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Anybody got these symptoms, hot then freezing cold feel like your going to fall over, heart palps, feeling scared, Anixety panicking,  feel bad, dry hair, sleep problems, nasauea, tummy feeling weird let me know.

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38 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi maria,

    I've had them all. HRT has helped all but sleep.

    • Posted

      I scared to go on that after hearing so many stories about it, I'm glad it has help you.
  • Posted

    Hi Maria,

    yes I get most......feeling sick,period like pains In my stomach ( I have even done a couple of posts in regards of this!! And even now still get it and still no further forward on what it is?)

    and feeling as though I'm going to fall over....... Had it so had  actually did faint at work felt terrible that day,,,,, felt rough all day when I did pass out I ended up going home! 

    Soooooooo many symptoms to add.

    • Posted

      Hi Shelly, not easy, I did felt better for few months bang new year come in crap came back, I just stated feel bit better in myself now I'm feeling all sorts gone back in my hiding hole, I just like to feel calm maybe get through the rest of it.sorry your having dusty time too, hope we get through it really soon.
  • Posted

    All plus itchy skin, no sex drive put on weight , peeing for England etc now on HRT patches and hot flushes are not as severe , better sleep better moods, good luck x
    • Posted

      I forgot to say in my post the things that had improved with HRT. Like the peeing for England and better libido. No heart palpitations any more.

      No anxiety or depression a bit of weight loss and a spring in my step.

      All I really took it for was so very hot and bothered and zero libido, so I'm amazed at how much has changed ( I had forgotten dry skin and hair and lol the peeing for England) these too have improved I don't need the loo 3 times a night and my hair condition is better.

      My sleep has gone back to waking a few times instead of not being able to get off at all.

      One thing that hasn't gone away is thirst I'm always so thirsty (not diabetic) but dry eyes went quite quickly within 2 weeks on it.

      Just coming up to 14 weeks. I had the best Christmas in 10 years, nothing special just my outlook and well being.

      Good stuff when you consider a lot of women (me included) get given anti depressants which have a huge risk for stroke and cause weight gain.

      Then a medication for dizziness maybe another for feeling sick all the time and one for acid reflux. These all come with their own list of side effects and I no longer need them.

    • Posted

      So glad you're feeling more human, I've only been on HRT for a month and already feel so much better, like you still suffer from a dry throat but at least I can sleep now.
    • Posted

      Gosh can't believe all these symptoms related to peri. I've been in this forum the last few days about the acid reflux I'm suffering from which I've never had up until 2 years ago. I am now 46. Wished I could take hrt but my mom died of breast cancer at 49 so I can't take it sad anything else that may help?
    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      As I've said elsewhere before I used HRT. I was prescribed lansoprazol for the acid reflux.

      It was awful I was still tasting my food when I got up in the morning.

      The lansoprazol cut down on the amount of times it happened but it was still there. I also had a permanent bad taste in my mouth.

      I found I got more relief from 2 ginger capsules before meals and lots of ginger tea made with boiling slices of fresh ginger. I made quite a lot each time and stored it in the fridge to drink cold as well.

      I still drink ginger cordial a lot because I came to loving it after a while.

      If I was out and about and I got it I kept a packet of extra strong mints in my bag.

    • Posted

      Hi zigangie

      Yes I'm not sure whether the tabs helped. I am on/off them at the moment cos I don't know what to do for the best 🙀 But will try the ginger capsules thank you

  • Posted

    Hi, you are not alone, I,had all of the symptoms you said last year, I couldn't sleep, dry skins and  hair, mouth, eyes, felt dizzy, depressed, hair fall, tightness in my chest, chest congestions, sore ribs and breast, nausea, lump feeling in my throat, headaches, cough, mouth ulcers, bloated, gas, I had all of this last year and luckily so far this year I feel fine, I think I'm over the worse, I'm back to sort of my old self, periods is very short,  so I know what you are going thru. Just keep busy and don't think too much about it... 
    • Posted

      Gosh those are a lot of symptoms 😳Band when I read through them I've had all of them! The worse is the breathing. Abdomen discomfort, pains in my legs and the sleeping issues. I use to b able to lie in bed a lot of a weekend but now as soon as something wakes me I find it difficult to go back to sleep sad so frustrating when u want a lie in! I'm seeing the doc next week to see what's going on with my body???? Been like this for 18 months - 2 yrs sad
    • Posted

      Hi Kadija, I could not help but notice you had symptoms of chest congestion, sore ribs, and breast stuff, what did you do or use? I have chest pressure and swelling. I notice its when my hot flashes are the worse. 
  • Posted

    I have all of those symtpoms. Some are constant like the dry hair, the others I get in spurts but I have them all and more like bleeding gums, inside tremors, gas, indegestion, you name it, I've had it.
    • Posted

      Hi Jamie, so glad I saw this - you seem to be the only one I have found who also has indigestion - what do you take (if anything) to assist this? No reflux - just a weird feeling like something in my throat that I can swallow? Conscious of it most of the time now - darn!!! Do you take any HRT?

      Thanks for sharing 


    • Posted

      Hi Loui,

      My indegestion is horrible at times. I can barely eat because of it. It started with this peri stuff. I never had that problem before. I'm not on any HRT. Drink plenty of water, and lying down flat sometimes helps moves the food through. I also drink ginger tea or ginger ale. An antacid may help also. My aunt went through the same thing as you had many test and nothing was wrong. It's definitely a peri/meno symptom.

