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Hi all...hope im doin this right. I really need some advice.
I am 48. I have been having diff symptoms for years. Period was heavy few years ago. Then it skipped like 4 months n now well i think its gone for good. Havent seen it in a very long time. Years back too it started where minutes after falling asleep i wake up shaking in what feels like my insides.
On to currently. I sweat and it comes on instantly. Like waves goin down my body. Then in minutes i may be freezing. But it to feels like its just waves of cold goin down my bones.
Belly weight...though I recently stopped drinking alcohol to see if that helps with all this.
Most recent is feeling so blue. I can just sit and sob. Though i have 5 grandkids that make me ghe happiest gramma ever. So i dont know where the sadness comes from.
I have what i call a foggy head. Been feeling off balance standing for years.
Get very mad at my hubby though i feel i have legit reasons. But i want to just let things go. As you can see i have many symptoms. I justdont feel like doing tired all the time. Up intil about a month ago i was up everyday at 5 am without an alarm. Now when i get up it feels like its the middle of the night. I feel lost...
Thanks for listening...any advice will be greatly appreciated.
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ImagineOneDay lindasue1969
Hi I am 48 too and smilar symptoms. But I still have periods. But the fatigue and not wanting to do anything hits me badly time after time.
It is lovely that you have 5 grandchildren. I am same age as you but I have an 8 year old daughter.
You probably have that age or older age grandchildren. Isn't it amasing. Enjoy their company. Hope you feel better soon.
jackie92665 lindasue1969
Hi, I was peri for about 3years then I had my ovaries removed so I'm post menopausal. When I was peri I had the same thing with the tiredness like when I woke after a sleep I still was as tired as if I hadn't slept at all. I had blood tests and it turned out it was my thyroid. Apparently it's common for peri women to have trouble with the thyroid not working properly. I'm on thyroxine now and it's better. Also the lack of hormones can cause tiredness as well. I know what you mean as well about the sitting and sobbing. It's horrible. The menopause is horrible. It makes us feel horrible. I'm on hrt now and I feel better but still depressed,anxious and deeply unhappy. Being able to talk to other ladies going through it as well really helps. I hope you feel a bit better soon xxxx hugs?
tina00239 lindasue1969
You are suffering to the point where you cant function normally. You need to go and see your dr for a very long chat. You may need some HRT to help normalise you. I 'd rather have a period every now and then than the amount and severity of the symptoms I was getting. Lean on your family if you are close. You need support and understanding at this time especially. Lots of lo v e and hugs to you and dont forget there is always someone here for you. XXX
katyD211 lindasue1969
Heyyy Lindasue....
I want you to read as many of the posts on this forum as you can in one sitting. I promise the women here will feel like long time friends of yours. You will see yourself in posts and swear you wrote it.
Personally I've felt and experienced EVERYTHING you wrote. You are not alone. You are not crazy
Welcome to perimeno and her sister menopause....and their shenanigans.
tina00239 katyD211
Too right Katy, the thing is if we set up a T-shirt company on-line which said I've menopaused and proud of it, we'd all qualify for one and we'd be rich just from all the ladies on this forum. It would also unite all of us regardless of age, colour, nationality and where in the world we currently are. One thing we women can all be sure of is that we will all go through this horrid change to varying degrees. Thank god for our close knit community on these forums.LOVE AND KISSES TO ALL LADIES IN THESE GROUPS. YOU ARE ALL FANTASTIC AND I AM PROUD TO BE PART OF THIS EXPERIENCE WITH YOU ALL.
jan66332 lindasue1969