few months now due to the night sweats, my emotions are all over the place, can't concentrate on anything, sex drive has totally gone.

What can I do to help me through this

Thank you

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5 Replies

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    You have years to go and post menapause comes with symptoms too. You have choices of using hormone replacement therapy or allowing mother nature to run it course. I chose the later and its rough at times. Make sure you take a good multi vitamin, vitamin d gel pills and eat as healthy as you can. Lower caffiene, stop sodas and greasy junk and try and do some cardio. Lots of water to rehydrate. Those sweats are draining. I still get sweat sometimes or im freezing its whatever it feels like at this point. I have learned to dress in layers and sleep in a tee shirt and use blanket layers. Your sleep cycle will be different. Im happy if i get five hours in a row honestly, things change as we woman age. Your overall health will change as well, more sensitive to stuff including meds and foods. But on a happy note most everyone gets through it and it does become a convo where you will all laugh at the symptoms. Not that they are funny but its the way it is. men have it much easier in that regard, 
  • Posted

    If we all knew the answer to that one. If your Dr.will prescribe with HRT. Miy Obgyn won't cause of the possible cancer causing effects. However, not sure how true that all is. I heard it does help sine, but everyone is different. Some vitamins like Vitamib D and B12 help with the anxiousness. Keep busy and exercise or yoga help too.

    I have the night sweats too so can relate. They come on heavy some nights and othe nights not so much. My wright and muscles seem smaller. Stomach and butt bigger. This morning had joint pains in my forearms, and shoulders. Only feel good when I'm keeping busy and moving. Good to keep your mind off your symptoms cause all you will do is worry and get more depressed/anxious.

    Hope your sleep and night sweats get better. Sleep in lightweight clothes or nude. Use lighter blankets and my ceiling fan helps too.

    I heard symptoms do get better after a few years or in complete or post meno., so its unfortunately its a long waiting game.

    This forum is a lifesaver though. You at feel you are not going crazy. We all are experiencing most of the same symptoms. So good to know you are not alone and people on thus forum are very helpful and give some good advice. Keeps you sane.

  • Posted

    Well auntyh it's either HRT or the natural route.

    I have tried a few natural things siberian ginseng DHT. Vitamin B6 vitamin b12 and niacin (b3).

    I think the best natural thing and rather a surprise was a lady magnate which seemed to lessen the hot flushes a bit.

    I thought I was coping with things quite well but so not interested in sex and it was more than that like sex first became a chore then it was just yuk I can do without this ever again.

    I am now on HRT estrogen progesterone and testosterone, my sex life has improved considerably. Sleep is better and less hot all the time and some strange aches and pains have gone.

    I've only been on it just over a month but quite a change already also calmer.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      So sorry auntyh. I meant DHEA not DHT.
  • Posted

    My saviour is swimming i feel better afterwards, if you don't exercise i would recommend it. I dont sleep aswell as i did but i go to bed earlier to make up the hours i loose when i wake! I try to drink quite abit of water to keep the digestion healthy! Xx

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