    • Posted

      Hi ladies,

      I suffered quite badly with indigestion, also acid reflux.

      I tried all sorts and the doctor gave me lansoprazol.

      I found by far the best way was 2 ginger capsules before food and lots of ginger tea made with fresh ginger this was more effective than the lansoprazol.

      I also found that the ginger tea helped a lot with nausea as well.

    • Posted

      I agree about the ginger tea Zigangie. I haven't tried capsules, yet. Thanks for the tip.
    • Posted

      Hi jamie

      Just wanted to go over something i missed from your post yesterday, you mentioned that when you took anti depressants it made the depression worse, i think most anti dep can do that, however, the one i was on is called Sertraline its an SSRI anti dep, its what they call a seretonin reuptake inhibitor, meaning it stops the brain taking up all the seretonin leaving us with less than it should so, we get depressed, however, Sertraline is specifically given for PMS sufferes, and as mine got worse during peri i knew it was my hormones that did it, when i told my gp ive suffered with mild depression during my cycles, she prescribed one for PMs, but i asked for a low dosage  given side affects, so, i was only on 50 mg dose one a day, due to low dose it will only take the edge off, but being an SSRI means it also works as a pain reliever, people who suffer migraines are given it also, and it took my head pressure away! which in itself made my head feel immediately lighter which seemed to help my mood, why dont you just consider it, by all means read up on it first?? ther decide, but, if your depression is pms/ hormonal related,maybe this is the one for you, just a thought!

    • Posted

      I also get indegestion, I'm take omeprazole 20 mg daily, it helps as I have gastric problems as well, and this menopause makes it worse.
    • Posted does seem to make everything worse doesnt it, its done the same with me, i cant tell the difference between an illness ive had since childhood, and the menopause, its like ive lived with the thing all my
    • Posted

      I've had gastric problems since the age of 17 yrs old. It's on and off all my life, taken all kinds of medicine but no cure, I've cut down on spicy foods, it helps but as soon as I have a curry it's back again, I feel nausea, bloating, gas, tiredness. And I guess with this menopause thing it's worse, I've put on weight as well, even tho I eat less than 3 yrs ago, this month my periods came but just a dash of brown blood and nothing, looks like my hot flashes have gone, have t had any for 4 months now. So I know how you feel, what I do is I take it as it comes and just focus on the fact that it is temporary, as i can see the menopause symptoms is slowly easing for me, hopefully?? 


    • Posted

      I've had gastric problems since the age of 17 yrs old. It's on and off all my life, taken all kinds of medicine but no cure, I've cut down on spicy foods, it helps but as soon as I have a curry it's back again, I feel nausea, bloating, gas, tiredness. And I guess with this menopause thing it's worse, I've put on weight as well, even tho I eat less than 3 yrs ago, this month my periods came but just a dash of brown blood and nothing, looks like my hot flashes have gone, have t had any for 4 months now. So I know how you feel, what I do is I take it as it comes and just focus on the fact that it is temporary, as i can see the menopause symptoms is slowly easing for me, hopefully?? 


    • Posted you have IBS, or inflammatory bowel disease? my daughter has Crohns.................mines is due to dysautnomia nervous system damage, causes amongst other things slow digestion, same bloatedness, gas etc, post now so mine like yours has eased back.
    • Posted

      I can relate to that. My symptoms have been for the last 2 years but feels like a life time!! I have also noticed of late, don't know if anything to do with Meno but my last 3 periods has come with a UTi sad it's really getting me down. Does anyone else have this?
    • Posted

      Hi kadija. How long did u have your symptoms for? Mine have been for about 2 years I think but think I'm peri. I'm 46 this month. Indigestion, reflux, anxiety, aching pains and bad knees and water infections sad
    • Posted

      Hi Lisa, I have had these peri symptoms for about 2 yrs, got worse last year before it hour better. Now I get only mild symptoms a few days a month . Like ankle pains, it comes and goes as I love my high heels to work, but I wear them in the pain free days. These days I look forward to the symptoms free days to make the most of the stuff I enjoy.. It's a relief to have No allergy,and  I sleep well most days.
    • Posted

      Had the peri symptoms for 2 yrs, last year was the worse and then this year I'm feeling a lot better. I'm 49 yrs old.
    • Posted

      Yes I've had the ankle pain too. Strange 😳 But lately horrible knee pain that wakes me up. Aching pains in legs. Reflux, feel tho I can't breathe and now frequent water infections. Can u suggest anything to help relieve any of this 🙀
    • Posted

      Hi lisa.....................Ankle pain can be a sign of Rheumatoid arthritis, have you been checked for this? it can also effect lungs, as its an inflammatory illness, and can cause infections, not the same as osteo arthritis, i was checked for both types of arthritis, but was asked did i get the pain in my ankles, with rheumatoid it starts in one side of the body then quickly moves over to the opposite side, it causes swelling of the area and you can feel heat when you touch the area affected, if it goes into your blood stream it causes a low grade fever, fatigue, and flu like symptoms, but aching joints can all simply be part of menopause, the same with acid reflux this will also affect your breathing, and chocolate will be a trigger, and you wont be able to lie flat with it when your having a flare up of it, there are lots of ant acids available on the market, HRT i think also, its whether you want to take it, drinking lots of water will help with fatigue, 3 ltres a day during a meno flare, when the fatigue eases so will the aching joints, but sip it dont gulp it. 

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